I understand there were no mass killings or gas chambers, but why did they round up the jews in worker camps? What was the plan?
I understand there were no mass killings or gas chambers, but why did they round up the jews in worker camps...
Other urls found in this thread:
To get them to work. There was no one left to do manual labour, except for people on the camps who produced stuff.
Send them to Palestine. But the Brits wouldn't let them do that. So send them to Madagascar.
The whole "Transfer Agreement" with the Rothschilds.
Same reason they jail price gouging store owners during natural disasters
And after the war ended?
No point thinking about it, since the war was never won. Maybe with a stable food supply for both the civilian populace and the forced labourers things would have been different?
Well you didn't really answer my question as to what their plan was to do with the jews
They were put into camps so they would be out of the way of the war and there would be less Jewish casualties as a result. Also, if they didn't have the camps, how could they milk the holohoax for the next century?
>guys guys the camps weren't real
>ok they were real but they weren't killing people
>ok ok they were killing people but it was just because the allies bombed supply lines
>ok ok they also had mass graves and deaths from typhus, but it wasn't on purpose
>ok they did have roaming death squads but....
The stormfag cycle.
The same reason the Americans interned Japanese, they were potential fifth column
I guess for the same reason the japanese were put in camps. They were deemed enemies of the state or what you want to call it. Because you know they didint like jews back then
How does partisans being executed prove the Holocaust exists?
To force the Jews into Israel, listen to orthodox rabbis, none of them wanted to go to Israel before there was a Messiah, but they were forced to
during war everyone rounds up people associated with the enemy nation in concentration camps. After an attempted communist revolution foiled by the Nazis, the jews were simply regarded as a hostile entity within the nation and therefore concentrated in camps to deny them any opportunity to sabotage the war effort. Brits & Yanks put enemy populations in concentration camps as well. Pretty normal stuff for war in those days.
It was real, search Posen speeches
That amazing reading comprehension though...
To gas them
They just never got around to it
>but why did they round up the jews in worker camps?
Getting a divisive element out of the way.
>What was the plan?
Deport them all out of Germany.
I kind of blanked out after "the camps aren't real" because I've seen no one argue that so it seems like you're just making shit up but your last point was referencing squads looking for partisans so I thought I'd humor you and ask about it but since you're retarded that obviously didn't work.
Keep them from fighting or corruption. Plan to deport to Palestine.
Literally check the catalog. There's usually at least a thread a day by some edgelord or Nazi LARPer straight up denying the camps existed. Granted they usually come on later in the day, so they may not have started the daily shilling yet.
>hurrr durrr u is retarded
>>guys guys the camps weren't real
No one ever suggested that.
>>ok they were real but they weren't killing people
Oh I'm sure people were justifiably killed and died despite the German's best efforts.
>>ok ok they were killing people but it was just because the allies bombed supply lines
No, there was no program of extermination. The bombing of supply lines did cause the condition in the camps to deteriorate.
>>ok ok they also had mass graves
No, there aren't.
>and deaths from typhus,
Yes, there were.
>but it wasn't on purpose
>>ok they did have roaming death squads but....
No, they didn't.
>The stormfag cycle.
You believe everything your Jewish masters tell you, don't you?
>Literally check the catalog. There's usually at least a thread a day by some edgelord or Nazi LARPer straight up denying the camps existed
How about you prove it instead of claiming that's what we believe?
Said the person that literally believes pic related happened.
yeah they were making synthetic rubber
No there isn't shill. Of course you never answered my question though, nice one tardo.
>once a day I make a thread saying the camps don't exist so that's proof that all of you believe that
>no they didn't
Kek, classic."Reeeee you love kikes!!!!"
>it's not my job to defend my claims! It's your job to convince me that all the evidence presented by multiple primary sourced documentations isn't a kike conspiracy!
You can post the Auschwitz pool meme now.
Your non-sequitur?...
>Pretty normal stuff for war in those days.
How is it not normal now?
