What do you think about chinese anime?
Not looking for recommendations just general opinion on them.
What do you think about chinese anime?
Not looking for recommendations just general opinion on them.
>chinese anime
What the fuck do you think anime means? It's Japanese cartoons. This is a board for Japanese cartoons. Your thread about Chinese cartoons is not about Japanese cartoons. Your thread is not about anime. It is off-topic. It does not belong on Sup Forums. You are breaking the rules. Fuck off.
I'd be careful with that.
Mods already confirmed they are accepted to discuss korean and chink manga/anime/LN on Sup Forums
Anime is short for animation. This board mainly focuses on jap-animation, but like with everything china knocked it off. Now Chinese anime exists. Now discuss Chinese anime in thread, or fuck off.
>Anime is short for animation
Anime in the English-speaking world means "Japanese cartoons."
> discuss Chinese anime
Literally impossible, since no such thing exists.
It's pretty good actually. Nice fight choreography decent characters.
Good animation.
Chinese as fuck story tropes.
Not saying that's bad, it's actually interesting.
BUT it's yet another fairly good 12 ep chinese animu that will never see a second season.
Full-Time Magister.
>Art is okay
>Animation is a little shit
>Story is borderline retarded
>Everything seems to easily goes MC's way
>No reason for antagonist to even be a dick in the first place
>Conflict between mc, and antagonist could be resolved in a sentence, but mc chooses to extend conflict
>MC hides special power for no reason at all
It's okay overall kind of shit, but I have to finish it.
>Japanese cartoons
>Literally impossible, since no such thing exists.
A few exists.
Report, hide and ignore all chink shills threads.
Why don't you fucking kill yourself chinky?
Shill thread? Theres no reason to shill a chinese anime that zero people would profit from today.Would you report manwha threads too?
Why would you not report things drawn by subhumans?
Fan Mo is a good MC
Then I'd have to report anything drawn by the Japanese. Chinkshit is chinkshit no?
>Conflict between mc, and antagonist could be resolved in a sentence, but mc chooses to extend conflict
Did you even watch it?
The dude hates his fucking guts and is in full class elitist mode.
The fuck can he say to resolve that?
The whole story is lacking though.
Why is he even hiding his lighting power?
I think i prefer the king's avatar... was so much better than SAO...
anime is a japanese term you mong.
>The dude hates his fucking guts and is in full class elitist mode
His uncle was willing to put all that behind him once he showed his worth after "s" classing the crystal, and "a" classing the other test. MC decided that he'd rather be a little shit, and continue hating the guy that pulled strings to get him in the school. That conflict could have ended there 100%, but MC decided that he wanted to challenge the antagonist's son in 2 years. That's a challenge in 2 fucking years for no reason other than the MC wanting to be a fucker for no reason. Also why does the MC even have a lackey who believes in him from when he was a complete loser?
This is now a loli thread. Post lolis to cleanse the site of ching chong cancer.
Anime was a Japanese term for general animation kid. Outside of Japan, Japanese animation was referred to as japanime, or japanime.
Weebs feel threatened by China. Probably not even Japanese.
I really wish we had a board for animation in general, but we don't
Looks like we have one.
Here's one. Don't like this thread then find another one on to queerpost in.
>Being this buttblasted
Become a janitor and do something about it, faggot.
His uncle slapped his dad around like he was a fucking dog and they even treated him like shit when he only wanted to get his son into that magical school.
Those dudes are fucking assholes and would have made his life a living hell no matter what.
>its a retard OP thinks China can make anime episode
>It's pretty good actually. Nice fight choreography decent characters.
If you are talking about the MMORPG one, then yes, its kinda good, but it shows semi high production values, so maybe its the budget speaking
>Good animation.
I just saw another one about a guy that want to be an uber mage to pump up his family into the social rank. The sometimes trhe animation lacks, but its lower budget than the MMORPG one
>Chinese as fuck story tropes.
Yeah, I dont get some "funny" situations, like "oh i said something lewd to you? just kiddin' LOL!"
>Not saying that's bad, it's actually interesting.
So far I think most of us cant speak in general because we have not so much examples, but that 2 series made in 2017 that I spoke about are not bad at all, I say an easy 7/10 even 9/10. Maybe this will show some japanese studios that making low budget stuff will bring most of the time QUALITY stuff.
