Who else is seriously struggling to get a job post University? How the fuck is it so hard?

Who else is seriously struggling to get a job post University? How the fuck is it so hard?

>Have huge 2 year gap in resume since leaving university
>Lived off NEETbux
>Interview with Deloitte coming up.

I'm fucked lol, even with the whole being a minority thing on my side.

The thought of going on the street and hitting yourself in order to form an underground stablishment for fight comes closer each breath We take.

Let me guess... Economics major.

neetdom is freedom.

The worst part of unemployment is the gap in CV, it's almost worse than a criminal record.

>Getting a job
lol have fun slaving away for the Jew who taught you that being self-employed is bad and makes you an oppressor.

not me was super easy
>t PhD analytical chemist

>do degree in something worthwhile
>be professional
>be focused
>get job immediately

It's not hard, faggot.

Did you do an internship? I'm sure it was brought up, but, usually, if you do internships, you end up with a job.

> Deloitte
Are you an accounting major? Double down and get a PhD.

I hate having to pretend to be enthusiastic about the job, and having to pretend to care about whatever vague and generic "values" that the company has. Interviews seem like a test of acting skills more than anything else.
Oh and what the fuck are you supposed to ask them at the end? There's never anything that I want to find out.

I luckily got in at one of the big 3 thanks in large part (thanks 100%?) to a referral. Prior to that I was sucking fumes looking for work with my BA. With a degree or without one, 90% of job postings want experience.

not Economics then... Humanities Major.

I'll have a Venti Blonde, splash of cream and 1 pump Dolce Cinnamon.

You should have been a girl, user. You would be hired immediately.

tell them u worked for me op
ill give you a great reference

Move to America, driver semi trucks. We have enough Somali's and Russian's doing it here, you might as well jump on board. Truck drivers are needed here!

Check your priviledge OP, you're a white man damn it!
The opportunities of a life time will just fall in your lap!
You're sure to be wealthy and famous just for being born white!!

Just say you developed a videogame but it bombed

Can you give me a reference
Ill pay you 50 bucks

You must be European? I graduated and started working in IT making 70k a year with a 5k signing bonus and full dental and health coverage with a 5% matching contributions. This was the first job I ever applied to, and I got it.

What major? Is important.

>t. Chemical biosciences

dont put a gap, just say u did housepainting for brother-in-law. Unless ur applying for a career, they wont dig into history much.

Its because they are handing degrees out to every nigger and spic.

Wtf, sounds like the land of milk and honey, here the competition is cut throat. Loads of people applyign for the same position

>going to uni
>not being gainfully self-employed

You have learned nothing


High five, phd physical chemist here. OP needs to list major before I laugh at him more

>Shaniqua.exe is not responding.webm

That's why I fucking suck at interviews. I did some pre-testing for a job and they said I got the highest scores they'd ever seen. But I just couldn't act like I gave a shit in the interview so I didn't get it.

What did you study

Auditor here, 2 year degree and $80k/year. I enjoy my job finding out where people fucked up and tried to hide it. You would not believe how incompetent people are when they think no one is looking.

just remembered that I don't have 50 bucks because I'm a faggot NEET sorry

Will that get me a visa? I wouldn't mind driving a truck while blasting Erika on 11

So you've just found out we've been lied to, uh?
>major in STEM, it's guaranteed!
I know people who have graduated in the best Electrical Engineering university in the country who've been struggling to find a job for 2 years plus. The job market is fucked, but not only that, no degree is a magical key to the kingdom. The best thing you can do for yourself is rely on as few people as possible

Yeah vague interview questions are the worst.
>Why do you want the job.
Because I’m not yet ready to go join the Tibetans or Buddhists and I need jewbux obviously.

Jezus fuck, 2 years? Time to get more aggressive in the job search user

New game plan:
- lie your ass off to get in
- fake it till you make it
- learn on the job
- work your ass off to stay in

Shine with work ethic and dependability
Nobody will care about your CV

Op fell for the college meme.

It just seems like really bad criteria for determining who should get the job anyway. Do they want someone who actually shows competence or knows how to act like an eager beaver?