Same reason the US rounded up the Japs here and put them in concen- ahem, I mean, "internment camps." The Germans and the Jews didn't like each other, and the Jews had a sordid history of fucking over the Germans during wartime. The "stab in the back" of the end of ww2 (regardless of whether it's true, the germans believed in it) and the German civil war being caused by Jews, The Jewish world congress "declaring war" against germany in 1933, as well as the Jewish connection to Communism, the Germans where pretty justified to at least be suspicious of the Jews. What else could they have done with these people they saw as being hostile towards their nation?
So they followed the British example and put these dissidents in camps, and when the supply system broke down and the German people themselves where starving the camps full of suspected traitors where not given much precedence in allotment of what meager supplies where available.
>>no they didn't
The Einsatzgruppen and the Holocaust
You're going to use, Zionist edited, politically correct Wikipedia as "proof" of the "Holocaust"?
Wikipedia Editing Courses Launched by Zionist Groups
>Kek, classic."Reeeee you love kikes!!!!"
You do though...you're defending them for free.
>You can post the Auschwitz pool meme now.
I'd much rather post documents like this. Oy vey! Seven million dead in Auschwitz alone! what a shoah!
>posts stormfag propaganda
>refuses to accept any source other than stormfag propaganda
Alright enjoy your thread!
To set them free, as the sign says, work will set you free.
Make em work but they hate that
>>posts stormfag propaganda
But you're posting Jewish propaganda.
>>refuses to accept any source other than stormfag propaganda
But you refuse to accept any source other than Jewish propaganda.
>Alright enjoy your thread!
Run away you coawrd.
The "Extermination Camps" of "Aktion Reinhardt": An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious "Evidence," Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the "Holocaust Controversies" Bloggers - Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues
Second Slightly Corrected Edition
Oy vey! Never forget the 8 million killed in Auschwitz!
>posts books that aren't accepted as historical evidence
>claims they are used as historical evidence
>refuses any source that he dislikes as "Jewish propaganda"
>anarchist caring about work
>>posts books that aren't accepted as historical evidence
So now you're saying that the Nuremberg trials aren't historical evidence for da shoah?!? Oy vey!
>>claims they are used as historical evidence
Here's your "historical evidence."
>>refuses any source that he dislikes as "Jewish propaganda"
But you refuse any source you dislike as "Stormfag propaganda."
Yes, I enjoy seeing you kikes squirm when we reveal the truth.
The whole thing escalated throughout the time of nazi germany. Concentration camps were built where jews, political prisoners etc were held in. What exactly was to be done with the jews weren't entirely clear, but there were some plans of moving them out of the country.
When the war started camps were also opened in Poland. The first camps there were made to hold prisoners of war and political prisoners from the occupied areas. On of these camps were Auschwitz.
In late 1941 Auschwitz-II-Birkenau and the Reinhard camps were built. It was also around this time 'The Final Solution' was coined. While the polish camps were already much worse, this opened the more pure death camps. It's from here jews from western Europe are sent into Auschwitz.
No, I didn't say that. You took my claim about the book you posted and decided it was about the Nuremberg trials.
The gas chambers were real, do your own research instead of listening to debunked Sup Forums infographs. What do you think the Nazis did with Jews who were not able to work?
>No, I didn't say that.
Yes, you did.
>>posts books that aren't accepted as historical evidence
You said "books". You did not say "book". You said that the Nuremberg Trial Transcripts was not accepted as historical evidence.
>You took my claim about the book you posted and decided it was about the Nuremberg trials.
Then why did you say "books" instead of "book" or "that book" or "Inside the Concentration Camps"?
Because you want to dismiss, out of hand, your own "evidence" for the "Holocaust" that is impossible for you to justify and still remain a Holocaust believer.
Here's more "evidence" for the "Holocaust" that you demand we believe.
Nope. Not what I said at all. Keep following the flow chart.
>no mass graves
I hear this same absurdly false argument being used by Holocaust deniers all the time, then whenever I show you photographic evidence of mass graves you move the goalposts by either claiming that they were all just typhus deaths or by challenging me to provide photos of all six million bodies. Fucking ridiculous. Why not just skip step one and admit there are mass graves?
