Thoughts on this propaganda?
Thoughts on this propaganda?
>dude if you are a loner and like guns you're planning to shoot up the school and we'll have to take you to a fema camp, think of the children
Real annoying. When I was in college one of the dorm managers gave me shit over me going to the shooting range and having a target sheet with my shots on it hanged up as a poster. That was years ago, I can only imagine it's gotten much worse now.
I'm pretty sure if you were planning to shoot up your school, you wouldn't be reading gun magazines and watching shooting videos in school. Neither would you post pictures of yourself holding guns on your Instagram. These are 'obvious' signs of a future school shooter, just like an evil sounding laugh is a sign of psychopathy. Do these people know how psychopaths work? They're usually too clever to let people reveal their secret. The school shooter will probably be someone you wouldn't really expect it to be.
I would be much more worried about some fat blue haired, armpit haired feminist trying to shoot up a school, but they probably wouldn't be able to use the gun properly or be able to hit anything, so I'm not too worried.
Also I think it's a demoralization tactic to make people distrust each other.
>I'm pretty sure if you were planning to shoot up your school, you wouldn't be reading gun magazines and watching shooting videos in school. Neither would you post pictures of yourself holding guns on your Instagram. These are 'obvious' signs of a future school shooter, just like an evil sounding laugh is a sign of psychopathy. Do these people know how psychopaths work? They're usually too clever to let people reveal their secret. The school shooter will probably be someone you wouldn't really expect it to be.
That too, the whole premise is stupid. The only ones I've seen pretending to be tough with pics of guns online are niggers.
>I would be much more worried about some fat blue haired, armpit haired feminist trying to shoot up a school, but they probably wouldn't be able to use the gun properly or be able to hit anything, so I'm not too worried.
They probably would expel your ass.
>none of you are alright
>see you at school tomorrow
They probably would indeed
nobody will ever take this scare tactic seriously
>tfw school shooter arrived just in time to stop racemixing degeneracy
So what actually are the signs of a school shooter in the making? I would genuinely be interested to know and read an actual study looking into the lives of school shooters because it would be a very complicated thing to figure out and research properly.
The mother of one of the Columbine shooters said that she had absolutely no idea that her son was suffering from all kinds of problems and was planning to shoot up the school. Then again, the Columbine shooters are a very special case because there were 2 of them working together. You don't see that often.
As far as the video goes, it's a bit of a propaganda piece. It doesn't tell us about any real 'signs' just some obvious bullshit ones.
One thing I'm really wondering about though; is bullying really that bad in America? We always see these American movies with stereotypical bullies who do some terrible things to people everyday in broad daylight without anyone noticing. I've seen bullying but it was never physically violent bullying. Mostly just humiliation and name calling. Do groups of people serious go up to loner kids and beat the shit out of them, take their money? What kind of people do these things? If these bullies actually exist, you got problems America. Your kids need to get off the meds.
usually, they are like "Hey i'm gonna go fucking kill some mother fuckers" and everyone is like "nahhhh", and they are like "i'm fucking serious", and everyone is like "sure ya are *wink*". and then that person goes and does some crazy shit, and then everyone is like "well i never guessed" or "i fucking knew it the whole time".
>So what actually are the signs of a school shooter in the making?
First indicator.
Fixed version :^)
it's like a bow or a simple rock cant kill anymore like humans were imune to old weapons
> be burger
> have anti-white government
> have shitton of guns
> decide to use guns to shoot school instead
Nigga you can kill people with sticks
...because these are kids? wtf
it's not like they were giving it a whole lot of thought, this is primitive instinctive bullshit reaction to begin with, and you justify it by them rebelling?
baseball bats.
Is that what you took from OPs video?
>you could buy a sten, an fal or a solothurn AT rifle back in the day for cheap
>nowadays a simple mp40 will cost you $10,000+
thanks a lot reagan you cunt
I also took that I am alive because I was growing in a country without guns.
man, i know, i was lucky to make it out of the killing fiel...
And kids took guns to school all the time with no massacres
"it was a different time"
Each of those firearms is garbage, btw.
I'm still curious why some people would buy an anti-tank rifle. Armored home invaders?
user Nooooo!
Ya man, it a miracle that anyone from America gets through school without it getting shot up.
it's almost like there's a global conspiracy to rid America of her guns.
After WW2, it became obvious that no one was truly immune from invasion.
Arming the unified US population with arms capable of defending a community from mechanized opposition became important.
What is it? Dont make me click that shit niggins
fuck that fucking bullshit. some mother fucker with bats or maybe even a slingshot could have done this shit.oh i know, mace the fuck out of everyone to incapacitate them and then bat them all. guns are ours. we are guns. our personal rights are guaranteed by us, and we are backed by our arms.
2nd amendment: for when we are the students, our government are the shooters. meme that shit.
Is that still relevant today? Would the normal population be armed with rocket launchers?
Fun fact, here in Europe they actually buried shipping containers with sophisticated weapons for that same purpose. They learned from WW2 that the most radical communist haters would probably form resistance groups, so they told them where the weapons were. Given they were mostly right wing radicals and biker gangs, it wasn't surprising that most of the shipping containers turned out empty in the 1990s. Some were even filled with refrigerators to prevent the weight pressure alarm to be set off.
Maybe the American system isn't even so bad.
You are backed by the mercy of the global government. Tommorrow they may wish to take your guns, and you will do nothing. They just dont need to.
How lazy can you be? It's a parody.
Because shooting one would be cool as hell?
