DACA Strategy is GOP Sweep in 2018 Elections

There will be no DACA deal right now.
Trumo will keep telling the masses that Democrats will not compromise while showing compromise himself.
Right before DACA expires, he will announce some type of temporary extension deal which will state that the GOP members want to given them a pathway, but Democrats do not.
That temporary deal will expire near the end of 2018.
Elections will happen before expiration and the airwaves will be inundated with ads to vote GOO for DACA.
GOP will sweep all seats.
Trump and GOP will give the 1.8 million a pathway to citizenship and full immigration reform simultaneously having taken super majority control.

Bumping shamelessly

>Trump says he will expand DACA and publicly offers it.
>Trump knows a bill won't pass before March when DACA expires and ICE has free reign to start deportations.
>When ICE starts deportations Trump can say he tried to save them but the Democrats wouldn't help them.
>Trump wins.

We don't want more immigrants. Gas the kikes, race war now.

this, we are witnessing a trump checkmate in action. dems know it too so they are trying deflect from the iussue

>Trump and GOP will give the 1.8 million a pathway to citizenship and full immigration reform simultaneously having taken super majority control.
Seems like a massive fail to me




Is this a Guess? Are you an insider???

> 1 post this id. Fuck you OP. You faggot

Democrats are idiots thinking that Hispanic voters actually care about daca. They will learn the hard way.

In the meantime actual support for amnesty for even the Dreamers wanes. By the time it comes up with supermajority GOP support, it doesn't pass.

1.8 won't make the cut.


1.8 million now is better than 11 million over the next 10 years.

democrats are gunna get annihilated.

if there are any lurking democrats....
you have to primary your party establishment with people who actually care about the country. start now, its gunna take more than 1 election to sort that shit out.

It'll be the opposite, Trump will motivate his base to turnout for midterms to ensure there is no amnesty

it will be infinity million if the bill isn't done properly though, e-verify and daca cut-off dates!

Illegals are going to be showing up en-masse to claim they were child arrivals but never registered.

No way the GOP would pass it like it is.

when those 1.8 million public school indoctrinated leftist SJW spics get citizenship its FUCKING over

half of them live in Texas and Trump only won by 800,000 votes

blue Texas = blue country

there should be no citizenship for any illegal beaner period, illegal entry should bar them from becoming citizens for life

I'm ashamed that my party isn't negotiating. I think what Trump is offering Chuck and Nancy is an actual compromise with everything they could want.

What Chuck and Nancy want is unlimited brown immigration.

Why is it so hard to get it through your skull?