If Sup Forums considers Jews a race, what would you call a Chinese guy who converted to Judaism?

If Sup Forums considers Jews a race, what would you call a Chinese guy who converted to Judaism?

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A gook.

Double cheap skate

Soon-to-be hanged man.


A host

A Chew?


Is that even possible?, jews have paperwork.

Jews are not a race. They want you to think they are a race, so they can call you a racist/antisemite.

The Jew is not a race, but a rejection/hatred of Christ. Pic related.

The best accountant of all time

jink obviously

a convert

A nigger.

An idiot.

A two for one deal.


Ungassed gook?

A Cuck

A filthy Jian.


ku king rob Yu

Zi On Joo

you know it's bad when kikes are openly fantasizing about converting chinks while literally avatarfagging with the merchant.

Chinese convert to Judaism because they think it will help them get rich.

Check out this cuck...
>America China and Israel, the Noahide community

>what would you call a Chinese guy who converted to Judaism
a chinaman

Kys christcuck

Go ahead. Call Jews a race. You will be called a racist, an anti-semite.

But call him a Christhater, and the Jew will have nowhere to hide. He will recoil, knowing that he has been found out.

Shabbos goy


Wrong. He's called a Jew. And Jewish literature makes it a sin to treat a convert any differently to any other Jew.

Around 07:00 the real Jew starts to show. Maybe if you killed five people you will still repent and hang around, maybe if you killed 5000 you still haven't killed 10 000 etc.

i would call the gestapo

Converts are three dollar Jews. Not the real thing.

A dirty Chu.

What about Jewish converts to Christianity? Are they the same, in your opinion, as the rest of us?

They'd be considered a Jew. The only time a convert is looked at as not really Jewish is if they convert because thier spouse is Jewish. Its viewed as insincere and conversion is a huge deal. Jews don't actively seeking converts and Rabbis are supposed to turn someone down three times before starting the process of conversion.

Source: I converted to Judaism.

No you arent

We don't convert people idiot. We're supposed to turn them down.

Why? Did you marry some Jewess for her Khazar milkers or something?

Not Jewish unless his mother was. They allow conversion because it would look bad not to, but converts arent really in the club

The twelve apostles were Jewish converts to Christianity. When Jews accept Christ, they become the children of God. When Jews reject Christ, they become the children of the devil.

What makes Jews dangerous is not their ''race'', but the false beliefs from the Talmud. They believe that they are God's chosen people. They have rejected Christ, how can they be God's chosen people? They are not God's chosen people, unless they accept God's Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The Torah demands that converts be accepted. Abraham was at one point a pagan.



Pic for you user

No. Something I have noticed with Jewish women is that they're either really ugly or fucking sexy.

A goy

Future "Organ Donor"

Most people who seek out judaism aren't sincere either. They are usually emotional messes who usually come christian/messianic backgrounds, and are only converting because they romanticize jewish people so much because they think they can become one. Or they're just philosemitic weirdos.

They're all headcases with identity issues who get upset when you remind them they aren't of jewish descent,

If thats the case, why are jewish people so concerned about matrinineality? The religion is just a smokescreen for the racket.

meant for >158856279

a chew

The amount of insincere people who seek out Judaism is the reason its so hard to convert. I didn't even mention how long it took me.

a chink kike

jews are not a race you fuck jidf kike

>converted to judaism

Does it really matter at the end of the day it's just dust and ash.

I don't really know what you mean by concerned. I do know that it's theorized that the tradition came from the Romans who traced ancestry maternally.

Chike / Gike

Sum Yung Kike.

a fucking chink subhuman dog eater

A Chinese convert to Judaism?


>The religion is just a smokescreen for the racket.
Yes. Atheist jews are no different, just instead of using scripture to prove they're chosen, they create bogus IQ statistics. It's not God that favors them, it's natural selection and evolution.