Has a hentai manga ever made you cry?

Has a hentai manga ever made you cry?

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the one where the guy summons the demon as a form of suicide but they fall in love

Concrete girl.
Took me a couple days to compose myself. I think looking up a picture of the actual girl was what finally broke me.


Tiny Evil

This was the best part though.


I don't read or watch hentai

and what drama could there possibly be? a girl gets raped? woow that sure has never been done before

Love is blind.

The one where the Loli is tricked into opening the front door.

Somebody made a hentai out of that? Christ some people are soulless.

Semete, Ano Yuki no You ni

if you still have emotions you haven't been on Sup Forums long enough

It made my cry from my pee-pee


Maybe not cry but fuzzy inside.
Itoshi no Kana
>Ai Ren, not really a hentai but once in a while lewd as fuck.

Not cry but there was a hentai I read that had me laughing enough at the very end to kill my boner for the rest of the day.

Damn, first chapter was good but second chapter with doll girl makes me wish this dude serialise.

Didnt fap, my soul did tho

Cherry Pink

Fapped, sobbed, then fapped again

It's hardly a hentai despite being drawn by Waita. The intent behind it is to fuck you up, not make you hard (though I have no doubts people fapped to it).

I always see this corruption doujin in OP´s pic around here, but I never got sauced up. Can anyone spoonfeed me?

The good ones. When they're over.

This. Based art by Yukimi isn't bad either.


Damn, those are better than most romance manga I read, I guess its because despite being short they actually take relationship somewhere.

No, however I must say that those tears look delicious. Yummy, sweet tears of sexual abuse.

That one with the guy pretending to be a plumber or something, and molesting lolies. I couldn't sleep well after that manga, and can't fap to lolies ever since.

Believe Machine. T'was the first time a hentai had touched my heart as well as my dick.

i didn't knew it was based on a true story so i fapped to it
i felt kinda bad afterwards

Geiger counter.

I don't mind they're doing all that Bakemonogatari stuff, but I'd love for them to get back to their OC

From thumbnail these glasses looks like "do it for free" image.

The dude who drew it got visit from a police recently because there been a copycat crime and pedo/rapist did this trick multliple times and it worked each and every time.

They jailed him but I think the artist said he wont be drawing hentai any more.

Damn I just googled it and found "Shin Gendai Ryoukiden | Modern Stories of the Bizarre" and from the looks of it its all based on some rl shit and now I am looking trough a story of a dude raping and killing pregnant women.
Certainly not a fap material and shit is heavy, much more than a horror manga, I am amazed it is hosted on e-hentai of all places, dont they have sad panda for anything but hand holding and consensual in missionary for the pure purpose of procreation.

No, he would not be drawing rape like that story but he's going to continue drawing porn.

Most people grew up from their edgy teenager phase

Yes usually Waita only draws beyond absurd guro stuff that doesn't do much to me personally, but his Shin Gendai Ryoukiden series feels so real (and it is), it really left a mark first time I read it.

That dude killing mother, cutting off the child and stabbing it with the knife and then putting his head inside mothers stomach
Like what the fuck, I bookmarked to look trough it but damn, that shit is heavy.

Any idea whether its all based on real crimes?
Asking because few last chapters I looked over looked like a complete fantasy, I wouldnt be surprised if in on of asian countries during war happened something that could inspired it tho so, just wonder.

Emergence isn't even sad. It goes too such extremes that it's hard to take it seriously. Cherry Pink is really touching though.

Just read it. The only case of hentai part being the least exciting part of hentai manga.

I cried from laughter at some Kaguya chapters.

Fuck you.
If I wanted to lose all hope in humanity I'd browse Sup Forums I don't need this shit.

Emergence by ShindoL

I do with SUNDOME

Definitely these two and pic related are the best hentai with plot

Honestly, it's the only one that made me really angry for like 15 minutes, because it reminded me that shit like this really happens out there.

Havent read anything of what I am about to post but got recommendation from previous thread like this.

One is "kyoushi to seito to"
The other is "Shoya Virgin night", starts with netflix and chill literally so that might be a bit cliche.
On the other hand same artist that did AiRen so no idea, maybe its also good story wise.

