Who was in the right?


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They were both in the wrong.

Two wrongs don't make a right, user.


Was Reuenthal a THOT patrol squad pioneer?

I'd say Nanako was right that Rei should get off those pills already.

Any news on the remake yet

The one with the black uniform

What's the appeal of the THOT meme?

It's for niggers.

The news will be announced on September 20th.

>watch Gaiden
>it's kind of boring
>get to the parts where the FPA shows up
>suddenly it's exciting again
Where were you when you realized that FPA>GE?

Probably during the first episodes. The vibe of friends just messing around makes them a lot more likable.

Pic related
Episode 1 or 2

That doesn't mean shit.

Are you a nigger?

I'm a pale faggot, so no. I replied like that because I have the plant's villain song stuck in my head from Little Shop of Horrors.

First episode.

The FPA managed to be ruined by just two people, really, Trunicht and Fork. The latter got a huge percentage of their fleet slaughtered for nothing due to his incompetence just as the series started (putting the FPA firmly on the back foot for the entire series thereafter) and the former played the system against itself so hard and self-destructively that any chance it might have had to recover was murdered in its crib, all for his own power and self-aggrandizement.

Honestly, it kind of puts the theory of the FPA's weakness being democracy to lie when two men brought it down almost single-handedly, just like the Autocratic might of the Empire's movers and shakers.

Oberstein was in the right. He was always right.


In episode 2F09, when Kircheis and Reinhard are discussing a duel, Kircheis says that a duel can be conducted bare-handed, yet he clearly indicates hands which are gloved with gloves. I mean, what are we to believe, that gloved hands count as bare hands in the Empire? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Nanako a shit.

Tomoko best girl.

By bear handed they meant unarmed, and the point is further made by wearing gloves which offer even more protection both to the attacker and the person attacked.

Ruenthal didn't want to do it. He was basically forced to do it because of some loophole in how the Empire operated itself leaving him the option of rebelling which made perfect sense despite what it meant.

I don't quite remember the details but it made sense back when I was watching it.

>The FPA managed to be ruined by just two people
Not really. Commodore Falks plan for invading the Galactic Empire was mostly sound. The main reasons that it lead to such a desisive defeat were the both the opposition from different factions in the Aliance military and the fact that Reinhard had the political capital to execute Oberstein's scorched earth strategy. Asside from that the very choice to invade the empire is complety unrelated to Falk and if he didn't compose a proposal as to how to go about invading the GE someone else would have done so. Futhermore Job Trunicht in his fuction of Supreme Chairman did better than both his predecessor and succesor in acting in the Aliances intrests. Using both the Terraists and Fezzan to keep the Alliance competitive when they had no right to remain as such.

Reuenthal sacrificed millions of his man because of his own stubborn pride, he earned no sympathy from me, good fucking riddance.

take your own screenshots, faggot

>inb4 I don't have logh on my HDDs

Reuental, fuck that blonde faggot.

Oberstein a shit.

They are both at fault for the millions and millions who died in that rebellion.

I'm glad Oberstein assassinated Reinhard after he took out Reuental.

>Oberstein assassinated Reinhard
Are you saying that Oberstein was the one who put Emil up to steadily poisoning the Kaisar?

Emil wouldn't have ever even met the Kaiser if Oberstein hadn't planned it all out in advance.

To be fair though, Falk was quite optimistic about his plan, to say the very least, going as far as accusing Yang and others who were sceptical of it of treason.
The invasion should have been called off once their strategic situation became apparent. Of course, this wasn't possible mostly for political reasons.
I would say though that having somebody a little bit more prudent and open to criticism than Falk plan and execute the invasion could've prevented the catastrophe that it turned into; because it effectively lost the FPA the war.

> Hitler did nothing wrong

I don't think a Hitler comparison is really warranted here.

Reuenthal was the best character. He was the closest thing to a classic greek tragedy hero in anime.

What was heroic about him?

He was a man of honor. The most interesting part of Reuenthal is the conflict between his honor and his ambition. Throughout the whole series he considers betraying Reinhardt and making his own empire. In the end he gives into his ambition and it becomes his downfall.

What honor?

Did you even watch the series? What about when he saves Mittermeyer's ass from the nobles?

Doing things for your friend is nothing. What's respectable and honorable is acting that way towards strangers. Plenty of dishonorable scumbags will help out their friends, but will do nothing for strangers. That's why Mittermeyer was the one in prison, because he behaves honorably even when it doesn't concern his friends, even when it means pissing off the nobles. Considering how many millions of people died because of him, I don't think Reuental is capable of acting honorably towards anyone outside of himself and his friends.

I'm not saying he is hitler, I'm refering to that style of making excuses just to be a contrarian.

It was in his interest to do so though.

I loved Reuenthal's arc.


Reuenthal is a man of pride and nothing more. His ambition was half assed and badly written, or at least not developed enough in the series.

Oberstein should've been the emperor

From which perspective? To us it would appear Reuenthal is on the right, but from Reinhard's perspective Reuenthal would be on his left.

He doesn't have the charisma

Clearly Reuenthal was in the right side of the picture.