This is an japanese old hag

This is an japanese old hag.

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When she's taken the youth pill she counts as a teenager.

God dammit I miss ReLife.
Blew it all on an adaptation that'll never get a season 2 and now only slow ass manga.
Maybe in a year or so a miracle happens.

The fact that this teen is actually a cake just makes her even cuter.

They are adapting more of it next year

It's getting a film isn't it?



Wait a second you're not talking about a live action...

Hishiron is scary.

Hishiron hates memes

>you will never relife

The real shame is that the manga keeps making Hishiron constantly spill her spaghetti and say easily misunderstood shit during important parts. They keep dragging the reveal out and it is reaching bullshit levels, imo.

I want to fuck the disillusion out of Hishiron
4 eps?
Well I'm not going to complain.
This manga is fucking stellar. The colored + single frame really grew on me.
I really don't mind, the pacing is still great.
It's sappy as fuck but I guess that's a guilty pleasure of mine.

I really wanted her to win

for fucking real? watched it 3 times within 2 weeks of being released and wanted more

They're getting close to the end of their ReLife so maybe a year or so before it reaches the conclusion.

>15 post
>Not one is ">an"

The j is silent.

some of us don't even notice anymore

Haha, you fell for it.

Arata best girl.

She will win.

>have a great concept of an older man exploring the life of a teenager
>start out with some great gags like with the cigarettes and how out of shape he is
>more or less drop it for generic highschool shit

>tfw no tryhard bitch gf

>watching the volleyball arc 3 times
Why would you do this?


She has to win.

the kariu ohga MISUNDERSTANDING arc is worse

She'll get the senpai D eventually

Kariu is only good for her smug face in one of the latest chapters.

do you even read the manga ?

>mfw the memes are analogues for people.

>That moment in the manga where /ourguy/ was about to get some pussy.
"Its just a prank, bro.". That's not fucking funny.

Not that user, but I did it and desu he was right. Generic highschool route

The autistic cake is cuter to be honest.

It's just not capitalized correctly, since that's her name.

I like her when she has glasses.

I like it when she isn't acting like a massive slut, so never.

She is.

They focused on all the wrong things. I wanted to see the main character continue to adapt to high school instead of just generic romance.

Hishiro is cute.

So are they together in the manga or not? If not what the fuck is keeping them from fucking already they clearly want each other.

ReLife doesn't allow participants to reveal their identity or having sex with minors speedreader-kun.

>having sex with minors
They allow this though, if it's consensual.

They don't.
Read again, Ryo says it.

Really? I remember him saying relationships are fine if it's consensual, which I assume means sex too.

As I remember it he said relationships are fine as long as there's no sex.
It's in one of the earlier chapters.

I guess I must've remembered wrongly. I remember him saying something about it being okay if it's consensual.

I'm pretty sure it's going to have an ending similar to Kimi no Na Wa.
Their memories won't be completely erased after ReLife.

Wtf I love old hags now.

That's a best girl.

But you're wrong.

Literally me.

It's a live action movie and was out in Nipponland in April. No clue about a BD release.

Nah, I was talking about the 4 episodes in 2018.
Still I wonder what they'll do with it.


Early on he warns MC not to rape the kids. But later on he implies that it's fine to have relationships (and presumably sex) as long as it's genuine.

Anime sucked

It was great first couple of episodes

He says something along the lines of 'age of consent is techncially 13 but unless it's part of a long-term commited relationship your still in trouble if she's under 20'.

I thought it was pretty good, but I think a big part of that was being spoiled with it all releasing at once. If I had to watch it one episode a week, I don't think I would've gotten hooked like I did

>you will never be senpai and fuck this cake