This is one and Material, also by Uziga Waita. Poor amputee girl~

That one where the father and daughter commit suicide after she is severely raped and amputated


my dad has the same disease and i didnt expect that. damn.


This, Urban Legend and pic related i guess.


Oops did not mean to reply to you, and just beat me to it.

I'm sorry user. Have you been scanned to see if you're at risk?


RP only passes down from mother to their kids. My father won't pass it down, but he has been slowly going blind over the years. I always hold his arm when he walks and yet all we get are gay insults thrown at us half the time. People laugh when he bumps into things. And he gets frustrated when he can't see things which are obviously in front of him.

I can only hope treatment comes soon, because I know it's stressful for my mom too. But hey, it's America so it's okay to make fun of people because we're Korean.

That's not H though?

>google Uziga Waita
>picture of jon tron
what ?

>The dude who drew it got visit from a police recently because there been a copycat crime and pedo/rapist did this trick multliple times and it worked each and every time.

The source was creators twitter and Sup Forumsnons translating this stuff on Sup Forums.


i cri evritim ;_;

Sauce user?

What did she mean by this? Did she fuck the old guy?

That one hit me good, especially that last page, holy shit.

It's "Believe Machine"

I didn't cry, but I was depressed for awhile. It had such a dark ending.

Rape endings don't really affect me like that anymore, but I was younger then.

I don't think I've ever cried from hentai manga. Do H-games count?


user, this makes me angry, not sad.

>But hey, it's America so it's okay to make fun of people because we're Korean.
your situation sucks user, but don't play the race card, the beauty of America is that we make fun of everything and everyone, that's something I think people have forgotten. An old man stumbling into a pole in front of him is funny, regardless of race, don't take it personally.

there was a nasty one I read few years back.
A school girl obsessed with cleanliness gets raped by a group of dirty bums and is mindbroken by the end of it.
Pretty brutal read, they make her do some sick shit but the artwork was nice.


First one I cried to but not the last


I don't think so. She just had marriage meetings.

Nah, Koreans get targeted specifically for racism though. At least in America.

both of you need to kys- i dont need this again

Guy gets HIV unknowingly from blood bank and fucked a lot of people.

never,I feel no sympathy for sluts

I was pissed as fuck. So dumb.

i thought it was kinda cute

LA Riots. Even black people think it's okay to bag on us and destroy our shit.

it was if i remember it right, but fuck man- it toyed with my heart

>Itoshi no Kana
reading now, this shit is too cute!

No. The only emotion fiction has ever made me feel is anger, and only when a character I've come to really like is killed off; worse if he/she goes unavenged.
Otherwise fiction makes me feel nothing save for the states of being entertained/having fun or bored.
I like to think it stems from a strong distinction of reality and fantasy.

Kana is best ghost ever.

Urban Legend Girl is the only one I can think off the top of my head. I don't think anything else has really made more than mildly sad, let alone cry. But I'm a sucker for gomennasai's work.

someone I know tried to read Emergence for "the memes and because i'm depressed" too and that's as much as I know about this series, is it really that sad?

it's pretty fuckin' brutal.
Poor innocent schoolgirl ends up a homeless, druggie, pregnant bum and shit doesn't get better at any point. The low turn gets lower each chapter. Give it a read and see.

just finished it. Was really lovely, just a shame it ended so suddenly.

How would you have wanted it to end?

I read the first few chapters, albeit more of a skim, and what the shit is this? this is upsetting

yeah its not fun hentai. its a depressing story, but the author is known for that shit. Keep going.

She didn't fuck anyone else, but since she was getting married off to someone else it seemed inevitable to her, hence why she said she couldn't keep the promise


Some hentai are just manga with sex involved. There is occasional good writing to be found

just exclude that very page, and formulate some headcanon

Been waiting for someone to post this.

a guy have an android as his wive. he died of old age, the android shutdown herself after that.

this. I can't fap to this. sad as fuck.

which user is right?

>the beauty of America is that we make fun of everything and everyone
So the beauty of America is that its shit? Americans truly are retarded


Ghost kana isn't a hentai manga.