I swear this guy looks like a 56%-er with those nigger-tier lips and ears
Is Jordan Peterson white?
Let's be honest. He's probably Jewish.
He’s a Jew
hes a mutt
Wait is the 56% meme a meme against us Americans?
Because dis nigga canadian
shut up and clean your lobster, bucko.
jesus the shills are really stepping up there anti jp posting
I like Jews.
(((jesus))) the shills are really stepping up their pro jordan (((peterson))) posting
this is the dumbest thread I have seen on Sup Forums in a long time
Look at this wife in this picture.
Obviously jewish.
Look at those arms, that’s a man
>Look at those arms, that’s a man
Have we got an illuminati tranny on our hands here, user?
What if Peterson is a FtM tranny? Could it explain to kermit voice?
he unironically does look kind of jewish. the way he tans...
>curly Jew hair
>high pitching whiny Jew voice
>weak composition, frail
>never skips a chance to talk about based Jews and ebil Hitler
I put the chances he is a Jew at 88.14%
A Jew will never admit it so don't expect a confirmation or denial from him, he will continue the deception of being le benevolent father figure while steering the white goyim away from banding together in the face of existential threats until he is exposed
Redskin still white
>until he is exposed
I'm calling it now: He will get caught up in a sex scandal with a young follower, male or female.
His wife looks like a line backer kike that was hit in the eyes with a shovel, built like a brick shit house.
looks like she can bench more than me.
why the fuck is this fucking e-celeb (((intellectual))) alt-lite faggot boomer being spammed on /pol all of a sudden?
Who the fuck is he?
If he's not a NatSoc then his opinions are fucking discarded and thrown down the fucking drain.
*spends your money on hair implants *
Heh, nothing personnel....kid
When will you fags unironically stop using the word 'unironically'?
All of you unnaturally use it too much
bump :^)
Its either a character assasination, lefty pol, a bunch of salty anons that have no control of theyr lives and started lashing out on him because he said shit about collectivism (protip natsoc is collectivism) and they were triggered.
Basically hes triggering a lot of people.
Have a you
here's a shekel for the good goy
I think he looks a little bit like Obama.