Now that Ebizou's wife is dead, is there a chance for these five?

Now that Ebizou's wife is dead, is there a chance for these five?

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from top to bottom is best girl to worst girl, good pic

Rethink your life decisions.

Will the harem work?


Why isn't anyone finishing up the remaining manga chapters?

lack of interest

I rewatched this show recently. Laughed harder than the first time. Tetora is the cutest, but Mari is the funniest. The OP and ED never gets old.

What are you talking about? All chapters have been scanlated. Check madokami, it has vols. 1-6.

vol 5 on the FTP is missing the 2 extra chapters.

Ah I see. Do the extra chapters only appear on the tankobon? Scanlators were probably using mag raws and completely missed those extra chapters

No, they were already using tank scans to start with.




Marii is best girl.

I prefer Tanuki Mari.





Something looks off about this.

Why is Marii so fucking great?

Dont ask stupid questions.

I'm kuku for Kuku Puffs.


I liked this, but I could hardly laugh
some real meaningful stuff at times tho

This was legitimately too Japanese for Western audiences other than oldfags. Five anime girls repeating the author's political views on national issues for 20 minutes.

Surely you mean from bottom to top? The order is perfect.

Marii a shit, Gan a best.

Did someone just hear a voice? It sounded like it was coming from deep inside a closet to me.


I'm sad there's no doujin about their hatesex

/fa/ rankings:

Tetora > Kigu > Kukuru > Marii >>> average user >>>> Gan

Kigu maybe, she's the marrying kind.
>Ebizou's wife died
Shit man, RIP

Marri is the most effay girl though.

It really wasn't. Sure you'd have to be Japanese to get most of the jokes and even then you'd almost certainly miss a few references but the majority of jokes and references are simple and easy to understand for the average (non-new) user. Hell, it's not like I get all the jokes in some Western comedies either.

Gan did not look that bad most of the time, come on now.

Enjoying something on a superficial level is exactly what I meant, so you are basically just agreeing with me. Even a toddler could at least enjoy the songs, pillowfuckers can watch it just for the girls and some clueless normalfag looking for "random" comedy could laugh at some of the segments, but if the rest flies past them then they are clearly not the intended audience. Not getting a reference once in a while is different from not getting half of it.

This. Hell, the fucking theme song is filled to the brim with that shit like the jugem and the shamisen bit.

Gan a shit, SHIT!