I'm 29 and I never finished school because I had to leave early to take care of my parents (both become ill with cancer, father died, mother lived) then after she got back on her feet and started working again, I stayed behind to keep the house running/cook/clean/run all the errands. I've never had a job and now that I'm pushing 30, I've come to the conclusion that the only way out of my predicament is to go back to school and earn a degree which will guarantee me a job immediately after graduation.

I've always been interested in chemistry even though I have a HORRENDOUSLY bad math/science background. I was never sure if it was because I never tried or made any effort or if I'm just sincerely too fucking stupid for a STEM degree, but what would you guys recommend for someone like me?

1. I'm 29 and never had a job, I'm fucked without a degree that will guarantee employment

2. Horrible math/science background, but do have an interest in it even though I'm probably too dumb to pursue it academically

Are there any particular books I should read before to get myself acquainted with the type of material I'll be facing should I go back to school? Is there some type of trade/tech program for aspiring chemists? What exactly is it someone like me should do to prepare themselves to pursue a chemistry degree like you guys have?

Work for yourself OP. Get an insurance or real estate license and make YOUR OWN way.

If you're skilled but having trouble finding a job, get in touch with a recruiter or temp agency.
They help by doing the part you're currently too socially retarded to do.

Have passed every interview I've ever gotten here

>I hate pretending to care about x
Its kinda like when you sign up for the military and at MEPs they ask if you've ever broken a bone. Its an idiot / autism test. Any job you get you'll have to lie in, and if you can lie convincingly enough to not come off as "I don't care gibs money" then you're good. Or at MEPs if you're so autistic you tell them about the time you broke your finger at age 6, they DQ you for being a retard. Would YOU hire someone who cant at least pretend that they care about doing a good job?
>what questions should I ask?
If its a monkey job like at target or something, ask which hours they would be looking to schedule you, how many hours you should expect what the specific duties you should expect to do any clarifications you want... Come up with something. If you're interviewing for a real job same but omit the hours.

tl;dr git gud at lying You autists

Just lie about your graduation date so that there's no gap

>Expelled from college (got suicidal depression so stopped showing up to classes)
>Only job experience is two years in one food job and one in another
>Only interests are video games and programming
>Never did anything in high school since everyone treated me like shit and had no one to talk to or hang out with
>Never got a drivers license, because I come from a poorfag family where the mother thought it was a super idea to have more then one kid
Could be worse user. Nothing hurts more then applying to a minimum wage entry level job and getting one of a few canned responses:
>You're not qualified
>We actually *just* hired someone else lol
>We're actually not hiring right now fuck off

TFW a college drop out with no debt, but I still have a Job in management for and ISP.

fine but Sup Forums gets to write your letter of recommendation....

I will sign and take calls or whatever

>so I see you have a two year gapin your resume. How come?
Well after uni I just needed some time to find myself again. So I went traveling and spent a lot of time on selfimprovement. I learned quite a lot, actually.

Now was that so hard?

I graduated in 2010 at the bottom of the job market. I was in your shoes.

I luckily got an interview with Accenture (Deloitte competitor).

Take my advice... take that fucking job. Big 4 consulting sucks ass, and to make a career out of it requires selling your soul... BUT, you can't ask for a better springboard into the working world.

I'm now a product manager in startups making low 6 figures... and it's because my resume says Accenture on it.

Your problem is probably the same as most of the entitled faggots in the world currently.
You're not willing to work anywhere. Anywhere includes all the shitty jobs with shitty work hours.

I was working retail throught post secondary, why werent you? I was working factories after schooling, midnight to 8am, why werent you? I was working shitty dishwashing for wedding parties, why werent you? I currently work non standard hours in a job nearly anyone that isnt a criminal can get into, security.

It's not hard to get -A- job, it's hard to get a job that you actually like. Once you come off your bullshit feeling of entitlement, you'd be surprised how fast you can get a job

Had a 1-year gap post graduating from my MSc where I was stuck as a barman, but have since managed to land a pretty cushty corporate job almost by accident. Get paid well and have potential for a very good career if I want it, although I'll probably quit in 5-10 years. Feel a bit guilty desu, I'm pretty indifferent about the job but I know there's hundreds of grads on the dole who'd kill for a job like mine and work late every day to try and prove themselves (whereas I always leave at 5pm on the dot, and ace all of my performance reviews anyway)

Hey this is a good idea. I need 3 Sup Forumsacks to be references...

