Shingeki no Kyojin

Choose your posion

Annie is love

Annie is life


Why is Ymir there?

Erwin is my poison and he's definitely a delightful one!

since hisu is now a queen, she's gonna need royal offspring

who gets to breed her, guys?

Hard to choose.

To make Historia happy, because she made all these hair ornaments.

>Must protect her smile at all cost!

SnK reminds me of Tarzan.
Two worlds, one family. Also an ape.

Don't ruin this thread with your fucking Erwin spam, please. He is dead so let him finally rest in peace, he had a hard life.

AM will be endgame.

historia is cute

I want someone to love me as much as potatoe loves potatoes.

Mikasa doesn't likes Annie

She deserved a better life.

Have an Erwin!


then maybe she shouldn't have randomly decided to let herself get eaten

ever thought about that, huh?

Dedicate your Hearts!

Is mikasa tandere

Screencap this: Ymir's personality will hijack that guy's body as soon as he sees Historia.

Why is she so perfect?

Reiner is so handsome.

The curse would still kill her.

>EP are cute, CUTE!

Endgame right here, brothers.

Endgame right here, brothers.

Two weeks for bearded manlet and pregnant Hanji!

Ymir couldn't get with Historia but a guy who has a big Reiner complex will be forced by her memories to be with Historia and protect her as strogner titan in her place.
Isayama would send a pretty clear message there, wouldn't he?
That would be more insulting to YH fans than if Historia would end with Eren with a kid after timeskip after her widow period would pass after 1 year.

A bit of a shame Galliard character wasn't a tsundere woman for Reiner.

Manlet won´t allow that

Annie of course

>I've gotta wash extra good today
Of course you do, you are still covered in the blood of the people you killed

The fuck is a tandere?

They really are jews.

That would be even more retarded development than the Reiner and Armin asspulls

Is that timeskip Eren on the right?

>Pregnant for the 3rd time

I thought so too.
>it was all there from the beginning

What's hobo Eren doing on the right?

It'd be funny if all shifters were subject to the wills of previous shifters and it wasn't just a coordinate royal thing.

What's that say? あい??う, すい??う , or something?

Hongo OUT

I think they are to an extent. Kruger mentioned that memories AND wills both come to them through the paths. That sort of implies that the wills of previous shifters are also sent over to the new shifter. Might not be as strong as the Coordinate, but I think for instance Ymir's will might cause Galliard to hesitate if he runs into Hisu.

Does Mikasa have shapeshifter powers?

Mikasa's faithful big butt

Yes please?

yeah but not always, he did say "sometimes"


I mean Armin did have a dream of crying Bert


Shifters cum taste good or still pretty salty? Not that I've taste it or something like that.

Wait, is Hobo Eren a confirmed thing yet or is he just speculation?

He is so handsome and wholesome here.


What if Eren's will is so strong it travelled back in time and made previous Attack Titans fight for freedom?

One day you guys will go away and I won't know what the thread is going to be before opening it

what if eren's will is so strong he impregnates mikasa with his mind

I meant is mikasa a yandere.

How the fuck Kenny is 120kg?
Even Levi and Mikasa weight are weird, they have muscle but they're also quite lean.

Does Isayama simply suck with weight or this is a ackerman thing?
t. /fit/izen

It would be pretty poetic. I want to see bow far Eren's will will go, because it seems like it was strong enough to cause a damn time loop, so who knows the extent to which he'll go.

speculation that would be create a shitstrom if it doesn't come true


i fuckin wish

the snk anime will probably be over before these autists leave though

Kennie has had balls of titanium.

no she's not
she doesn't even see eren romantically only as family

nah, Attack titan's requirement is that it needs a user of strong will and desire for freedom, not the other way around, would be pretty weird

I choose best eren

According to Isayama, apparently Ackermen have heavy bones

What did he mean by this?

it's ackerman thing, same goes for mikasa and levi

Ackerman have heavy bones.

Baseball games


Do titans have requirements?
Was Pieke the best at crawling on all fours?

I see, it makes sense.
Thank guys

he means that: someday, he's going to save him.

its not that hard you dense motherfucker, stop forcing the (you)s

my sides

it's mostly used as a scout and cargo-hauler.
Maybe they gave it to Piec because of her intelligence so that she can figure out better scouting routes, gather info without being seen etc.
yeah, sounds retarded. Marley sucks

Zeke got the beast because he had the hairiest body.
Annie got the female because she was the most female.
Reiner got armor cause he's the hardest.
Bert got collosal cause he sweats like he's in a steam room.


Does Zeke unironically know how to go against the Ymir's curse?

I was wondering that too, user.

how exactly does marksmanship account for anything when it comes to kicking a gate open?

>Reiner got armor cause he's the hardest.
No, he was the worst fighter of them all and that's why he needed the most protection from attacks.

Good thing he was loyal, that's why he even got a chance in the 1st place..

maybe bert was really good at football

Yes, like how zeke is smart and makes plan, the next candidate colt is the same, he's team leader too

future husbands are family

Marley sucks at planning.
Zeke is the only guy with a brain in there.




armor is probably given to those with the intention of protecting or being an asshole, reiner used to be one, porco still is but he got jaws now
jaws probably needs something as simple as muscle strength

That's a Marley requirement, not a shifter one. Literally any Eldian could control any titan.

>Bert's pact with the titan is to fuck Annie
BA btfo?

fucking duh, ymir got one too but ended up a nigger

Jaws- Stamina and agility
Colossal- Good eye sight maybe Ability to sweat profusely
Armor- Female- Excellent CQC skills
Beast- Leadership quality

that thing doesn't exist out of tumblr and anime onlies

Colt and young Zeke look very similar. I don't think its a coincidence.

AA soon

I think the CT protects but can cause lot of damage as well.

That's cart
Super regen is the attack's