One Room

Hmm, super interesting.

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How interesting are we talking about here?


I would one her room.


I don't remember this. Is this an OVA?

What did she mean by this?


It's her school uniform!

Kantoku is overrated

I had to rewatch the first episode to see that all the zooming and panning shots were in the original episode too. It's amazing how the entire feel of it changes when you just change her outfit.

Best girl. Any more pics?


Made for procreation.


Special episode on BD which is lazily made shit - they redraw clothes of each girl into swimsuits

Here's a terrible stitch I made. All her parts were different sizes and they didn't show all her body so I had fill in the blanks.

>imouto didn't get good lewd
I want my money back.

>they redraw clothes of each girl into swimsuits
That's so damn pathetic.

It's definitely more lewd even with the same shots.

>kneesocks with swimsuit
My boner.

I read this as facesitting

I feel like they got unequal treatment. Yui definitely got the best scene picked out for her, by far. It's so much lewder than the other girls. Imouto wasn't even enticing, she should have had a proper swimsuit and a lewder scene like her straddling her brother. Moka should have gotten lewder scenes, we only really got the bending over one.

OVA was lazy, they should have handpicked the moments that would have resulted in the lewdest imagery from all the episodes instead of stitching segments of of a whole episode. Yui's definitely takes the win though, some of those shots are extremely hot.

Guys get Kantoko girls and the girls get fucking Hidari guys?

What the hell?

>the loli doesn't get lewd
What a surprise in anime industry huh? It's almost as if animators don't want to be associated with putting sexualized children in anymore, now that it's not a common thing anymore.

If it makes you feel any better, Room Mate only loosely follows Hidari's artwork, much to the disappointment of everyone.

And it's a straight harem.

Did you actually watch them both? Why?


Yes, it was a very cowardly shit not to lewd her.

They're short, you don't lose a whole lot from watching them.
Room Mate is a disappointment though.

Best girl.

>Room Mate is a disappointment though.
Well no shit, they're created for the opposite audiences- people who like males or people who like females. That's why I asked.

Wow tell me more

I have no problem with males. The show could have been good if it was a gender swapped One Room. The problem is that it falls into the same trap as all otome shows.

>How interesting are we talking about here?
About this much interesting.

fuck off mal fag


do you think this does anything?

One Room made me want to kill myself when the childhood friend arc rolled in. Fuck don't hit me with shit like that.

So should I watch it if I unironically liked One Room or no?

I think Imouto arc was even more depressing with >us overworking himself to death and not having anything left in us to spend time with her.

We were a steal beam before, did we morph into something else?

Especially when he misidentifies the site.

Don't expect it to be like OR. It's a standard reverse harem with a first person perspective.


And they don't use it very well, lots of scenes with the boys only kind of break the immersion of you being the camera.

Would be better if they show her in school with that

I want to impregnate Moka

She's built for breeding.

Looks like yet another otaku pandering degenerate weebtrash to me.

the bestest

Might not have been the greatest show but it gave me so I'm happy


Another Yui stitch.

>a show literally made to show off Kantoku's designs and nothing more

Nothing wrong with that either.

Not enough. Post moar.

most interesting girl

>official site tells heights of the Roommate characters but not the One Room ones

They don't want to let you know who you can manhandle.

Because I wanted male One Room with delicious Hidari designs.

It's ridiculous enough to laugh at though, so it's not a terrible tradeoff

I bet for fucking certain that they something retarded as blood type instead.


I'm in episode 4, is this what NTR feels like?


Yui is my waifu.


Why is her underwear in shock?

Got all the stitches from series maybe?

Anyone have any more?

>best girl leaves for university

Picked the fuck up.







We did it

You're absolutely right user.

Might be wrong, but pretty sure this is my last stitch

Sweet, even the Yui one was nice too.

what is this show about ?

Life as a tree/steel beam/various other things.

The shorts were better.

Summer Lesson anime

Picked up

Don't forget to watch his movie if you haven't.

so this is basically a girl talking to the camera ? idk what to think about this

Yeah but you're the camera

Just one step away from VR Anime.

I see the appeal but cannot really enjoy it

what eps are they in underwear btw ;)

just the ova you should watch the show though each ep is only like 5 mins and it gets pretty lewd

boku no chinchin

Fuck off newfaggot.

Why is this show called one room?

Oh my.
How old is this butt?

Because Room franchise.

She has a nice ass.

She has a nice everything

Told you newfag, get fucked.

Breeding material

Imouto>>>old friend slut>>>new friend slut

Because the entire series takes place in one room, obviously.