Why did they make this the final frame of Ping Pong?

Why did they make this the final frame of Ping Pong?

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>final frame

he's a big guy

Do anons actually like this or are they just memeing? This is terrible

It's called an art style, m8.

he pinged his pong too hard

Objectively anime of the decade. I'm hoping Devilman will be able to top it though, but I wonder about that.

Its boring and trying too hard for 2deep/artistic4u

Ping Pong is literally the most straightforward story of all time though. It's not deep at all.

Looks like a something a child drew to show his parents, I guess if that's your "style"

It's Taiyo Matsumoto, you uncultured nigger.


It's actually good, and the art style grows on you.

If you can't enjoy abstraction, you are a child.

That doesn't make the show/ art any better, still shit

>Replying to an obvious troll.

If you can enjoy this, you have shit taste

I enjoy good storytelling and great directing. Sorry!

Sorry there weren't enough explosions and fantasy harems for you.

I think it's just an elaborate joke to rec fags, like a new age Boku no pico

Please go back to your Naruto containment thread already.

Is Kemonozume good? Seems to be made by the same guys who did Ping Pong

One day you might have enough experience watching anime to understand that there's more to this entertainment medium than animation. Don't give up.

Because they literally bent over backwards to make you a good Philippine Pim-Pam cartoon.

>it's another "only photorealistic art is good art" retard

I enjoy reading books, so yes, but there's no reason why I'd want to look at something so ugly.

One day you might stop falling for meme shows recommended by Sup Forums. You probably think Eva, Legend of Galactic Heroes and Uthena are also good. Shit taste

It's not even aesthetically pleasing user.


Best character.

Have you seen the show? It's very good.

Character-wise, story-wise, music-wise, narrative-wise... The style has moments (that is to say frames) of absurd exagerrations, and anons like to capture those and say "look how terrible this is", but actually Science-Saru did a lot of innovative things animation wise with this show. You might not notice it the first time around but there's plenty going on that takes skill and consideration. The jaggedy-edges are fine, its a style of art, and it works perfectly for the kind of story it is.

>meme shows
Name a single show that isn't a "meme show" that you enjoy so I can call it a meme show.

basically Leffen

best scene


Show is fantastic. This is a meme screenshot of the worst possible QUALITY moment of the series. Rest of the show looks fine. OST is amazing

the OST is my jam.

Hero Appears is somethin else, like medicine for my adventurous soul


Except no one likes Leffen.

Its actually not that bad, the animation is fluid sometimes atleast you can see them trying more when they do the actual ping pong matches.

The chinese guy in the show is actually speaking chinese and the story is interesting. What is there to hate about it?

>It's called an art style, m8.

It's not really 'quality', it's a conscious stylistic choice and the series is full of shots like that (though maybe not so exaggerated).

I think it's great, personally. I can see why plebs have a knee jerk reaction to individual screen shots without having watched it, but the art kept me glued to the screen. Obviously it's an engaging as fuck story regardless of how it looks, but I didn't want to miss a frame because they were always doing something interesting with it. Even if it takes some getting used to, I'll take that over generic anime style any day.

>meme shows
Ah, never mind. There's no hope for you, so please find a new hobby.

That's ironic because the animation is great, it's just the artstyle looks terrible in still frames.

Dragon's theme still gives me chills everytime I hear it. That was the first moment that really blew my mind in the show. They had hinted at Dragon being good, but never focused on him at all, so when the match with Kong begins and the animation immediately cuts while that song starts playing, it immediately left a deep impression on me.
What a fantastic way to introduce Dragon. Kong performed the art of jobbing beautifully.