Us Utaha-fags win!

Us Utaha-fags win!

Get rekt everybody else!

Oh wow I thought this was a dragon dildo at first.


Remember to sage and report the newfag cancer, guys.

shut your cock hole Satania!

Fuck that shit, give me more Utaha ass.


Fuck off.

go kill yourself

Utaha a shit. A SHIT.

>streaming and printscreen
Utahafags, everyone.

some of us have to work you fucking NEETs/high school kids!

I'm nearly 30 and don't need to work. Step it up, senpai.

well I'm 30 and I do.

>Steals a kiss that was intended for a superior girl
There's thievery and then there's scummy neutral evil thievery. That cunt move is the latter.

Calm down faggot. Utaha will lose just as hard as Eriri.

>happa midget

oh boya...

Utaha is worst girl.

I actually think this is just someone trolling. Nobody can actually believe that she won just because she randomly kissed him, which also completely undermines her recent "development". On top of it, he hated it

go back to getting BTFO, Eriri

Eriri the BTFO

How fucking new are youi?

>Us Utaha-fags
Eririturds are not even subtle with their shitty falseflags.

this, I'm got so fucking mad I just stopped the episode and deleted it. What a piece of shit series

Kissing that faggot is as far from winning as you can get.

Utaha loses harder than Eriri, secondaryfag.