
Carol's got the war on lock.
Thank her.

Great chapter.

Jun and Carol being friends is fun. It makes Tomo jealous and hopefully pushes her to make a move on Jun.

Best girl chapter continues.

yfw Carol stops wanting to NTR tomo and wants to be legit friends with Jun

She pretty much settled down when Jun gave her the speech. This is pure nakama time now.

Title: I don't get it
Panel 1
Carol: Go ahead and serve!
Jun: (I should start off with a soft hit...)
Panel 2
Carol: HMPH!
Jun: Don't smack it down.
Panel 3
Jun: When you're returning, you swing like this.
Carol: How do you do that?
Jun: Just look. You go from the bottom and...
Carol: I don't understand.
Panel 4
Carol: Make it easier to understand for me! Use angles and stuff.
Jun: Angles and stuff?

>Carol: I don't understand.
what is this shit.


I think this is the effect of being sheltered and alienated for so long.

i meant the tl.

That's literally in our TL

>Title: I don't get it
Have memes gone too far?

the only reason i don't drop this is because, is one page a day but this arc is so comfy I'm really, really enjoying myself

These have been such unexpectedly fun chapters.

>tfw too smart to understand caveman speak

she's mocking him

Exactly. So unexpected too, considering how dramatic the beginning of this arc was.

>it's a carol is retarded chapter

She is so autistic that she cannot understand basic hand-eye coordination with the use of geometry equations.

I know what she's trying to do. Jun holding carol teaching her to play goes next.

sounds familiar

Reminder that Carol is a math genius

>she wants Jun to change the angle

>Carol: Make it easier to understand for me! Use angles and stuff.

Carol a cute.

Sooo...... NTR time is over? Or is this part of Carol's plan

Carol is so retarded she can't figure out how to play badminton


Why does the joke always have to be that she's retarded? I seriously don't get it, by this point it's overplayed.

It's fucking badminton, she even saw other girls play it not even an hour ago in their time frame.

how can you play that tennis thing without a net ?

Jun has to do the whole caveman flirting routine of pressing up behind her and moving her arm to show her how it's done.

just hit it back and forth.

Just in time for Tomo to show up and see them rubbing up against each other.

>Jun decided to help Carol hands on by grabbing her hand and swinging the net.
>Tomo shows up obviously looking for Jun and Carol.
>Tomo witnesses Jun and Carol grabbing hands
>Tomo freaks out

And this is why I dropped this manga. It's the same jokes over and over again with the plot moving way too slow.

IIRC my PE theory classes, Badminton was traditionally played without a net

Maybe, just maybe, she's exaggerating on purpose.

>And this is why I dropped this manga.
So then why are you here now?

I had the biggest crush on Sakura when I was a kid. Her brother was gay, right?

>this is why I dropped this manga
>still comes to tomo thread like a flaming faggot.

No, her brother's friend was iirc. In the french dub, we shared the same name. So that means she had a crush on me

She's going to hold a racquet with him.
Tomo/misuzu will show up while he's doing this.

Tomo >> Carol > Misuzu

Will her drone be filming her, and then she can show an out of context picture to both Senpai and Tomo?

I can already see the edits that will come from this.

I want to get behind Carol!

Oh cool, I remember seeing some fujo baiting shit between her brother and his friend. How many times did you fap to that fantasy of Sakura having a crush on you? Be honest user, you are between friends.

I was too young. I was like 6 or 7 when it aired in KEBEK

I was going to post this, it's pretty obvious it is going to happen.

he wouldn't reuse jokes like that

>has recycled the same jokes for over 500 chapters
>wont reuse jokes
Top kek m8

it's always with reasonable twist, unlike how this would be.

I wish Sakura would crush me under her foot like that.

Carol falls in love with Jun, instead, since Carol and Jun end up spending more time together than Carol and Sempai

Wait...when has he done the "we're practicing badminton but get caught and mistaken for having sex" joke before?

I mean, this make Tomo angry enough to take on a date and Gently hold hands with him all evening just to spite Carol. That would be a "reasonable" twist.

not that bit. carol's first arc.

>take sempai on a date

Happy happy, joy joy. Summer Vacations scheduled, that means more time to do manga scans.

