The Holy Trinity

>the Holy Trinity

How could any other trio beat them?


Hayate is the third wheel though

Eh, they are pretty shit.
Was beaten by a little frail girl who is a simple martial artist.
A jobber in general.
Just throw a Caro at her.

The true couple.



By killing off the loli forms by growing them up, and making it canon that lolis are weak shit.
Same applies.

So who's the father, who's the son, and who's the holy ghost?

Vivio is the son.


She's actually all 3.

>Was beaten by a little frail girl who is a simple martial artist.
Did that happen yet? Fight hasn't ended yet, or did it. Limiters anyway.

When has Hayate ever done anything other than job? She's been carried throughout the entire franchise.

Dead weight and useless slut.

Hayata should have never been intoduced, she is a third wheel that never did anything useful.
The biggest problem that the later parts of Nanoha have is the character bloat.

How did she actually job before Force? She never lost anything when she happened to appear, before that. Fuck Hucks anyway.

Remind me again, who's the one on the bottom?

cutest wmd

I think it's more like a Hecate Sisters thing, with the maiden (Nanoha), the mother (Hayate) and the crone (Fate).

Besides sucking at her job? For being the only SS rank mage and carrying a book containing the most overpowered magic, she sure doesn't do diddly squat. And when she finally did something, she got btfo.

>White Devil

Olivie is the holy ghost, older Vivio is the father and Vivio is the son.


I like to think of Vivio as my sun.

>people are no shitting on Hayate

What has happened to Nanoha threads?

She's like an older Miura.

Miura is also shit.

>what happened to Nanoha threads?
Vivid and Force happened.

She's cute though

>she sure doesn't do diddly squat
She ICBMed fleets.

I love my wife Fuuka

Cyclone found a way

Kill yourself.

Signum when not forced to job.

Madara can easily own all of them.

I love your wife too but Fate's still mine.

Stay away from my wife.


It's not allowed to have two or more waifus you faggot!

Will we ever get a proper Strikers sequel?
I want more Nanoha and Fate, Vivid is ok, but still worse than old Nanoha.

>Will we ever get a proper Strikers sequel?
Nope, never.

We're in the Fuuka timeline now so who knows.

Nanoha is the mother.
Fate is the daughter.
Hayate is the holy ghost's waifu.

Will we ever get a proper Strike sequel?
I want more Fuuka and Rinne, Vivid is ok, but still worse than old Nanoha.

It sold well, so I don't see why not.

The male Force characters look like they could have been part of Final Fantasy Advent Children.
I feel like that moving away from anime to manga was a mistake.

Did we ever get a official reason from the hiatus of Force?


It depends, it seems its easier for Tsuzuki and 7arc to milk out existing settings in different way still using the popularity of original cast of Nanoha, Fate and Hayate.

Vivid is basically introduce more and more girls into the story to cater to various fetishes, make Einhart a harem protag, no plot needed, and make the girls fight through tournaments or mock battles, till it will drop in sales below 30-40k per volume like Force did over time.

Biggest mistake with Force?
Making Touma a boy and MC in relation with a girl named Lily and then make him a powerful for his special emo power, Final Fantasy tier Huck villains didn't help, same with the very weak mangaka who can't draw action scenes properly for life and who made Fate looking like a trans.

If Force had a cute female MC paired with Lily(basically Isis as MC) and had a better mangaka to draw it, it could be a proper continuation.

If we're talking about in their own series you're right 100%. Other trios from different series would stand a shot I think.

>If Force had a cute female MC paired with Lily(basically Isis as MC) and had a better mangaka to draw it, it could be a proper continuation.
If it had Fuuka and Rinne in the place of Touma and Lily it would have been a tolerable reading at least.

>If Force had a cute female MC paired with Lily(basically Isis as MC) and had a better mangaka to draw it, it could be a proper continuation.
It would be a worse vivid. Force biggest issue is that is shit, everything about it is shit. Making it look prettier and replacing MC with a loli would only accentuate everything else that is wrong with it by making it easier to compare with vivid.


