Is Studio Ghibli really that great?

Is Studio Ghibli really that great?

Are they the best of their kind?

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They tell fairly simple stories in a unique way in a unique medium, and they do it very well. There is always a market for competence.

Not so fast.

>actually working out microteacup physics for their Borrowers story
They've got a place in my heart for sure.

Whisper of the Heart is the best Ghibli movie. Prove me wrong.


They make pretty movies, but the stories are usually very average.

It's boring and shit

lurk for 2 years before posting faggot

They're okay.

Real pretty though.

They're the best ever, no question.


That's the best Miyazaki movie for sure.

Shaft IS and always will be the best.

Just FYI starting sunday they're gonna be showing a ghibli film in theatres every month.

my local "art house" theaters do this all year round, to be honest.

I dunno, but I really loved that movie.

It made me depressed. I had to stop watching it.

I'll finish it later.

Pretty much, kinda sad honestly because half of their movies flop when they are better than almost everything releasing both the east and the west.

You have good taste brah.


One of my Sup Forums confessions is that I hate My Neighbor Totoro and Ponyo with a passion. They fucking suck. There's no plot and nothing but pretty scenery and at most one good scene where stuff is actually happening.

Yes and yes. Especially Takahata's stuff.

That's probably the only Ghibli movie I don't like. I don't get it either.

I never watched Ponyo but I agree to I too dislike Totoro.
It's not bad but it's sort of boring, even if it looked great, I suppose it just wasn't the movie for me. It never got many emotions out of me either.
Other Ghibli movies are way better.

My Neighbor Totoro is unironically a great movie for toddlers and little kids, but I will never understand how anyone past the age of seven can possibly enjoy it.

it's boring and feels like the kind of movie nosey parents trying to hid their kids from the world would love to show their kids
better show kids Watership Down


Simpleton or underage.

They're great at telling stories. That is actually all you need. Everything they do is for the sake of telling the story. There is no nonsense.

its immensely enjoyable when you have to babysit and sit through hours of other kids shit and realize how much utter shite cashgrabs there are out there.

Yes they are and anyone who says otherwise is a butthurt otaku who does nothing but discuss pastebin summaries of isekai light novels/web comics all day

No, they just have a really unique style, like the original disney films.

Yes. These films are the best what this medium has to offer.


10-15 years ago, sure. Now? Not even close.

Whisper of the Heart and My Neighbour Totoro are some of my favorite movies ever.

I almost dislike every single film they did after Spirited Away though, I'm not sure what happened, the modern Ghibli art just looks soulless to me.

I like you.

From Up on Poppy Hill and Whisper of the Heart are some of my favorites.
Both based of off shojo manga as far for similarities.