I actually worked in the archive of Berlin with documents from 33-45. Mostly police interviews from criminals that went to KZ or ZH. Funniest thing I remember was a handwritten letter from a gay, that has been send to one of camps, to his lover complaining that "these dirty gypsies are here (KZ) Now too and they are dirty as hell"
Nobody ever said anything of Jewish mass graves of gas chambers
>Nope. Not what I said at all.
Bullshit. I directly quoted you.
>Keep following the flow chart.
You mean keep posting evidence that proves the Holocaust didn't happen that you can't refute?
I can do that.
>why did they round up the jews in worker camps? What was the plan?
Dunno, maybe make them work?
>why did they round up the jews in worker camps? What was the plan?
to make them work, what else?
>After 1942, the economic functions of the camps, previously secondary to their penal and terror functions, came to the fore. Forced labour of camp prisoners became commonplace and companies utilized their cheap labour.[178] The guards became much more brutal, and the death rate increased as the guards not only beat and starved prisoners, but killed them more frequently.[180] Extermination through labour was a policy—camp inmates would literally be worked to death, or to physical exhaustion, at which point they would be gassed or shot.[182] The Germans estimated the average prisoner's life span in a concentration camp at three months, due to lack of food and clothing, constant epidemics, and frequent punishments for the most minor transgressions.[183] The shifts were long and often involved exposure to dangerous materials.[184]
>I understand there were no mass killings or gas chambers
>The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a barn,[23] killed and buried, along with fragments of the monument. Later that day, most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250[23] to 300 (IPN final findings),[36] were led to the same barn, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German paramilitaries, who shot those who tried to escape.[23]
deport to somewhere remote (Madagascar maybe? Or some African land) and kept to live in a police state
either rate doesnt really matter, we'll never know and there were no definite plans...
one of Goebbel's writings said Hitler was going to take care of the jews after the war ended
>I hear this same absurdly false argument being used by Holocaust deniers all the time, then whenever I show you photographic evidence of mass graves you move the goalposts by either claiming that they were all just typhus deaths or by challenging me to provide photos of all six million bodies. Fucking ridiculous. Why not just skip step one and admit there are mass graves?
>And after the war ended?
The plan was always to expel them. Various ideas were floated ranging from setting up a colony on Madagascar to sending them to other European nations to helping them establish a state in Palestine.
Even jews acknowledge that there are no mass graves
If you think the Nazis intended to allow the Jewish race to continue to exist your a fool. There's plenty of evidence, from the diaries of Goebbels to speeches by Himmler and Hitler showing that the extermination of the Jewish race was one of their goals. I don't blame them really
Then take it as exactly as what you already label it as, "some edgelord or Nazi LARPer", and treat it as thus. Oh wait, you are and need to go the extra mile and lump everyone in with some strawman you acknowledge for some reason.
>The gas chambers were real,
The Chemistry of Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers: A Crime-Scene Investigation - Germar Rudolf
Third Revised and Expanded Edition
Auschwitz: The First Gassing, Rumor and Reality - Carlo Mattogno
Third Slightly Revised Edition
Auschwitz: Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings - Carlo Mattogno
Second Slightly Corrected and Expanded Edition
Inside the Gas Chambers: The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography - Carlo Mattogno
Second Slightly Corrected Edition
The Chemistry of Auschwitz: Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers - Germar Rudolf
Third Edition
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax - Eric Hunt
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth - Eric Hunt
So if there are mass graves there's a body count. It's 6 millions? How many bodies have been found?
Jews were there because the German people had enough of their low-life, thieving, back-stabbing ways,--like getting America to come into WW I when Germany was winning--and that World Jewry had declared war on Germany in 1933. Hitler was going to move them to the new territories in the East, after the war.
Germany also needed tens of thousands of workers each shift at a place called Monowitz, which was adjacent to Auschwitz. Ausshitz was a WORK camp, not a death camp.
Look up Monowitz and see 4 yourself.
Maybe actual death camps, since there was no one left who would have been able to stop him
Or this
to fucking make them understand work so they would stop being jews.