I see what you mean. But in Carol's first arc, she's sent to Jun (by Misuzu) completely unknowing of his relationship with Tomo. The motives here are different, but yeah it's got the same vibe.


Why is Jun being cute-ified? Adapting to Carol's femboy prefs?

>obscured panty shot
This is why tennis shorts were created dumbass

She's quite literally book smart only.

She's sheltered, dude. She doesn't know anything but books and the dangers of underaged sex.

Sheltered stops being an excuse when you can't even understand how to swing a goddamn racket.

carol's gonna sweat for the first time in her life

Fuck, Jun is gonna get schooled by little miss autism as soon as she figures it out

I dunno, she's definitely pretending from what I can tell. Remember she seemed pretty determined to go on this date to get at Tomo. She's probably just trying to get him close to her, because she probably thinks she can use her charms to woo Jun. and hopefully he continues being oblivious the whole time and nothing happens at all and he reconciles with Tomo shortly after Carol gives up.

First thread I've been back to for months.

Have fun, fags.

>Title: I don't get it
Leaked upcoming chapter titles
>I want to cum inside Misuzu
>Tomboys are for
>Every fucking Tomo-chan thread is the same

>I don't get it
I don't get it

Well at least the plot seems to have progressed a little bit after like 500 chapters maybe it's getting pretty close to the end and this is the big catalyst to send things into motion! probably not

>She's definitely pretending

if that's coming up it'll actually be soon

God, you keikaku fags need to go back to the One Piece threads.

Aw shit. She's trying to get him to wrap his arms around her in order to physically guide her swings. It's NTR time!

This is an entirely different situation, even if she is pretty fucking stupid. Remember her whole reason for doing this is to spite Tomo, she literally said it herself a few chapters again, going so far as to straight up say it to Misuzu. She can have her moments of being a bit smarter. it's probably a character building moment where she learns to act a little less childish and control her emotions a little.

That second panel is way more exploitable than this, but I'm far too tired for it right now.

If math genious Carol gets somebody to explain it in math terms she'll become a world class player.
ps. finally, officialy a meme title page

Hooray for the pressure-free education

Does this mean that the oyakodon guy will get what he wants?

see you tomorrow

She's doing this out of spite. Not to spite Tomo. We don't know WHO she is spiting. Also, that doesn't excuse her from being retarded. She just called in badminton rackets via drone. She's full on rich girl retarded right now.

She already dropped that when Jun told her how Tomo would never abandoned her friends. This is pure bonding time between Carol and Jun which may or may not lead to misunderstandings in the next couple of chapters.

Why am I liking these Jun and Carol chapters a hell of a lot more than Jun and Tomo?

She literally cops to Jun that she feels bad about everything 2 pages ago. She's already over it and realized it was dumb. She'd need to be sociopathic to still intend to go through with things.

We nakama now.


I dunno I figured it'd pretty much have to be spiting Tomo, I mean her goals are a little unclear but literally what other reason would she have bothering with Jun at all if it's not to get under Tomo's skin? She could've chosen anyone else if she wanted to make Misaki jealous.

Yeah, if you crop her racket and hands and rotate it 30 degrees to the left it becomes a "surprise buttsex" meme pose.

>She could've chosen anyone else if she wanted to make Misaki jealous

Maybe Fumita will finally pull the twist that Misuzu doesn't want them together because Misuzu is in love with Jun. That'd be the only way to make Carol into the good guy this arc.

I wish Fumita's porn girls were as hot as the ones on this series. Sadly, they aren't. Hopefully, Fumita makes an uncensored doujin about Tomo and Jun's first time. I want to believe.

That honestly wouldn't even be all that out there given Misuzu's character and gives a lot more meaning to Carol saying
>"You think everything's going according to your plan still, huh?"
It's too early to tell though, maybe in a week or two

Of course! Tomboys are for oyakodon!

Could be senpai she's spiting. All we know is that she acknowledged she's hurting Tomo.

>Sadly, they aren't
Someone needs to ban you.

Do we have a chessboard for Tomo-Chan yet?

Carol doesn't experience time in a linear manner
Time is a flat circle
Everything Tomo chan has ever don or will ever do
It's gonna do over and over again
I love it

>all oyakodon is netori


Filthy acts at a reasonable price