>Free healthcare is a mistak-


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A fat fuck like that could have matched a pound a day or even more just doing the keto diet.

I honestly have no sympathy towards fat people. I remember being 15 and noticing I was starting to get chubby and didn't like that so I started working out.
If you're fat and look yourself in the mirror and are fine looking like a tub of lard you don't deserve sympathy. Or if you're a fat fuck who hates looking fat and doesn't do anything about it then you can go fuck yourself. You have no reason to be fat.

Why doesn't Boogie the cuck just die?

You massive fucking idiot. He makes too much money to receive free healthcare.

Why does everyone hate Boogie? At least he's actually trying to get his weight down which is something more than 90% of fat people never will.

Amphetamines or euthanasia is the only cure for fat fucks

That sack of shit could lose more if he just ate the recommended 1800-2000 calories a day. He's obviously eating 3500 plus if he's only losing 1 lb

>almost 400 pounds



losing a pound a day from 400+ lbs ≠ losing a pound a day from 250 lbs

i kind of regret donating to him now
i gave him over $1700 kek

wow what made you go on such a scheckel spree?

You donated 1.7k$ to a fat fuck instead to some right wing organisation or charity? Or investing it? What is wrong with you?

>donating money to 400 pound manchild eceleb

literally why

>divorces thot
>works towards losing weight




That's a fake tweet.

The thing about being fat is that it's usually accompanied by some underlying mental problems. You have to fix those before you can fix the fat.

Also people get set in their ways - often from a young age - and it can be very hard to enact change. That requires abundant willpower, which is to some extent genetically predetermined. Mental problems only make it harder.

t. person whose always been skinny, but has had their own struggles with mental issues

I don't know why Boogie is excited, anyone who lacks the will power and ends up that fat anyways isn't going to be able to sustain the weight loss and will balloon up again even bigger as they go back to binge eating and the stomach stretches out over time. You wouldn't believe the recidivism rates of fatties ending up pigs again after weight loss surgery. The %'s are so bad that weight loss surgery in itself is nothing but a scam for the medical jew

When will we finally exterminate fatties?

Its even worse than what you're saying. Boogie's history of overeating puts him at risk of rupturing his stomach in the future.

If he overeats again he won't balloon up. He will die.

Does this mean in 389 days the fat fuck will waste away to nothing.....

I'm 6'7 and start to get pudgy at 220lbs.

Can't imagine what it must feel like to carry around a 380lb body all day.

>Does this mean in 389 days the fat fuck will waste away to nothing.....
From Executioner Smough to the Skeleton King.

Pretty much, yes

This. You can tell your body what to do up to a certain point. Stay positive, get thin. Or at least curvy.


And a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Kill yourself.

Everyone hates Boogie because he's been "trying" to lose weight for the past 10 years. He also was invited by one of USA's most distinguished dietician/personal trainer to receive treatment, and Boogcuck refused


1 pound a day without changing anything in his diet or behaviour? Looks like cancer to me

Good luck making someone over 300LBS of fat and zero muscle do exercises without them hurting themselves just from moving

Lol he’s only 380? Nigger I’m 220 and this guy looks like 5 times my size

Jesus Christ. Having a personal trainer (let alone a dietician) help you lose weight is easy mode.

Losing a pound of money from alimony lmao

Or metformin.

She took the dog too wew

We are subsidizing this piece of shit for their poor life choices.

>had his stomach stapled and his now under constant stress from him wife taking all his stuff
>surprised hes losing weight

I was 280 at my fattest, 6'2 so was fat but not morbid. The mirror shame i could take but when it got hard to bend over to just tie my shoes I knew i had caused a disability to myself. Early last year I switched to two modest meals a day with supplement and medication changes and cut out any drink with sugar in it. Now im in my lower 220s and started lifting in November so looking much better and have been getting much more attention but i will always have the stretch marks.

>rich youtuber pretends he cant afford healthcare

losing weight after gastric bypass isn't a surprise. the issue is that the surgery is only temporary. they basically sew most of your stomach shut during gastric bypass and use some as a pouch in your stomach. if you eat too much then within 1-2 years that pouch stretches back out and you can eat the amounts you could pre-surgery. if you have no self control, you'll just eat like you used to and put the weight right back on.

boogie also had to pay for his entire surgery out of pocket as he was too heavy to go for the surgery for doctors to be covered under malpractice insurance. he had to pay a shitload in cash to a doctor that was willing to do it anyways.

exercise won't really make much of a difference in terms of weight loss, you'll burn a couple of hundred calories. If you just eat less or don't eat that piece of cake that'll make up for it. But it def helps with building discipline

boogie has made virtually no real effort to lose weight the past ten years until the surgery, and even the surgery is a temporary bandaid on an underlying problem. boogie has acknowledged that food is a form of coping for him (in childhood with trauma, now generally as something positive) and when you get gastric bypass surgery, you will lose weight for the first year or so, but if you don't control what you eat or the portions, then the stomach pouch they sewed (the bypass) will stretch out until you can eat what you originally ate, at which point you will put all the weigh back on.

I honestly hope for the best with the guy and with him the best of luck, but I am skeptical that he will have long term weight loss/keeping the weight off from his peak.

with boogie's extreme obesity (measured under his BMI) he's subject to denial of care without obamacare. he also gets it through the obamacare marketplace where conditions like his obesity have his premiums subsidized by the healthy.

There was a guy I use to work with almost 20 years ago. We had this big industrial scales that weighed up to 2500 lbs. He stepped on the scale one day and weighed around 440 lbs. Literally the next day he stepped on it again and it was a little over 400. He said he normally gained and lost 20-30 pounds a day. The crazy thing was being on lunch with him. He lunch would be something like a giant salad bowl filled with spaghetti and it would take more than an hour for him to eat it.

Did your gay message get cut off because I stabbed you in the belly? Saged and hidden.

If you thought boogie was bad, try the haes women. They're many times worse. They'll squander the efforts of personal trainers, dieticians, physicians, and many other specialists, only to ignore their help. They still maintain their fanbase no matter how many times they fail. The only thing that's fit about them is their rationalization hamster in their heads.

That was a true shitpost. NECK

Easy daily weight loss:

*weigh yourself before taking a shit*
*weigh yourself after taking a shit*

You lost weight!!!

>industrial scales
>Δ20~30 lbs fluctuation
>vomit on his sweater already
>mom's spaghetti
Did he also have a industrial-grade flush toilet?

If he had enough discipline to do that he wouldn't have had to get portions of his organs removed to physically prevent him from guzzling mayonnaise

a pound a day at 400 lbs. isn't impressive

A person can gain up to 5lbs of water a day and go back to their average weight. To know what your real weight is, it's best to weigh yourself daily at the same time.

>reliably losing a fixed amount each day on a diet
>also without significantly changing diet and/or exercising

This is not normal and it's more likely that he's given himself a new health complication.

Boogie is going to be smashing pussy by nexy year. He'll be under 250.

>still almost 400lbs
How do you physically get that fat? I don’t think my body would actually let me get above 250 lbs and I’m 6’1.

i love mayonnaise. good tarter sauce is fucking great though.

By getting into the habit of regularly eating very high calorie foods like takeaway pizza multiple times a week and then letting that habit go unchecked for years.