If the NSDAP had planned to exterminate the Jews then I wouldn't fault them for it, but the fact is that there's no evidence of such an attempt being made. The Nazis documented everything meticulously but somehow all we have are German words with multiple English interpretations and euphemisms within official records? Especially seeing as they kept excellent records of the euthanization of German downies and congenital cripples, something much more objectionable to the point that there were protests against it.
Exhibit A - Judea Jews, aka Ashkenazim Jews, aka Khazar convert Jews, aka etc... Declared the war first
shipping them to Madagascar
>and Hitler
wrong, the closest he gets is "the eradication of judaism" which is entirely different to "kill jews". I agree with your last point.
Exhibit B: Jews in Germany started LARP'ing as NAZI's and attack Jewish businesses in order to spread the propaganda
I’ve read some of that book that refutes the Holocaust Controversies bloggers. That’s what happens when you poke a bear long enough. Somebody ought to make an infographic with a bunch of arguments from that book so we can use it anytime someone uses HC as a source. HC has been rejected by both anti fascist groups and actual Holocaust websites because of their vile, dishonest behavior (they’re literally so vile that kikes don’t like them, that says something)
Honestly its stupid to think that nazis didnt want to genocide them, i dont know why Sup Forums still claims this. Perhaps there were no mass killings, but the end goal was extermination.
Personally i feel they were waiting until the war was over though.
Its also possible that they were in the middle of building gas chambers and the soviets completed them for their own purposes. They did kill quite a lot of polish people and nobody can prove when the bodies were buried.
I believe you are correct, but I would also be willing to believe that they knew what they were doing and did a decent job hiding it. The other shoe that drops is I would only agree to it, if my opposition would likewise agree that something on a similar scale has been happening with the Democratic Party of the USA for the last 30 years.
Only then could discourse really begin.
Exhibit B1 More proof
I don’t doubt that there were individual Nazis who actually wanted extermination, but I don’t think they would have gone through with it
Work camps where people starved. They were fighting a massive war and being bombed to hell by the end of it.
Same reason the US interned its Japanese citizens during ww2, potential enemies within its borders need to be contained.
Then why do you hang out here? That’s like me hanging out on Deviantart and constantly making fun of them for making furry porn and shit. It’s just a wastes of time, leave if you don’t like it
Because it's a blood libel against whites. You know how it is- you can't stick up for yourself, goy, because muh Holocaust. We here are kind of okay with the idea of Hitler gassing the kikes because we know what the Jews did prior to the national socialists taking power, but the normie doesn't.
It's as important to attack the truth of the Holocaust or the moral primacy of the Holocaust as it is to attack the notion that Germany just became anti-semitic for no reason.
All those pictures are from the main camp. The jews were sent to Birkenau.
There was no extermination program
The End
Jews were becoming very weak and unhealthy from all the top positions they had, so nazis put them in worker camps in order for jews to get better.
>I’ve read some of that book that refutes the Holocaust Controversies bloggers. That’s what happens when you poke a bear long enough. Somebody ought to make an infographic with a bunch of arguments from that book so we can use it anytime someone uses HC as a source. HC has been rejected by both anti fascist groups and actual Holocaust websites because of their vile, dishonest behavior (they’re literally so vile that kikes don’t like them, that says something)
that's a damned good idea.
death camps would have been a-ok imho
but Hitler was Aryan and was a honorable man, I doubt he would have done such a thing tbqh
You cannot say that there is no evidence, perhaps there is none in the form of written documents of orders but there are hundreds of thousands of eyewitness accounts, forensic evidence and testimony from the Nazis themselves. You can say that all the Nazis were tortured sure but it seems pretty unlikely to me that they would succeed in keeping every one of them quiet.
Reported for Holocaust Denial, expect a visit from Stasi
>Reported for Holocaust Denial,
Can't deny that which didn't happen.
>they’re literally so vile that kikes don’t like them, that says something
They did keep them quiet...by tying a noose around their necks after they finished forcing them to say what they want them to at their trials. Besides, much of the Holocaust story has been rejected by modern historians, such as electric chambers, soap made of Jewish fat, and some of the gas chambers like a few at Majdanek. That means anyone who claimed to have witnessed those things is a liar or they are somehow confused about what they actually saw. So we do know that survivors can and have lied
>hundreds of thousands of eyewitness accounts
Ah, who can forget such compelling testimony as that of the masturbation machine of death and Himmler himself deciding whether Jews would be sent to the camp or the open-air crematorium.