I don’t know this feel, I’m an associate attorney making $170,000 annually in a state with low cost of living. I’m currently pricing humidors for my oversized apartment.

Does your local government run any pools? Apply for a maintenance job there. You will work with chemicals then and possibly get benefits.

welcome to pol inc.
you can never leave

Successful burgers are like leprechauns these days. Cant imagine why you'd be shitposting on pol though

>they ask if you've ever broken a bone. Its an idiot / autism test.
How does that work? What do they want you to say?

i got a job right away and make a cushy 6 figures before the age of 30, but then again i'm not a worthless trumpcuck.

Why not? Fucking William Shatner posts on here

Apply to become UPS driver or some shit, smoke weed shitpost on a phone and drive around throwing peoples shit out the truck. Seems like you'd have to do a workplace shooting to get fired there.

Geez, I thought that was a picture of me for a second.

Took me ~8 months post- graduate degree to get a job in my field. and it's not full time. economy is shit

This is more true than I'd like it to be.


Like other user said, pools are a good start. Worked on them through being tong and it teaches you all about balancing chemicals. Another idea is to see of you can be a tech at a pharmacy. Gets you used to understanding weights and dosages. Very few chem classes require more than algebra. Calc is needed for physical chem and higher level courses post bac.

But to be honest, not to blow the wind out of you, chemistry is very much a younger persons field. Requires hours in the lab much more than any normal job. Once people start having families they move to managerial roles to supervise.

Yeah because each time I tell them that, they just fucking glare at me for a full minute with a "are you shitting me nigguh" look on their faces.

Good luck dude. I heard hiring at Deloitte is pretty competitive.

Find someone who is respected in their career to take you under their wing and teach you the job you want or any job that you think you could see yourself doing.

I am about to turn 30 and I totally bombed out of school because I could not get motivated. Now I work as an engineer in a niche high tech industry thanks to my dad teaching me everything he knows and giving me a referral. Now I am pretty much unfireable because not many people can do what I can and I watch university graduates with multiple degrees apply at the company and get rejected.

I will probably still get an online degree or something just to say that I have one but finding a good job is really all about connections and nepotism. The Jews have it figured out.

Kill yourself, boomer.

I struggled for about a year after undergrad. Now working a corporate job making 35k/yr.
Not sure if I want to stay though, just there to get some experience and maybe move on.

>have you ever broken a bone or had surgery?
>autist: I broke my thumb when I was 5
>normal: no

Im 24, fuck off aussie job-incel

>Who else is seriously struggling to get a job post University? How the fuck is it so hard?

I had a job one week after graduation. Wasn't even planned like that, I just applied after one week on my mom's couch.

Always try to move up user

My advice start taking hormones, grow out your beautiful hair, buy a make up kit from the 99c store, practice using a light sensitive voice, post ads on Craigslist saying your looking for a date and charge only 80 roses. Im 1000% sure you'll make more money and meet alot of Intresting people while learning a good life lesson: money first

Business bruv.

Consultancy was/still is the plan.

Same story.

Mine is that i have been looking for work for the past 2 years.

Got a masters in Accounting. Can't land nothing.

Got so desperate that i sought a Telemarketing job 1 year ago....for less then Danish minimum wage. Was 26 at that time. Was interviewed for that position by a 19 year old.....midway in the interview he tells me, "Sorry, but you are kinda too old and seem to nervous for this job"....that put over the edge.
i had a breakdown...i almost ended my life, because of the embarresment....Now i am finally able trying to get myself together and look again....hopefully it works out. Good Luck OP.

>learn on the job
Nobody wants to hire somebody who can learn on the job. They all want somebody who was doing the job last week.

Consultancy. I know Deloitte is known for accountancy but they're really much more than that.

This. Doesn't fucking matter what I say to make myself look like a good candidate, the fucking interviewer always acts like that. Now hundreds of applications and a hand full of interviews later through two years, and I'm still looking for a second job. By the way pretty sure I only got the first because the bitch interviewing me was high as fuck 20 year old female.