>sand hook promise
whew guys, way to get in there. way to "do something".
Ya, I remember school, everyday the hallway gauntlets of swords and throwing stars was rough. Teachers shooting kids dead for being late to class, shit was so crazy.
$180 (1962) is about $1500 (2017)
The FAL kept with inflation
>Is that still relevant today?
Sure. Maybe the central americans are too lazy to launch and armed invasion today, but tomorrow may be the day they get off of their asses and try to retake texas and california.
Also, if it werent for the fucking Mediterranean, who knows what the african invasion of Europe would look like.
Never, ever trick yourself into believing the opposition is "JV" or not a serious threat.
>see you at school
I kek'd. They can't even keep to their social outcast stereotype.
>Tommorrow they may wish to take your guns, and you will do nothing.
every. blade. of. grass. user.
> happened in europe, happened in australia, slowly happening in the us
>tfw my dad was able to mail order buy a 20mm anti-tank fully when he was 18 through the mail for less than 100 bucks
>slowly happening in the us
And? Did he buy it? Will it be yours when he died?
>that ending
It's apparently an organization made up of parents of the kids
who was the fucking 30 year old and what happened there, anyone got the info on that?
hurt running over 13-15 year olds?
>Fun fact, here in Europe they actually buried shipping containers with sophisticated weapons for that same purpose. They learned from WW2 that the most radical communist haters would probably form resistance groups, so they told them where the weapons were. Given they were mostly right wing radicals and biker gangs, it wasn't surprising that most of the shipping containers turned out empty in the 1990s. Some were even filled with refrigerators to prevent the weight pressure alarm to be set off.
got some links to read more about that? you got my interest although I didn't understand the commie/right wing biker gangs part well
>Do nothing
I believe /k/ has a term for if the UN ever decides to bring 'peacekeepers' here, I think they call it "Blueberry Picking"
>that flag
>not understanding commie/right wing biker gangs
Checks out
> more and more anti-gun laws
> its o..ok guys, I still have the 2nd amendment
i know. it's just that their effort was so pathetic. but i guess it makes them feel better because at least they're "doing something". i mean i always knew they'd be a joke, but i didn't expect them to be this big a joke.
>the finger gun is a sign of a school shooter
if they're that fucking stupid i'm glad their kids are dead. they shouldn't be reproducing.
Again, they just dont need to. They will just wait until demographics change, and then pass all the laws needed.
>more and more anti-gun laws
What laws? Every time there's a shooting, gun sales surge, you have no idea what you're talking about.
> its o..ok guys, I still have the 2nd amendment
There are more guns in America than people. They'll have to kill us all, we will never relinquish them.
The way he wrote it was less than clear
>if they're that fucking stupid i'm glad their kids are dead. they shouldn't be reproducing.
>laws make metal go away
Okay buddy, I can spare another (you) for a a thirsty and defenceless britbro
>Every time there's a shooting, gun sales surge
because people want to buy them before they ban them
>that flag
>demanding well defined, clarity.
Checks out
>want to buy them before they ban them
They made it go away in europe in australia.
Kennedy was shot by a caricino bolt action, an extremely accurate rifle if chambered in the correct round.
Where does one obtain such an aesthetic set of gun paraphernalia?
this country was literally born when your country sent some guys to try and take our guns (we shot them for their trouble). it ain't happening here.
no, brit is right about the laws. however, it's pretty clear all the current laws are in violation of the 2nd amendment, so we just sit back and depend on this. he reckons that the "demographics will change", or that people will finally be convinced to amend or abolish the second amendment. There is potential truth in what bong man speaks. However, he also assumes that the gun issue is an even split on party lines, or that we are teetering on the verge of abolishing the second amendment - or even that some external forces will present themselves to remove our arms. He's projecting a bit for what he will never have in his country, but strangely brit man wants us to be disarmed. Maybe it's envy, stupidity, trolling...
they arent the US, lol. You fail to grasp the crucial difference in all your examples is that they arent the US. Im sure youve looked into what has to happen to change the bill of rights, meaning its not possible without armed rebellion the likes of which will make the first Civil War look like the Whiskey Rebllion. plus, why are you talking about demographics, niggers and spics fucking LOVE guns. They love them so much, they still manage to get them over in your shithole
I've been on Lexapro for 5 years, it evens you out so you DONT go fucking insane
WOOOO. cause MERICA, britches.
umm, that air gun was supposed to be chambered in 9mm, but oh well it's still beautiful.
New Jersey wants to redefine "high capacity magazine" to anything over 5 rounds, effectively outlawing them. Do you see where that's going?
Why do you take keksapro?
>Name a praiseworthy achievement in America
Survived high school.
That FAL with inflation is $1483.18 now.
Ya, I know, I live in NY, I know all about this bullshit.
dysthymia, a long term and persistent, but mild, form of depression
that plus just a bit of therapy, did wonders for me
Is your depression the result of life experiences or is it from a chemical imbalance?
Because we can. You’re asking the wrong question and have the entire premise wrong. There is no need to justify what weaponry we burgers wish to own.
chemical, I would just get sad and dark with no reason
Ebin pic. He asked why someone would buy, not why someone would need though, let's cut the guy some slack.
It seemed to me like geniune curiousity rather than the usual thinly veiled gungrabber logic.
The point he was making was that shrinks often medicate kids who don't need that medication though. What's good for a sick person is bad for a sane individual.
>sad and dark
Too bad you choose not to capitalize on your condition and write songs and books. Could be a blessing in disguise.