Who will voice her in the inevitable anime?
Goblin Slayer
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Some rookie as usual.
Speaking of which, the raw's already out.
Next chapter is out in Korean. I'll translate when I get back home in a few hours unless someone else wants to do it. Contains some flashback rape
Also contains GS being a fucking badass
somebody dump it pls
WTF I love Goblins now
When is she going to get gobbed?
Clever gob
is it confirmed that there are not goblin females in this world and they have to resort to raping other races as the only way to reproduce?
I just read this and it really feels like an Xration doujin. I hate it.
Where can I subscribe to your blog?
Crossing my fingers for there to be a Goblin Queen somewhere for Goblin Slayer to rape.
Sup Forums.org.
Every time they mention this or show goblin rape caves I'm reminded how fucking stupid this series is.
It's literally impossible for a race like that to survive.
I was kind of hoping that they are like Cygames goblins or Warhammer Fimir where females are rare and valuable.
An entire race breeding only through rape and still being numerous is idiotic.
A goblin appears when someone fails
>everything I don't like is blogposting
Kill yourself.
>All the gobs are green
>Princess is blonde and white
What did he mean by this?
Probably in the goblin world.
>Kill yourself.
This isn't the YouTube comment section. Fuck off, retard.
Someone who screams well when being gobbed.
That retard girl who died by turning her back on it deserved it for being so dumb. Also
>silly goblin thinks it can run away like it always has before
>being this new
Kill yourself.
Stop samefagging holy shit. It's pathetic.
>I'll just accuse him of being new
>even though the archives clearly show that this phrase only became common with the recent influx of newshits
Try harder reddit-kun.
>ITT: autistic children playing
>samefagging within less than a minute
Hello retarded newfag scum.
Oldfag shitposters are still shitposters. Fuck off.
>le autism xD haha
Eat shit.
Cry more and I might actually consider it r/anime subhuman.
So we get backstory on the Gob commander and GS BTFOing him?
So What is GS up to in the LN?
Did the gobs get that sword by raping the heroines?
What's the end goal of this series other than rape scenarios?
This chapter? No.
Just Gob commander backstory and ends with GS stopping his escape (like gob commander usually does in the past past)
So you know you can hit the reset button on your router. Congrats samefag-kun.
Why is it that gob rape victims are always qt supermodels?
Is this reflective of medieval era europe?
So you can come up with retarded tinfoil bullshit in a desperate attempt to avoid looking like the REDDITOR SHITEATER NEWFAGGOT that you are. Congrats r/cuckold-kun.
What's with some faggots thinking that if they shitpost in a thread that the thread would be void of shitposting? I sage this by the way so it doesn't count desu.
The gobbos just kill women who aren't attractive.
You see, in a society where women have no say in sexual selection, they are bred for attractiveness.
Wow, I love finding out what I think from retarded normalfaggots on the internet.
Keep your projecting to Facebook please.
You clearly have no intentions of discussing Goblin Slayer ITT. Please get out.
Barely anything here is reflective. They're in some pseudo-anime fantasy world before it suddenly got grimdark overnight.
But why would they have no say in sexual selection but still be able to become adventurers and hold positions in bureucracy?
>someone points to flaws in the story
Now this is autism. Just fuck off and stop ruining the thread.
Underaged bait.
Eat shit.
Why the shit would green ugly monsters have the same standards for beauty as humans?
You don't see fat ugly women getting raped because this is glorified rape porn with "plot".
In hindsight, I wonder how the Gobs tell if it's a man or woman. Some of these blokes are young enough that I wouldn't be shocked if the gobs anally fucked a man.
Reminder that had the DM not been sucking the MC's cock, the MC would probably be dead by now. Those tactics are retarded.
Likely some biological feature, like being able to smell pheromones.
heh fucking Conan
Do you just link to your own post so you can get infinite (you)s?
Fucking Helck
Wasn't it mentioned they tell stuff about you from sniffing your piss? I remember Doomguy saying it in the opening chapters in the moment Priestess wet herself.
>tfw you will never get aroused by pheromones of a foreign species
>tfw you will never use that to justify bestiality & get whiteknights to support you
It's just a detector. They gave good senses of smell. They'd sniff you out.
No idea about piss but GS placed particular emphasis in concealing his scent with gob blood and filth, so it's assumed that gobs have a very developed sense of smell.
Pretty sure its a Conan reference.
>yfw Conan is actually extremely smart
>yfw he only goes half-naked because he grew up in a cold area & everywhere else is hot by comparison
Does she get gobbed?
>Make a comic about goblin rapist
>All the girls are qt 47
>yfw this retard doesn't know what >yfw means
No, she just get her head smashed
Because even goblins know never to touch a hambeast landwhale with a permanently red scalp.
Oh. Waste of good fuckmeat 2bh
>yfw user is a faggot
Fuck off back to whatever Web 2.0 normalfaggot shithole you came from.
>doesn't even rape her
>doesn't show his gratitude for saving him with his cock
My fucking god, that GS's entry to the field of battle. I creamed my pantaloons.
You prove him right. You are being a faggot. Now go fuck each other already.
>yfw user still a faggot
Think I'll stay m8. Fuck off.
When will there be more rape?
And you're still here and not back on r/anime where you belong.
Come on user. Just fuck the other man already. You know you want to. Just admit that you want his cock.
How do adventurers rise ranks if more than 80% of them are killed and greened by goblins?
And somehow the ones that manage to rise ranks don't notice how dangerous goblins are?
There are anons in this thread who openly buy into goblin propaganda.
Hopefully soon.
Project some more fag.
Goblin Slayer fans are really interesting.
Dumbass newbies who underestimate them and go on their own often end up killed. The others don't notice how dangerous they are because they had an experienced member(s) in their group carrying them until they gained experiance and higher ranks or were never stupid enough to go down into a goblin cave and fight them on their trap filled home turf in the first place.
What hapened to the other 2 replies?
And then, there's Goblin Slayer. A hero who rose up to the Silver rank just be slaying goblins. His craft, developed to perfection, sends throes of the beady-eyed green scumbags to their demonic lords in hell as fuel for their cauldrons.
Nice post le gentlesir xD
Same reason the concept of apprentoceship was alien to an organization called a 'guild'. Can't afford to pay a retired hero to teach newbies. But we can afford to lose 4 parties of newbies and then the client is wiped out. Good thing they take payment up front.
SoL Adventures of guts and goblin slayer when
Don't forget Lancer.
Summer's here lads