I honestly want to say this to see the look on the interviewers face.

Would give my left testicle for a gig in either Accenture or Deloitte.

Nigga you got to learn to lie, I had 6 separate jobs between age 16 and 22 and got the job 100% of the time. Job number six turned into a career. Now I've gone from a fucking tech to a staples district manager making six figs. Literally just learn to lie. Drink a little for charisma if you have to

Why aren't you some aws certified devfag you dumb bitch? You can rope your way into any gov job any time. I was making 70,then unemployed for 9 months, then 85, then fired after 4 months for being an idiot, and now I'm at 120 after another 6 months of "studying" and "freelancing"

eh, if everything fails, you could always lie and just hope they don't bother calling former employers if you're believable enough.

I mean, Christ, getting jobs is way too much dependent on shitty nepotism and political party affiliation anyway, at least where I live so why would it be so amoral to cheat an already corrupt system that's only sorting you the fuck out otherwise?

but above all that, OP should take any job he can get. there is not a single guarantee you're actually gonna do something close to what you studied. so bite the bullet. this is about survival.

Easiest answer user? And dead serious as nuts? If you have any mechanical aptitude...go learn commercial HVAC..not LITE commercial but Class A and B commercial.
>be me
>get degree in Information security
>get job off lifetime...
>only make 56k starting..
>stagnant career everyone is 80 years old can't move up
>fuck it quit, read books became apprentice..4 years later I make 95k without OT. And additional 40k a year running side company.

Get a friend with a business to give you a reference

Higher education is a scam. You were Jewed.

I'm up for that. So long as I can make the equivalent of £50k I'm laughing

Best part of my career, no old fucks who make it stagnant...only strong and smart survive.

Did you think about anything?
Firstly, going to college for something like "consultancy" is like going to college to learn professional sports. Unless you have a specialty, you're worth shit. If you are a consultant, you should be an entrepreneur. You should be putting your foot in every door you can get to.

Don't waste your time. Go into retail management, logistics, or a trade you can learn through a union. Do chemistry at home as a hobby. You're chasing your lost youth and there's no point.

I graduated in Canada with a degree in Chemical Engineering and still struggled to find work. I wasn't able to land a placement the entire time I was in school, which made things worse. I finally ended up getting a job when I moved over here, and am thankful for it every day. I know what the struggle can be like when you are having a hard time finding a job, and it gets demoralising. One idea I have had is that people from Sup Forums who are in positions to do hiring should try to find a way to hire more people from here. A rising tide lifts all ships and such. I'd rather see even a burnout from here succeed than some SJW roastie who got hired because of muh diversity.

I am good at lying you dumbfuck normie. During interviews it never works.

I got a bachelors in electric engineering from ISU, graduated with high grades, and because the only internships in my area were unpaid and I needed money to continue paying college loans I stuck to my original job. I really regret that decision. Even though I was able to continue out of college with less debt, I had to compete tooth and nail for jobs because rich kids from chriaq polluted the job market because they could afford an unpaid internship. I was in a rapidly growing field, which helped, but finding a job that was compatable with my life goals and dreams didn’t come until later because of stupid fucking internships. Even though I had nothing but a degree, I’d say I preformed just as well as someone who had done an internship.

You sound fucking miserable and I wouldn't hire you. It probably shows. Check your posture, clothes, hygiene and interpersonal skills.

This is unironically true. Also, there are jobs you don't even know exist and one of the best ways to find them is temping

Can always sell your ass on backpage.
Post the link here.

Or you could man up and go buy a tool belt and get out there and do some man work. Grow a pair, let them drop, and go get your wimpy soft hands dirty, boy.

Yes it does...You're just lying about the wrong shit. Or you choose poorly about what you lie about and your just not making it seem realistic enough..(more cowbell, user) You can literally print certs and a fucking HS diploma online...

They test you to see if you’re too picky on details to se if you’ll be a good goyim or not, don’t listen to the ZOG soldier over there.

That's illegal.


I didn't get a degree to work manual labour. I know that makes me sound like an ass but yeah, it just isn't my thing. I want to feel like my degree was actually worth something.