You will never be this rich C.R.A.C.K.A !!!

You will never be this rich C.R.A.C.K.A !!!

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i could sell weed for a week to niggers and make that much money lmao

2 hours.

infinitely printed Fiat is not wealth, it's jewpons for muh taxes.

Wealth is self improvement and intelligence. Reward comes easy after the hard work.

holy shit are those...

I know you're trolling but that's like $500, so whoever originally posted that is a dumbass.

we should post this on every rap video where they have a bunch of 100 dollar bills.

excuse me sir but infinitely printed fiat money is not wealth, wealth is reading julius evola and posting on pol

At least im not a nigger

wtf when did Lil Pump's pink and green dreads turn shit color?

thats like $500

why spell it C.R.A.C.K.A. with those periods?

>improvement and intelligence
>posts on the Chan

The irony

>he uses cash

>You will never be this rich C.R.A.C.K.A !!!
You'll always be a nigger.

You forgot Jewpons for muh taxes.

Kill yourself

>Posting with a German memeflag.
>Everyone knows Germany is Germanistan now.

The UN-Irony.


Even if those were 100's what would that be what 5k?



That’s not even a black person that’s a Cuban that desperately wants to be black

>manlet covered in $20s
Do they really think this is wealthy?

are those REAL 20's ? Holy shit tell me it's real.

I count $1210. I made almost twice that last week. I'm not rich. I don't attach it to my clothing; put it in the bank .

I count $1,200
I make that much every few days.
Step up your game, jig.

this nigga got a Ferrari on his necklace bitch

What's your favorite Lil Pump song Sup Forums?