>forensic evidence
Most of which falls apart under close examination.
>testimony from the Nazis themselves
All Nuremberg testimony was compelled, and Nazis that refused to crack were not permitted to speak. As for keeping them quiet, well, that's what execution and life imprisonment are for.
There is no evidence of the Holocaust. It's a combination of folktales that Jews in the camps told each other and Soviet propaganda, that's been kept alive ever since by elite Jews. If we lived in the world of the Man in the High Castle I'm sure we'd be hearing all about the Japanese Holocaust.
No, the quote was "the eradication of the Jews", Hitler preferred terms such as Jewry to "Judaism", he thought of them as a race not a religion. In Nazi Germany if you had Jewish heritage you were persecuted regardless of your religious life.
>You cannot say that there is no evidence,
There is zero evidence for the "Holocaust."
>but there are hundreds of thousands of eyewitness accounts,
Video and pic very much related.
>forensic evidence
No, there isn't.
>and testimony from the Nazis themselves.
Forced confessions are not reliable.
Torture and Testicle Crushing at Nuremberg
How Britain Tortured Nazi PoW's
>You can say that all the Nazis were tortured sure but it seems pretty unlikely to me that they would succeed in keeping every one of them quiet.
And don't forget threats to their families and friends.
>They did keep them quiet...by tying a noose around their necks after they finished forcing them to say what they want them to at their trials. Besides, much of the Holocaust story has been rejected by modern historians, such as electric chambers, soap made of Jewish fat, and some of the gas chambers like a few at Majdanek. That means anyone who claimed to have witnessed those things is a liar or they are somehow confused about what they actually saw. So we do know that survivors can and have lied
>Ah, who can forget such compelling testimony as that of the masturbation machine of death and Himmler himself deciding whether Jews would be sent to the camp or the open-air crematorium.
Never forget that Hitler personally burned Jews at the stake.
>In Nazi Germany if you had Jewish heritage you were persecuted regardless of your religious life.
This is untrue, though arguably it would have been wiser for it to be. Mischlinge had to get approval from the state for marriage, and likely faced social discrimination, but not all people of Jewish blood were persecuted the way "real Jews" were.
>all these replies and not a single correct answer
It was to avoid another Jewish lead revolution, like with what happened in 1918.
>some accounts from the Holocaust were fake therefore the whole Holocaust was fake
The existence of lying Holocaust survivors does not disprove that the Holocaust happened, anymore than the existence of lying Vietnam veterans disproves the Vietnam war. Save for the skin lampshades and soap that most historians now recognise as being fake, none of these tales were ever taken seriously or part of any official Holocaust narrative.
you missed this, the direct reason why they were put in camps, because they were violent and acting as Nazi's ffs
Can you show me a -plausible- Holocaust account?
I've read a lot of books on the Holocaust, like all American schoolchildren are forced to in the half-year not devoted to black history, and I don't remember a single plausible one set in the camps.
have a suss of this thegreateststorynevertold.tv
>The existence of lying Holocaust survivors does not disprove that the Holocaust happened,
But they're not lying. That's what they honestly believe happened.
Take pic related. They honestly believed that Jews were turned into soap.
>anymore than the existence of lying Vietnam veterans disproves the Vietnam war.
There's proof of the Vietnam War. There's no proof of the Holocaust.
It's not illegal to deny the Vietnam War. It's illegal to deny the Holocaust.
>ave for the skin lampshades and soap that most historians now recognise as being fake,
And at one point those were considered truthful. The lampshades were even used as "proof of the Holocaust" in the Nuremberg Trials (pic upcoming)
> none of these tales were ever taken seriously or part of any official Holocaust narrative.
Then why were the lampshades used as "evidence" in the Nuremberg Trials?
>Save for the skin lampshades and soap that most historians now recognise as being fake, none of these tales were ever taken seriously or part of any official Holocaust narrative.
There is the proof that the lampshades were taken seriously and used as evidence against the NSDAP.