Is Kiritsugu the masculine ideal...

Is Kiritsugu the masculine ideal? The true essence of manliness and masculinity distilled into the form of one human being?


No, what makes you think so?

>cries like a lil bitch
>abject failure
>bad parent
>bad cook
>failure as a person

>The true essence of manliness and masculinity distilled into the form of one human being


>Deadbeat dad
>Cheated on a 11/10 like Iri
>Failed to either completely keep his son from following his path, or giving him the appropriate training to survive.

Nah m8, he's an incompetent little bitch that tries to convince himself he's still 'the good guy' despite throwing countless people under the bus with his utter lack of competence and impulsive decision making.

No fucking morons, it's Kirei Kotomine who is the essense of manliness, for better and for worse.



>self doubting hedonistic sadist

According to Grand Order if Kiri never met Iri he would've eventually died, but succeeded in becoming a Hero of Justice.

Yes he is the ideal. Fucking Iri and Illya ruined his life and the great path he was on. Mind of Steel is the rational option for humanity.

according to grand order kerry became a janitor, not exactly a good end

No, only the Kiritusugu of Fate/Accel Zero Order became a guardian. That Kiritsugu never met Irisviel or made a family, but pursued becoming a seigi no mikata to the end.

no, that would be kuzuki or shirou

>but pursued becoming a seigi no mikata to the end.
except kerry's dream was flawed- not to mention his terrible execution

He doesn't regret it and was happy becoming a Hero of Justice and would do it all over again.

that doesent make him right

If he was correct and he was right there is no problem.

The Kiri who followed his ideal to the end, did what was factually right and what was morally right.

Accel Zero Kiri wasn't even that bad, once everybody fucked off. He called out Angry Manjew to deck his ass and really save the world once and for all.

>Deadbeat dad whose daughter let herself become his archrival's son's bitch.

>did what was factually right and what was morally right.
but he didnt, because even if he pursues his ideal his ideal is flawed- kerry is still a terrible person, hes a shitty person who is usually justified in being shitty to worse people than himself

>archrival's son's bitch.

>His ideal is flawed
Every ideal is flawed to everyone else. What doesn't work for you, doesn't work for you.

What works for him, works for him. Ideals are only flawed when you don't agree with them. The life of one person isn't worth the lives of millions, Shirou.

>This skinny little metrosexual
>epitome of masculinity
It's between Guts and Kenshiro.

Kerry is a little bitch

Yeah, but he makes life objectively better for everyone else.

I mean, you need someone like him to do the dirty work, or where would we be? It's just the way things go.

>Mind of Steel

>Yeah, but he makes life objectively better for everyone else.
but he doesent, he achieved very little in his life except saving shirou

You know, that's not true. If he didn't shoot down that plane, a fuckload of people would've died. Maybe a city's worth.

If he didn't stop Kirei from getting the grail, and wasn't the right kind of person to reject the Grail, the world might have ended. Like, Kerry is miserable and joyless, but he's done a lot of good.

Kiara was the whore of the world and needed to be remove.

>achieved little
>literally saved millions without them knowing.

He's the ideal of masculinity for modern numales.

>You mean you don't let YOUR daughter get fucked by Angrymanjew?
>What are you, a bigot?

Kirei's interesting because he knows he's a terrible person. In Fate/Zero, he just takes so much delight in it once he finally gets going. It's actually quite heartwarming to see him discover his purpose in life, i.e. to shit on everyone.

I mean, after a while, Gilgamesh just goes "Wow, I'm genuinely impressed. I haven't seen a human take such naked glee in dickery for the longest time. I don't know where we're going with this, but I'm totally for this wild ride."

>Nasu, what is Kirei's favourite day of the year?
>New Year's Eve, because that way he can ruin both years in one night.

You may not like to admit it but this is what the masculine ideal looks like

>villain is a villain just because

Nasu is a hack. Fortunately recent events finally made me realize that.

>villain is a villain because sociopathy

theres something alluring to pure unrepentant evil when done right, and i would say with Kirei it is


what did he mean by this?

>secondary noises

Kirei was moral man who could only feel happy while hurting others. His entire character is built around that contradiction, which is shown with his goal of doing a good deed (giving Angra a chance) in order to make countless people suffer.

You might wanna check what 'secondary' means sperg

>which is shown with his goal of doing a good deed

his wish was to know whether a man who can only enjoy the suffering of others has a right to exist, its not exactly a good deed but its not a bad one either

You might wanna start putting some actual content in your posts faggot.

Fair enough. I've remembered it as Kirei wanting to allow Angra to be born because he believed that Angra had the right to choose or something like that.

Nah. I'm not having a discussion with an FGO redditshit trying to force his retarded newfaggot definitions.

>I've remembered it as Kirei wanting to allow Angra to be born
from what i remember his wish was "for the birth of an individual whos life will answer the question (whether a man who can only enjoy the suffering of others has a right to exist)", so its kinda both

but i need to replay the games soon

should've made it less obvious

>everything I don't like is bait
What, missing your downvote button you normalfaggot shiteater?

Very low effort posting my friend.

Oh no.

>High effort posting on Sup Forums