I like some of the themes because they are "new", like the "I want to improve the social standing of my family so they dont fuck with us anymore"
When you realize that whomever posted these is a real person that has these images saved in a folder, and that person is allowed to breathe the same air as you.
Careful, user. I once called out the closeted pedophilia and I got a warning lol
i thought this was a chinese claymation board
Chinese are also subhumans now? The Sup Forums's world is full of surprises
Admit it. You searched for all of them and are fapping to them as we speak.
Could be worse though, like having a chinkshit saved in a folder of a computer.
>Careful, user. I once called out the closeted pedophilia and I got a warning lol
Sad world that we live in.
Well if you're going to plagiarize a loli artist might as well do it to someone decent
>Story is borderline retarded
You can call it simple, but far from retarded
>Everything seems to easily goes MC's way
Ever heard of "the chosen one", Some chinese stuff like to have as their MC's overpowered as fuck individuals.
But in this case, even with the help of his pendant, he has to meditate a lot so he can improve.
>No reason for antagonist to even be a dick in the first place
WTF. Its a class war stuff, Some of the Mu family hates Mo fan because he is lower class, he has strong bonds with the Mu ice girl with light blue hair and they progressively acknowledge Mo fan as a threat.
>MC hides special power for no reason at all
WTF again mate! He states that he choses to hide his lightning power because such cases are extremely scarse and he doesnt want to bring more attention to him than necessary. He joins the city hunters because he can grind money and practice his lightning element.
There's nothing worse than having people like you left alive, and doing as you please user.
Still better than making a chink/gookshit thread on Sup Forums.
Nah. Just kys for the sake of the world. There's no justifiable reason for your existence.
Suicide is an option user.
So long as they keep getting Japanese dubs. Chinese is the worst language on this planet.
Why should I when my existence has more worth than yours?
Add nipshit, and it becomes even more redundant.
>Huur you posted slanteyed shit on the board for slanteyed shit. For punishment user will post his collection of slanteyed pedo shit.
Normie fuck off
>being this butthurt that he was born an inferior race
>Why should I when my existence has more worth than yours?
Your confused. You're about two tiers lower than being a nigger. Muslim tier garbage.
Two nukes wasn't enough?
King's Avatar is probably one of the best anime this season but To Be Hero is the most fun I had out of chinese anime.
Must be the Sugita.
It was the nukes that led the Japanese to channel their frustrations towards making glorious loli manga instead of killing chingchongs. I for one am eternally grateful.
>born an inferior race
TFW you realize that the most accomplished Japanese baddass where actually Koreans living in Japan.
Including the Japanese in a status outside of subhuman shows how ignorant you are.
It's okay chon. You don't need to delude yourself.
Well here we go again
Thunderbolt Fanatasy best Chinese cartoon of last year
Chink shit and gook shit need to be deleted on site.
This post is so stupid I don't know where to begin.
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai is a cute series of shorts I guess. It's pretty weird seeing a series about a brother & sister not having any incest undertones at all in this day and age.
From what I've seen, chinese storytelling is less 'universal' than japanese. That's a tough barrier to overcome if you really want to watch chinese animation.
>Chink shit and gook shit need to be deleted on site.
Then where to post about anime?
>From what I've seen, chinese storytelling is less 'universal' than japanese.
The storytelling, and pacing isn't as refined as the Japanese yet. But catching up will only take some time, and once they gain experience it will be on par. Japanese anime have stagnated as a whole, so that will make it easier for the Chinese to catch up while giving them the opportunity of offering something new.
The Chinese language is absolute dogshit tier. Literally cannot watch Chinese anything because it disgusts me.
Chink is Chinese, gook is Korean, nip is Japanese, and you're a stupid fucking ESLfag.
They're all the same. One doesn't offer a premium over the other at a brothel, so what the fuck is the difference?
You're so fucking stupid, it hurts. Why don't you leave Sup Forums and go hang out at the brother your mother and sisters work at?
I dunno mane, what about the ideological control? I think it's fair to argue that chinese culture is more restrictive about what they can put in their fiction.
nips gooks and chink all look and sound the same
no idea why they're racist between each other
Chink is Asian, Gook is Asian, Nip is Asian, and not even Asians can tell the difference between them.
Where are you retards all coming from?
>I dunno mane, what about the ideological control?
I don't think it's a real issue when comparing against the Japanese. Japanese anime is very nationalistic, and this is very visible in animes with any semblance of a military like GATE.
You fucking wish chinky. I can smell your inferiority from a mile away.