Dems 14 point generic ballot has VANISHED inside 4 weeks

******breathes in******

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I guess this is yet another reason why they plotted to kill all those republicans with that staged train crash





Trump with an uncontested congressional majority would absolutely be the end of the Democratic party as we know it.




But I was told by CNN that it was over for the right! What gives?

That explains why half of the left was clapping for trump during his speech

there will be no 2018 elections

Which do you think had more of an impact? The shutdown painting dems as prioritizing illegals at the expense of everyone else, or Sloppy Joe's absolutely pathetic response to the SOTU speech?

The implications of this shit are way more big than what any one of you faggots realize, the only way to stop it would be with an assasination on the president. And this is what you burgers need to prevent, so instead of MAGA, it turns into ME(earth)GA.
Maga comes from latin magus, which means warlock. Words are stronger than what you fags think.

Check DACA reddit. Many latinos stopped frothing at the mouth and like Trump's DACA deal.

Pelosi got into an argument with Linda Sanchez from California during SOTU.

Democrats are divided among factions.

The Dems already took a massive shit all over Trump's latest deal.

You missed it? Trump gave universally praised SOTUS speech and when a train with 100 Republicans was on its way back, someone parked trash disposal truck on the rails.

Source you absolute double nigger.

Yes, exactly. The Dems don't give a single fuck about saving Dreamers or whatever. They will reject any deal that includes the wall or changes anything about illegals' chances to getting in the country, because what they want is votes.
Within one month, the Dems proved:
>they care more about illegals than citizens
>they're spineless cucks who're all talk but no action
>they don't care enough about illegals, and will reject anything that's not total amnesty and open borders
>they don't give a shit about blacks' success

>stop oversamping dems
>dem lead falls

same reason hillary cancelled her fireworks.... she knew she would lose by looking at real polls


Nice one never heard about the fireworks

>b-but Twitter said Trump Shutdown was trending more! Fucking Russia!



Dems btfo

>Pelosi got into an argument with Linda Sanchez from California during SOTU.

a love triangle

Yeah maybe because they literally have nothing to offer anyone that can vote. All they do is parade around trannies and illegal immigrants lmfao. It's actually incredibly pathetic what these people have been reduced to.

How could you!


Definitely the shutdown. It was easy to find ways to see how people you knew were impacted by the shutdown, meanwhile if you skipped the news following the state of the union you might not even know of Joe Kennedy.

Well, guess it's about that time to go vote another straight R ticket. Not because I like it, but because I ideally want the R's to be leftist party and fight them irl.

as real as hilldogs 75 point lead over trump

oh, he missed so much more than that "Times Up!!"

Rockafeller saying "nobody will remember this speech tomorrow"

Pelosi and some other Dem posting on twitter BEFORE the crash even occurred.

The fuckers are just too coup coup to see that they are destroying their political party in its entirety



>Rockafeller saying "nobody will remember this speech tomorrow"

I thought it was one of the Rothschilds?

Also, didn't one latino Dem Rep run out when the people attending started a "USA! USA! USA!" chant?

Tax Reform was a big deal, that Dems naysayed and now are paying the price.

Plus Trump has been buttfucking them good left and right all month.

Literally all they have is he drinks Diet Coke, eats McDonalds (like Mueller does), fucks porn stars and MUH RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

>Also, didn't one latino Dem Rep run out when the people attending started a "USA! USA! USA!" chant?
This is the best timeline

Imagine being this stupid

>didn't one latino Dem Rep run out when the people attending started a "USA! USA! USA!" chant?
I missed that but they are so anti-American that i do not doubt it.

Pelosi did fucking what? Gimme some sauce bruh


They made excuses like "he was trying to get to a Univision interview".

Nana Pelosi just had 2 change her diaper.

Chuck Schumer eating pizza with registered sex offender, Anthony Weiner.

He eats his steak well done. And that is the absolute worst way to order it.

>He eats his steak well done. And that is the absolute worst way to order it.

>Not getting the steak exactly how you like it, regardless of what anyone else says

That just means the new polls aren't +20 Dem

Do you realize how retarded it is to think that was going to be their method to take out congress? Trains hit trucks fairly often. All that happens is theres a scratch on the train and a truck in 1000 pieces. Do you really think that was the deep states master plan?