Is this for real?

Fuck this ugly shit.

>and had a better mangaka to draw it
She's better at drawing lolis than adults. Everyone in Force is taller and has bigger tits than they should.

And it's still not as big of a change as StrikerS was with its complete target audience switch.

Good taste.

Isn't Nanoha usually discussed on /m/?

Leave them to us.

The male MC wasn't the issue, the issue was that Force as a whole is complete garbage.

StrikerS was also the best selling Nanoha, so the audience switch worked.

Some times, but very rarely.


Gears lose hard, the air superiority the Nanohas have is too much of an advantage. The Gears can jump around, but when Hayate goes to the stratosphere and starts dropping nukes it's over.

Not really, all the gears are OP as fuck and they can easily fly if they sing their swan songs. Even back in S1 they were able to punch a chunk of the moon into dust and they have only gotten stronger since then.
Even DMjii could defeat Nanoha.

They are only OP and can fly when they activate X-Drive.
Maybe if it was episode 13 the gears would have a chance against Nanohas crew.

Chris can blow up entire armies on her own, Tsubasa can summon swords the size of buildings and Hibiki can suplex spaceships. In a 1v1 the Nanohas are totally outclassed.
Even if their base power weren't enough they could still drop the bass on Nanoha and win. They wouldn't need to activate X-drive.

OMG, is that recent? Is there still hope for Force?

Be it continuation, remake, or reboot, if they returned to the "future" and started a proper sequel, that would have been the best possible news for me, much bigger than the 3rd movie. (I don't want to argue, that's just my preferences.)

The image says it's from 2013.

Hmm, right, the number.

Les bump



Why is Vivio the only one wearing underwear?

She's to small for commandos. She's only allowed to with adult mode.

Ah that's so cool, I love magic circles.

She's the only one who wasn't just having sex.

She's pure and always wears underwear


Should I watch Vivid Strike? Given I didn't like Vivio anime that much, but I like the main franchise more.

She has no reason to tale them off. Because Haru-nyan doesn't love her anymore.

Yeah, Fuuka saved the Nanoha franchise.

The issue with Force is the character bloat, the MC and it felt like a bad fit for the manga medium.
If they wanted a male MC they should have choosen a member of the Huckebein family.

I still kinda hope that we get a rewritten full anime version of Force.

It is pretty much the same but better. It takes the core idea of vivid, cute girls beating the shit out of each other, and improves it with a better MC, a better love interest, better fights, better plot and better supporting cast.

Am I the only one that likes Vivid more than Vivid Strike?
Didn't like Rinne or Fuuka at all.

It was the most discussed show on Sup Forums for a month after episode 4 aired so you pretty much have to watch at least that much. Then you'll probably want to watch the rest.


I don't hate vivid but everything you can enjoy in vivid you can also find in strike and probably done better.


I've never seen this Rinne


When are we going to get this picture without the SAMPLE plastered on it?


The same day we get this one.

When are they going to announce a new project? I thought they had at least two lined up.

>When are they going to announce a new project?
After the credits of Reflection perhaps?

If they're going to show anything at the ending credits it will be for part two of reflection.

Leave them to Lina.

Chris blew armies of filler and Tsubasa's swords are frail as fuck. Hibikis feats are impressive but she's pretty slow compared with Nanoha's top fighters. Not to mention her defenses are barely better than her teammates.

You're not alone. ViVid had also very glaring flaws but I found Vivid Strike even more cringy.

Not everything.

>totally outclassed
In terms of fighting experience the Nanohas would have an advantage. The only gear with a good amount of fighting experience is Tsubasa.

Fighting Nanoha herself isn't a simple matter of overpowering her. Nanoha is tanky as fuck and dishes out the pain while still being decently fast and mobile.

>Nanoha is tanky as fuck and dishes out the pain while still being decently fast and mobile
I thought the same until Vivio happened.

Vivio has lost more of her power but that doesn't mean she's still not a threat.