
>Sending your kids to school with niggers

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Fucking sheboon trundles over like an ape freight train

>as if anybody on pol would be surprised by this
>shittimg pol up with dumb slide bait threads

Better yourself and learn to figth, this stops you being angsty of subhumans
Also sage

Nigger is the most inferior and disgusting race ever seen on Earth.

IF... those sub-humans really are humans.

Idk why but I found this fucking hilarious

This could have been prevented. White people need to start teaching their young about the dangers of niggers. That way when encounters like this happen, you can defend yourself. Most black people can't fight for shit. If a white is determined enough, and has an ounce of training, can easily best the groid in hand to hand combat.

Nigresses are the way they are because they can't get white dick.
Why do you think they shill Sup Forums and /r9k/ so much? They want white dick. Fucking stupid sheboons.

Growing up my school had only 1 black kid and he was kind of a geek, and it was like that all the way through high school too. There were still fights though because hey, kids will be kids, but niggers are just scum






AH, a new member to Sup Forums!

Dude is like Tarzan the way he handled that pack of apes


We had a decent sized population of negro's at my school due to our sporting program. Some guys were really normal like whites and dressed in ambercrombie, spoke normal, never had any problems. When ghetto school kids would start attending from being expelled from their other shitty schools they would always butt heads. I remember an ambercrombie nigger who was a running back on the football team busted some ghetto niggers face all up and body slammed him in the quad knocking him out. That shit was hilarious. black girls most usually never fought and if they did it was always with other black girls. Most of the time the hispanic girls fought Armenian girls. Asian girls were nice and timid, whites same, there were more fights during sporting practice just because of ego's than actual school time. Although there was an instance where a group of pretty normal football kids groups together to fight Armenians. The school officials separated everyone pretty quick. At the school it was pretty universal nobody liked the Armenians.

>having kids

This thread is making me hate niggers even more.

>having a future

That's like going to the zoo and throwing your children in the monkey cages desu.

wow niggers are somehow even more worthless in the crowd than individually


this, when youre one of the only white dudes at school and youre not a morbidly obese neckbeard they will literally grab your ass and flirt with you.

I had long hair and they'd all gather around and run their hands through my hair like "oh wye boi yo hair so soft" etc.

never fucked any of em tho, didnt want AIDS

>tries to run
>yells on video "I'm not going to fight you"
>both get suspended

>being a racist fuck

Sending your white kid to a nigger school, "The Movie"

Glad i went to a school with all white people. I would say there we're a total of 10 blacks there, barely any asians and one arab girl(what was she doing in a catholic school??)


>one arab girl(what was she doing in a catholic school??)


But this is what Sup Forums's dogma of "JUST MAN UP AND BE REAL MEN IN WESTERN SOCIETY" will get you.
Outnumbered whites being shit on by unworthy subhumans.
Yes, having families is important, but we also need to deport deport deport. The fact that almost all of this board gets really spergy when deporting is mentioned makes me really fucking suspicious.
There's nothing wrong with deporting non-white subhumans who exist because hard working white men let them exist.

the hate the hate created. You don't like the beast you created beating on your children?


facts dont lie.
black people just dont fit in.
nobel prize winning scientists have wrote about it. what a shame youre a faggot though.

>2020 - 2
>Not beating up niggers
Why even?


she gets milk thrown at her and still didn't move an inch, or change her expression, only after the punch

>the beast you created
>oy vey goyim
After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax, the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.





Be a white guy niggers are afraid to fuck with.

Lift. Train. Carry a firearm. Carry a knife. Beat niggers.

My sides

no kid is born knowing how to hate

Being mexican I've never understood why whites take is from blacks so easily. Like they just sit there and not even try to fight back. They just wait for it to be over and let themselves get smacked/beat up. Its like certain whites are terrified of being hit

shes too used to milk in her face

It doesn't actually take much. I am not a tough guy at all, but I stand up for myself and they always back down.

so act like a nigger that's your advice for dealing with niggers?
>aighty then

I used to have long hair in high school and nigresses loved it. They would try to comb my hair and talk about how smooth it was. Shit was weird.

>Open Sup Forums
>First thread is an obvious slide thread
>Sup Forumsacks gobble it down of course
>100+ replies of a variation of "nigger" and autistic genocide discussion
Sup Forums is a meme

Yeah that's not going to work with US blacks lol


Pol is boomers now

I mean not your actual gang members, but just random black guys?

wtf why is nobody doing anything? What fucking state is this?

Yes, especially in the south. They're that bad.

whites btfo again

Thats the point

>Checks flag
>Has literally never seen a black person in his entire life
>Hates niggers because everyone on Sup Forums told him too


I wonder who could have posted that

I see niggers on a semi-regular basis here, you faggot twat.

this zombie didn't even react

It's not even the students themselves, its the teachers that allow students to act like this because they're 1) afraid or 2)weak. Personally, I believe there needs to be more authoritative teachers who can handle their own in situations like these; especially when chimp-outs occur. Recent polls show that most high-school teachers are women (75% in Canada and 80% in US) and they can't handle these highly aggressive students (especially when they're low income. And heaven to fucking betsy you try and step-in and then their dumb ass fucking parent (who cant be asked to make sure the student does their homework but will beat your ass down if you touch their child when they're in a fight). The education system when it comes to discipline and control is fucked.

That's the thing. When we call niggers violent its not implying that whites never fight or hurt each other, but we have a code of honor behind it that keeps it from being an act of savagery

Learn a martial arts. Muay Thai for striking. Wrestling/Jujitsu/sambo. Most people have no idea how to fight. They dont train. Blacks especially. They think in their low iq brains they can fight. They cannot. People are very vulnerable in actual fights. If you train weekly in a combat sport it's very humbling to know you can kill people and that tapping in Jujitsu means you're basically receiving a broken limb or death in a real situation. Or get a gun and shoot them.

