Spoiler are out and the story is moving faster than ever before. Get ready for Meliodas original sin. He is finally ready to share his story.
Nanatsu no Taizai
Other urls found in this thread:
Pic 2:
What the hell is going on?
I don't… understand either… Will Elizabeth be all right?
Merlin, you haven't figured out the cause?
It must be the effect from interfering with Zeldris' magic when she dispelled my curse.
Then… Elizabeth has fallen to the curse?
Pic 3:
She's started to regain her memories…
Her memories?
You mean… the ones of her previous lives!? That's great!!
Hmm? Previous lives? What's he talking about?
King, it's definitely shocking!!
What!! You said she had reincarnated so many times, forgetting the memories of her previous lives for 3000 years!?
Whaaaat!? No way!?
That's why Elizabeth told us she wanted to regain the memories of her previous lives.
Pic 4:
Watch your language, Diane!!
Wh… what? Why-
Captain's the mean one!!
He purposely ignored what Elizabeth said.
…it's over now. It won't be so long until she gets all her memories back…
Once all her memories are back,
Pic 5:
Elizabeth will die in three days.
Pic 6:
Die…? Eh? You've gotta kidding us… Captain?
That's our destiny.
I don't feel the need to be silent about it anymore.
I'm going to spill everything to you.
Q229: Yada Hikaru-san: Which scenes did you like in Signs of the Holy War?
Nakaba: Perhaps the second episode. I had fin putting the battle between Ban and Meliodas in the rough draft after a long time.
Pic 7: The goal behind my three-thousand-year travel…
Center text: What has Elizabeth been cursed for? The time for the Captain's past enshrouded in darkness to be revealed has come!!
Margin text: His lover Elizabeth dies once her memories return. The overly cruel "curse" that has been tormenting Meliodas for a very long time.
Bottom text: To be continued in chapter 224 / That's the way we live.
A bit surprised we get Mel's backstory before Merlin. Either way, the curse now becomes much more sinister. While it's already shitty that Elizabeth loses her memories upon each incarnation, the fact that she dies when she learns the truth makes sure Mel never gets to tell her everything, for fear of killing her off yet again.
Thanks user
So is NNT going to end soon or Nakaba is picking the pace because he has a lot more to tell?