Why do people hate modern art style and stick to the same old shit from 80's and 90's?

Why do people hate modern art style and stick to the same old shit from 80's and 90's?

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I don't hate modern art style. I just hate that particular style on the right and think it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the one on the left.

>80's and 90's
Miyazhacki's artstyle never evolved past the 70s with his ugly monkey faces. The new one is an improvement.

The one on the right could be good if it wasn't such an obvious way to turn a child into fapbait waifu #57394468829976399.

Both are bad. Left is obviously dated af and a prime example of ghibli's sameface bullshit. The right looks like a doll or a magazine cover which is at worst a bastardization of a well established character.

>fapbait waifu
Right doesn't even look like typical anime art style which you would categorize as a fapbait waifu material though.

What would a good modern Kiki look like?

Diversity is good.

But the one on the right is 17, left is 14.

What's diverse about OP's picture?

Because modern art looks like shit. I genuinely hate how modern anime characters look like.

Ghibli's sameface is much better than waifubait garbage.


come on why they gotta do this shit to kiki man modern shit is trash


My God, what is that abomination on the right?

Yeah, the new captain Tylor is so much better as well.

Kiki being whored out to sell fucking instant ramen

Oh goody I needed something to draw today

Literally just a noodle commercial that somehow got listed on MAL and spread from there.

in what way is it sexualized?
It looks like a normal human being though.

Same old? Nigga I'd be over the moon if more anime had 90's art styles.


Looks familiar

>modern art style
but Eisaku Kubonouchi is already 50

And people complain about Ghibli's faces all looking the same.

Holy shit it is literally the exact same face

Right looks bad because the fancy red ribbon doesn't fit her almost realistic face.

is an other pic of Kiki, retards.

Sure thing buddy.

I assume all the other girls on that instagram are Kiki as well? And she doesn't just have the same face, but is also drawn in the same dumb pose, which makes sense when modeling but looks retarded when she's supposed to be flying on a broom.

Oh, I follow that artist on Twitter

what the fuck

Are you always that triggered when an artist draws some popular character in his/her unique style? It's just a poster, not a new anime/manga

Huh, never would have guessed this was from Five Star Stories without the image search.

>shitting about Eisaku Kubonouchi

There's a new older Kiki now.

Not everything in FSS is that outlandish, and the newer art hasn't really been on everyone's radar.

Kiki looks like some 80's idol Jpop now i like it

I love Yuki Saito. But new Kiki looks nothing like her.

>5 star story style
uhm, no

like this
except it would be a saifuku instead of dress probably

I really like the designs of the ramen commercial. The girl looks much more Japanese. Also was Shitkai/Comix Wave in charge of it?

>generic moeblob #68638


>Left: animators obviously trying to copy Disney movie style
>Right: not western-influenced garbage, actually looks good

what's wrong with them?

>obviously trying to copy Disney movie style
Damn, nu-Sup Forums really believes this?

>blue eyes
>much more Japanese

Not enough apeface

So what's the point of making her look more Japanese?

I thought the story took place in a fictional European city which was heavily influenced by Disney or something though.

You can't deny the face structure and eyes looking very Asian.

Stick to your bland waifus then

I don't see how that improves anything though. New Kiki looks like she goes to love hotels to fuck old men for money.

The true root of the problem with this ad is that Kiki should stay an eternal loli.

it's the ususal "moe is ruining anime" fag of the moment that wrote that

carry on

keep living in the past then

>the past

Uh user

Holy shit she is beautiful

It's just an ad, retard, your loli Kiki won't vanish from history.

is 2017 today user

pure autism

I actually love the right. I just think it's not childish enough for Kiki.
I would absolutely love to see this kind of artstyle in a romance.


More than anything the whole series (original) is just completely different from what you'd expect from the movie. The movie was more like an innocent ghibli/maho shoujo adventure while the actual series is more of a shoujo story centered around romance/maturing out of teenage years. So the new Kiki actually looks great for what the story is about but it's completely not what most people expect coming from the movie.

Is there a difference?

Yes I had more hope back then


>lil chubby

i claim her as my waifu, plz nobody steal

claiming the blonde one then

Moe is ruining anime though.

Almost thought that was Nono

I can't be the only one who vastly prefers the modern style

you're not the only one user
it's 50/50

nostalgia "moe is ruining anime"/ I miss cowboy bebop / "I hate modern anime, why can't we go back to cell animation" fags vs "Everything is ok I guess" anons

No is not, but I guess americans and some europeans (the ones that love go nagai) think this. Anime was made mainly for japan and moe is what they want. Anime, manga and light novels follow the market's demand so even if there is demand by the west for more "edgy", down to earth-no harem anime, stuff like love live is what people in japan want (that and antyhing that comes from a mobage like grandblue)

meanwhile, while we discuss this, the market is becoming more gayer than ever: Fuyoshit is the real cancer, not moe. Have you seen how many fujo series where aired last year?