Are you open about your appreciation of Trump? I wore my MAGA hat yesterday and I had no incidents with anyone talking to me about it. I think Portugal is becoming a very Pro-Trump country!
Are you open about your appreciation of Trump...
Other urls found in this thread:
not yet. I live in LA
>are you open about being a saboo goy?
I want the white hat version.
Stop with the d&c
Good, and what are you doing about the invasion of western europe by immigrants from non white countries? what are you doing to protect white portugal?
Portugal is about as white as the USA
You are still what? 85% - 90% white, while France a little less and Sweden and Uk less too
Anyway, what about you? Are you open about your appreciation of Trump?
He's a system pig like all other presidents
Europeans are white, not """White"""
Trump will lead no where, it'sbetter than the muds, but america is dommed over demographics.
Maybe in your household, nigger. Portugal has 7% immigrant population, of which half is non white. We're over 96% white. America is about 50-50.
Stop with the d&c
Have you shown support of Trump around your friends yet? How did it work out?
I am, at least vocally. Just have your facts straight.
Haha nope. White birth rates at their highest in a while, and Gen Z is gonna shit out white babies every other week.
We have states bigger than Portugal.
>I wore my MAGA hat
Why would I support or oppose Trump? He is unironically not my president.
And they're all ghettos.
Yes, and it makes many people very angry when I'm not afraid of their social aggression. It has taken a serious toll on my personal life, but that's because I live in Manhattan so it's my own fault. It's worth every second when I get to watch them succumb to powerlessness and defeat when they realize they can't break me or shame me. Probably a touch of psychopathy in there but that's no surprise.
I used to wear a MAGA hat around but that invites physical violence for some reason so I don't.
What are your real life experiences with known Trump supporters? What would you do if you saw a MAGA hat? What would your friends do?
This is pure shilling. I'm starting to think the biggest Jew haters here are actually false flagging
I would ask if they bought the hat or printed the letters on it.
Portugal may not be the best country in the world, but unlike the average American, we're not retarded. We are aware that Trump isn't a baby eating monster like the American media makes him out to be.
I think my friends would barely react, because politics aren't a popularity contest like in the Jewnited States of Weimerica.
Are you aware of the people you descent? kings and explorers, conquerors or peasants and knights (like those templar). Millions of non whites would give their hands to be you. think about it
Yeah, it's all D&C
Only if people ask me. They usually shut down halfway through the conversation though.