The Irish psy-op to come for Northern Ireland can be stopped, easily.
>On Sup Forums, constantly refer top Ireland's reliance on the EU.
>Go to /his/ and constantly make anti-irish threads, derail conversations about Ireland and make LOTS of memes/posts about Cromwell
>When Marching season starts, go all out to make sure it is seen as based so (((irish))) can't make fun of it
>Again, RUIN /his/ FOR THE IRISH IT'S THEIR MAIN bastion

Praise kek, praise paisely.

someone call?

the angl*s time is near. make way for the rise of the hiberno-zog world order

pic related

RIP Britain. specifically England.

Ulster Scot here. I don't think that will help anyway, we need another Motorman.


is that stefan molyneux's dna result?

no its actually me. my mom was an english jew and my dad was a catholic from newry, they immigrated here before i was born.


where did the random 5% come from tho? That cant be the vikangs if its from finland and spain, so what happened

OP is a Sínner psyop nobody in the South gives a fuck about Cromwell or Marching Season, nice bonfires lol.

you can't get 100%, that's as pure as it gets.
A native Anglo will barely get 60% native dna because they're mutts.

Aww, that's cute! The goy thinks he can stop us!

Why are English such cunts? Fuck you m8, no one likes your jewish royalty but you.

I think genetically speaking irish are the most pure european race, but only the ones living far out by the atlantic in connaught and muenster.
like for me, even though im half jewish and irish, my haplogroup is i1 nordic, probably from the vikangs in the north ireland

Solve your own problems faggot


1800, feels good.

You're jewish then. Get out.

says the bongshit

shut the fuck up you ugly manlet huemonkey. youre literally a fucking 50 iq mystery meat monkey. im not even memeing right now. you are literally less evolved that a homo erectus.

At least I'm not jewish.
Shoo Shimon, not one likes your kind here. What was your second language of choice as a kid? Kike runes?

At least I know my place, at least I don't go around Europeans pretending to be one of them. At least I have some honour in me. Not that you would understand that though. Don't you have a pedo ring to attend?

>le honor meme

you probably understand the word honor like a third grader does.



Holy fuck, you can't make this shit up

nah fuck off nobody likes you anglo

the absolute state of brazilian reading comprehension

honoré de ballsack