>gripe endlessly about bizarre conspiracy theories to explain why you lost an election over a year ago
>sulk en masse at your country's failure to collapse
>Why don't people like us???

Don't forget TWO SCOOPS of ice cream.

Literally Hitler.

Watch them try and spin this into...
How Hillary Unified the country into a one party system.

Polls were real. In my mind they were real, goy.

yup. we'll find out at mid terms if God really does favor America.

fuck man, I gotta dig some. we been getting shilled hard since the train

Heres some threads to catchup with while I search

the salt from the midterms could rival election win salt

found it

crash happened at 11:20... there was another Dem that posted to Twitter before the crash too

11:07 on his post

and here is Rotchild foreshadowing

>0 sources provided for this screenshot

Plot twist: the new polls ARE +20 D

I love the lib shit talk threads right now. They're getting desperate

The Article I assume OP got pic related from:

The poll itself:

Crash happened at 11:20 EST
These tweets are from 12 and 12:07 EST
The user who screencapped them is in a different timezone

Kill them all

I assumed David Roth was gay, and come to find out he had a child. wow
David Roths child

Best part?
This was polled before the SOTU speech.


yeah, these people should learn, that is like twitters gimmick. fucking UTC deniers.

Wait, are we trusting polls now?

fair enough, Rothchild's maniacal laugh is still dubious to me though


This was not any sort of surprise.

When your entire agenda is being against one person and you have no other agenda, you will lose.

It was why the Democrats were able to beat Bush in '06. They hated the man, plus they were able to articulate an alternative plan. It is why the Republicans were able to smash back Obama, they hated him and had alternative plans. With Trump? They don't even have dog shit to run against him with. They have no real plans other than "F*ck Trump guys"

i love the logic tho. Train Crash == train vs something not train.

"hope the people off the train were ok"
yeah, ok. hope you're holding your breath, nancy.


The salt from elections was extra salt they had. The salt from the midterms will literally be the salt that is in them. It'll be like actually making a rock bleed.

wait, this wreck happened in West Virginia and I am seeing that Nacy posted at 10am I live in central time zone and wreck wouldof happened in eastern time zone.

So Nancy did post this at 11am West Virginia time.

Almost had me there Clown!

"off the train" I didnt catch that before. I wonder if the drivers of that truck were immigrants

Just learned that many dems suffered nervous breakdowns today. Praying that all are well, both on and off their meds. We want to see them fit to stand trial.

Shutdown, I'd like to think. I am already anti democrat but when you shut down the government for illegal fucking immigrants only the people who are highly drinkin the kool aid are going to like that.

It's why schumer blinked. He realized they were going to be tarred and feathered with it. And it's solidified my view that democrats worship illegals and hate american citizens. When the NYT puts out an op-ed by a major writer saying dreamers are better than americans, it is blindingly obvious they are the party of anti-nation, anti-america.

>still relying on polls in 2018
So, it's even worse then, because they never even really had any lead to begin with.
The party is dying, and its crypt keeps will be going to prison soon anyway :)

How many pedo busts is this utter mad-man gonna get to before his terms are up?!

hillary blames obama...

bush, clinton, bush, clinton, bush, chelsea
(((they))) promised
"my next book will expose their smuggling scheme in arkansas"

It’s all about the $$$

Guy at my work has been shit talking trump for 2 years, now that he actually sees how much money he’s getting back in taxes he has said things like “I knew trump wasn’t a bad guy”. Most people are sheep but at least the sheep are moving in the right direction now.

Shut up niggerrican


Good idea for a poster/sticker op.
>How is the tax plan working for you?

I'm praying for over 100,000

If Trump gets any work done on a form of national voter ID dems never win again.

*intakes atmospheric gases*

We need to find a way to force the MSM to have to do more or ANY reporting on his good work with busting these pedos and human trafficers.. true.

She don't look to good...

Does anyone know more about this congresswoman?
Could we push a campaign to get her to defect parties??

Not just the shutdown
But the fact they caved and ended it
Plus it'll all happen again in a week

Its also hilarious that a jewfuck like that bag is harassing what looks like a woman of color lol

There will be no deal on this and theyll be deported. Pelosi and the dems would rather crash the deal and blame trump for being a big racist meany. Thats why theyre parading young faces to the media rather than working in getting a deal done.

Luke 15

You must be one of those smart spanish beans i keep hearing about. Youre going to make mexico great

Good propaganda.