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The perfect size to have fun with.

Because actual loli you dumbfuck.

She's 175cm tall though.

Haha what a midget

That's actually Masamune's height.

Masamune's pretty tall.

Fucking manlets.

She's 12.

Okay tower man

So? I was 5"8 when I was 1w

175 is tall in most countries. unless you are coming from holland, or sweden

>175cm isn't tall for a japanese person
go away sven


>175cm is "tall"
I had no idea Sup Forums was full of manlets.

its not funny, her terrible neet diet has clearly stunted her growth. its tragic. she probably won't live more than a few more years.

Sup Forums is full of spics.

>t. lanklets
Enjoy never finding a waifu

>this is what manlets actually believe

175 is average on "average" countries.

Because that's what mentally deranged sister-fuckers are attracted to.

Yeah, at fucking BIRTH. Youre comparing literal newborns to yourself, manlet.

No one is letting the heights of newborns contribute to average height statistics.

Don't be a fucking idiot.

small hands to make your dick look bigger

Sadly, she is not small at all in her service scenes where she magically gets adult proportions.

hahaha fuck off manlet

>Loli when clothed
>Adult when naked

Seriously what's up with that?

t. petizo

I hate every term that ends in -let

She hasn't hit puberty yet


t. brainlet

What the fuck are you on about? 190cm is the cutoff height for not being a midget in most countries. Have you considered a job as a garden gnome?

175cm is not tall anywhere by any stretch of the imagination, it's actually pretty fucking short

>1.20 cm

Being a midget isn't bad as you think
t. Sasquatch

>175cm is not tall in Japan

I'm 183 and I didn't feel particularly tall when I lived in Tokyo.

You probably have a shitty standing posture

Stop staring at the ground and get your back straight then.

I'm 183 and I was the tallest person everywhere I went unless there was a black guy around. Maybe you didn't feel tall because you never went out side, Mr. Hikki Man.

175 is average.

175 is lower than average the average is 181

i'm 194cm and i don't feel much taller than most men

realistically if you're under 190cm you need to kill yourself

>people just barely shorter than me should kys
i think youre underestimating how many people that would be

I honestly don't get you are fixated with height.

the more the merrier

>tall anywhere

>tfw 188cm manlet

>only 194
You'd look cute on my front lawn

I want to pick Sagiri up and fuck her while standing.

So do I have to try and watch all the episodes of this anime before the feds show up or do they have internet in prisons now? I kind of want to see the loli, but I don't want to get raped in jail afterwards

Begone, normalfag!

Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.

>Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body.

It'd be glorious. Having her small legs on your shoulders while her small butt slaps against your abdomen.

Maybe in a pygmy society

I'm 183 cm and I'm not even that tall, what the fuck are you talking about?

>this is what manlets want to believe.

sure, manlet


>ITT: internet people have a Nepolean complexs and feverishly compensate with exaggerated heights
Nah, I have no problem with a world that fits me.

Anything below 180 can't even be considered a man.

>below 180cm

Try 2 meters shortstack


I don't get it. Why are lanklets always so insecure?

>Manlet thinking his opinion matters

6'1" Khal Drogo looking Puerto Rican reporting in.

Posting here is my darkest secret.

This thread is fucking garbage.

Why do you fags make such a huge deal out of a person's height? I thought this shit was exclusively part of /fit/
Who the fuck cares if you're x meters tall or whatever the fuck? Height differs from country to country and even then it doesn't fucking matter at all, that shit was what kids in elementary school used to make fun of for no reason at all.

She's actually 174cm, oniisan is just huge

t. manlet

You can easily see how easily distinguishable OP's posting style is, so don't bother