
Almost 3 months left before Season 3 announcement.

Manga spoilers when?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Manga spoilers when?
2 days, you dumbass.
>Season 3 announcement.
It's dead.

Kuroko is my wife.


>it's actually a new season of Railgun

>colorized version of the illustration makes Birdway lie down on a dank dirty floor.

seriously fuck off with this forced general already
the show was fucking shit.

>having shit taste
Kill yourself.

We'll be getting a vampire older sister and zombie little sister anime adaptation before we're getting a Index S3. Seriously, these threads are now getting out of hand.

Five years down the line, if season 3 still isn't around. I do not know what thing would these threads produce.

>raildexfag calls anyone out for having shit taste
Jesus, I can't stop laughing now.


Is this a newfag thing?


kuroko is my anal slave


Reminder Stiyl hasn't appeared for about three years now.

i m a p e r m a n e n t d r o n e fo r e v e r.

May as well just fuck a skeleton.

that's what she says every time

My love for misaka never wavers

>anons denying the possibility of a new season because their favorite shit show won't get another one
It's coming and you faggots will like it.

Apperently it does. Otherwise you would have atleast posted a cute picture of her.

Shut up laura

My love for Misaka's shorts never wavers.

Stinky shorts


Kuroyoru is top-tier bullying material. I'd deflate her dolphin just to make her cry.

Smelly shorts!

I just wanna try and pick birdway up

Birdways are meh, inferior blonde identical sisters.

>wake up
>no s3


Smelly penis within the shorts!

>wake up
>no Mikoto gf

Lucky you

I need a five way sister lesbian doujin featuring the Birdways and the Seiveluns.


You're the newfag for taking obvious bait and I'm just a newfag myself.

Railgun has been a fun ride, I'd say. Read the fucking manga and judge the anime based on that.

I can feel that we'll get a flurry of adaptations for years to come soon.

Seasons, Movies, even spinoffs get adaptations.

Accelerator adaptation would be an instant hit and print money.

Othinus arc trilogy movie fucking 2020

You would wait for 2 years for NT8-10 to be animated?
No thanks, they won't have the best animation but I will at least watch it in my lifetime.

Berserk gets a third season

So yeah

>doubting the movie budget

Kamikoto soon

you technically got a game adaptation right now


We will see it in action

Not only raildex, the whole kamachiverse gets animated!

Even mariydi movie

Let's bully her when she's on her period?

Jesus Christ, why? I guess it's so bad that its cheap to produce, but still.

but how can she be on her period in a game?


>NT9 movie poster is full black
>NT10 movie poster is pic related

>Mariydi movie
Forget that, where's my Hishigami all stars idol spinoff?

But of course, if I'm buying any costume it'll be this one

>idol accel spinoff adaptation


NT9 poster would be something like this.
NT10 poster would be something like the NT9 cover, but in all white.

First stage she's a normal human then she powers up?

>mariydi movie
>it's gas gas gas adaptation


Raildex will be back and it starts on october

2018 is the year of raildex

10 years after the first adaptation aired in 2008

Seems strange, just let her be a speedster sword bitch and have her be annoying to fight as a boss all the way through

A certain useless slut when?


>tfw all future adaptation directed by nagai

Index S3 BDs will be selling like hotcakes after casual vento gets bundled with it

How can someone even deny season 3 at this point? Kamachi announcing railgun SS3 was the final hint to it

Railgun SS3 will be in Index III BD 1

>kamachi refuses to announce the release date


but she can kill you super easily user, also
>edgy 12 yo btw
no thank you.

I think i'm gonna be sick.

Index III will be announced at TGS with the PV of Virtual On

JC Staff getting back on raildex by helping in the games, even hiring new VA's for post season 2 characters.

Do you still think that it's not happening?

>The VO will try to be as close as possible to the novel

When is that?

When do you think they'll actually start advertising the mobage for Japan?
They already got Japanese commercials

21-25 of September

September 21st-24st.

>straightedge, a company responsible for handling anime production, announced several projects for EXISTING IPs registered under the company


>almost on my birthday
pls gift me the announcement kamachi or whoever does this shit.

>Twenty fourthst

The stars has aligned. Season 3 is inevitable

>VAs recording OT14 stuff

I'll send you a birthday present if that really happens, probably the first BD release

Might as well wait one week after that and announce It on the Fall Fes if they're waiting that long.

at this point they're probably recording something else user


How will you spend this last few days before we enter a new era? It's been 4 years since the last raildex.



I already got part of my wish, it's even going further beyond the anime
S3 is the other part of it

>[HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 01 [720p].mkv
>[HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 01 [720p].mkv
>[HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 01 [720p].mkv

Will we do another event ?
I know we just did the rewatch a few months ago, but it would be good to do something else too for summer before the anouncement.
Any ideas for what that would be?

Do we know what those IPs are?

I rather not, mostly because I'll be too busy playing it

The game did rerecord stuff for the game, right? Or was it ripped from the anime?

How the fuck is things like
ripped from the anime user? Of course they rerecorded the shit to be consistent

Go to authors


The post about future works

Fucking this.

J.C. Staff has really been sharing to them

They're obviously sharing their season 3 assets as we speak