Alright, who let the fujos do the official art?
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Show was fujobait.
They've crossed the line
The art is very good though
Did it get gay later on or something? Because I got zero gay vibes from whatever I saw.
The trap had a boyfriend and another guy who also wanted his dick.
well shit
what did the author mean by this?
It's not Ginji but Uryu.
Still haven't watched this or Saiyuuki because of them looking gay as fuck. People like pretending that fujo pandering is something new but it really isn't.
This shit was fun.
GB anime isn't that gay except for the trap and his bodyguard.
>gb anime isn't that gay
>literally two fags kissing
What did he mean by this?
>manga-only kiss with no feeling behind it, done as part of a ritual to revive "dead" guy
One OOC batch of art and one ED is strangely gay but that's it. GB isn't top-tier shounen but I had fun watching it back then.
They put Kazuki with the girls in this ending, kek.
That author sure loved to fujonize stuff
You're 14 years too late to complain.
Irrespective of the heavily fujo-leaning taint of the show I found it quite enjoyable.
I meant *artist
I miss Getbackers. My waifu is from this show.
It wasn't half-bad either. I think my favorite arc, aside from the ones containing the lovely Clayman of course, was the one with Makubex. Shame about the anime not ending properly though.
What bothers me most about this isn't even the gay. Ginji is supposed to be taller than Ban, but the artist thinks he's the assfucked one and suddenly he's all small and meek in Ban's arms. That's fucked up man.
How did the manga end?
It's been a while and some details might be wrong. Their world turned out to be fake, with the central node and tether to the real one in Mugenjou. Brain trust created a "copy" of the real world ams that's what they're living in but anomalies and freaky power shit started happening due to people's wills or something. By the way in the real world Ginji died as a kid but he's alive here since his mom was a high rank scientist for the project in the real world. I think Ban's momor grandma had a hand in sealing the tether to the real world temporarily but fuck if i remember details of that subplot. There's a fight to determine who would become God of the world and decide its future. Boss rush through higher levels of Mugenjou. Ginji wins but decides to let things stay as they are. Happy end with Band and Ginji.
FLESH was better