Gee whillikers Jamal, maybe you should stop giving me reasons to. I wasn't racist 5 years ago but watching the way you coons comport yourselves sure has changed my mind.


what the fuck

the horror

Maybe one of the most important lesson these kids will learn in school.
I was in a school for smart kids, so every ethnic student there was ok, so I've grown up Hillary/Obama tier liberal.

Why do brown folks think they’re any better? Is it because of insecurity? You faggots will never have a seat at the table with whites. You’re all subhuman

The gap between negros and arabs/mexicans is the same as a gap between them and whites.

Looks like the black gorilla bitch is trying to steal the she-chink's hair.

maybe I'm biased but it seems like the culture has changed a lot since 10 years ago when I was in high school
I mean obviously it has but what I mean is, when I was in high school my friend was like the most stereotypical neckbeard you could possibly think of, and we went to the shittiest school in the district and all the urban youths never gave him (or me) any problems.
it's tough to say what the reason is for these fights because there's no context in 99% of these videos though so who knows maybe there's legitimate beef between them but I'm sure it's not always the case, or even usually

cease this racism.

w e z s t h e s a m e

>muh good niggers
even mulatto nignogs like obama always defend niggers and their antics

95% of blacks are a drain on this planet

Blame niggers for being weak and getting ur ass whopped instead of getting stronger and fighting back.

white girl BTFO

The state of demoralization.


Find me a video where a white kid sucker punches a negro.

Hardcore mode: a video with mob of white kids dogpiling a negro

It's perfectly clear what the "beef" is.


Of course there's context but Sup Forums is /pol

They are leagues better. I don't want them living near me but given the choice between a mexican and a nigger, I would choose the mexican any day.

Cute. That one won't grow up to burn coal

she was still clutching her phone after getting punched haha

you're ignoring the point I'm trying to make

The solution is to create more private schools. But nothing fancy, just associate to build a simple small school or buy an old building like pic related.
Then the number of students may not be greater than 150 each year, about 30 students per course, the five years of high school.
The cost per month must be enough to pay for the teachers, the number of teachers would variate according to the ideology of every establishment.

Basically enough to pay teachers a decent salary and to keep the building clean.
Let's face it, kids from good families wont be throwing trash everywhere and to ask them to clean a little 5 minutes before leaving (like in Japan) wont be a problem.
PRIVATE INITIATIVE, is the solution.

I would stomp those little niggers if that were my kid

My first experience with school niggers was in nursery class.I bought a small plastic, round planetarium projector to show the class our solar system on the classroom ceiling. The second
I carry it into the room a lumbering silverback juvenille named Marcus runs up and punches the ball so hard it crumbles like a soda can

They have been doing this since...idk the 60s or 70s. They fucking love the bathrooms. Mom got jumped by a group of niggers at school in Chicago.
>"Y u kyll Kyng?"
>"Ugh, that was before my time. I didn't kill him."
>"I didn't fucking kill King."

>implying all Brazilians are brown

Oh my naive little burger

Racism only exists because Blacks have an inferior complex which causes them to project their insecurities. Their entire culture is based on the rejection of White Culture. They have a "hurt you before you hurt me" mindset that stems from how they are raised and their fear of neglect. Black women need to stop getting pregnant so early and Black men need to stop neglecting their kids be ause this only perpetuates the cycle. Stop fucking up society by creating insecure, neglected hellrazors youtu.be/Cm2vHiCQB2w

>t. Styx

Any sort of stronger teacher would be immediately fired
Because the administrator and the government WANT a situation where whites are preyed upon freely by the shitskins

We also need to genocide, not deport

And then the next class has 20 blacks
And a generation later its white minority, because noone will ever allow whites to defend themselves.

It's clear where the weakness is, the government has spent the last 100 years trying to "fix/integrate blacks", whites are conditioned to never engage in violence, they are punished for defending themselves, and they are told they are the villains of history & the world.

"racism" exists because of the marxist disdain for reality & human nature
So whites are brainwashed into this view that "racism" is wrong, that we are all individuals, that we must treat blacks equally rather than what they deserve

It is nothing more than a weapon to be used against whites
They care nothing for the harm it does to whites, they are delusional utopians removed from any of the problems they create

This is a good idea.

You're alluding that the overwhelming evidence of anti-white violence in american schools is not race-related. That we need "context", and there may have been "beef" in the instances where a mob of half-naked niglets in public school jump on a white guy in bathroom. We need none, it's enough to see their display of group violence and tribal behaviour to know that any personal feud would have been just an excuse, not a legitimate cause
>urban youths
I've wasted few minutes of my life trying to converse with an ape.

I am white and my name is Marcus, I was named after the roman god Aries. Also could be retrived as a name coming from the planet "Mars" which was named after Aries. Just restoring your peace in guys with the name Marcus.

The most egregious thing about these school fight webms is that no white person steps in to stop the fight or even help the white kid. Hell, other black kids help black attackers.

Really makes you think.

If you reversed the races in these videos BLM would be rioting in the streets with non stop chimpouts. Leftists haven't even reached the point of acknowledging there is a black violence problem. God damn frustrating.

90% of this thread hates women. But let me post a women getting her ass kicked to validate my hatred towards black people. You're all too predictable


>that proxy memeflag
>this post
Women are self destructive and emotional. It's just a fact of reality that goes beyond race.

Never understood this one: if Captain Birds Eye beats the shit out of you, how does amber lamps help you?

Learn how to fight and join your local.....
