ITT post redpilled movies
Other urls found in this thread:
Main character is an actual nazi
Anything from pic related's filmography.
wow, hardcore remake when?
What did he mean by this?
only truly redpilled in 4:3 uncropped version tho.
The woman running the joint was literally a fat jew
around 0:40
I know but saying nigger doesn't make a movie redpilled
there's other stuff i can't link and you know it.
Watch this for red pill on India.
>You see Hyenas, but I see Doctors, Engineers and Scientists
You just activated my almonds
>I watched PK
Proudly abmitting to watching Islamic propagandas.
What? It was fedora tier atheism propaganda
One of the greatest Westerns ever made.
Is this from that one anime with the book?
Little Lips makes for a great female nickname