Political Comics that don't make sense anymore and or are dated
Political Comics that don't make sense anymore
This is clearly drawn by someone trying to justify something to themselves.
still not outdated. the gop spent thousand of taxpayer dollars and couldn't actually prove anything.
It reeks of contrivances lol
Kinda cringe desu
I somewhat get it.....
>a 20 mph model T should have seat belts
>Sup Forums is so contrarian that they'll defend Apple for paying slave wages in China
>The same people who voted for Trump because he was going to bring back jobs to the US, including manufacturers, like Apple
Herp Diddly Erp Derp
But it didn't end up blowing the republicans away at the debates and furthermore, the 2016 election.
>not using a alternative phone to tweet that on.
>where as in medevial times there were no alternatives
>when there were only a few cars for the very rich, went slowly and all cars were brand new
Is that a man made of straw?
Cars are an invaluable asset and in a feudal society you need to work your land to live.
You are under absolutely no social or physical obligation to buy an iPhone. You can buy a far more expensive, ethically-made alternative.
If it can happen there it can happen here too, I think that's the point.
>comparing cars and food, items necessary for life, to an iPhone, a luxury item
Isn't that a bit of a straw man? Assuming his opinions are invalid because he is made of a straw?
>necessary for life
>not a luxury item
*claps in american*
I'm enjoying this thread.
Why do you fly the Dixie flag? Also where are you from, I'm from Birmingham, too many Niggers here.
I meant to post with the Dixie flag.
The South had a right to secede imo.
I live in Virginia but in a rural area. I was living in Fairfax for awhile. It is hell.
They may not be necessary in your democratic-run, urban shit hole, but many places, having a car is a necessity, unless you want to live like an amish person, retard. Fuckin govt dependent mung.
now that's funny
>no pickle or pizza in kafish mouth
>other people should do what i want them to
>i have an idea
>general expression that things should move towards higher quality of life
what is the message here
She spewed bullshit in his face?
>unless you want to live like an amish person
There you go. Those are your own words, explaining why it's not a necessity. There are alternatives to owning a car no matter where you live. Not having a car will not kill you, so it's not a necessity. Live in the middle of nowhere? Start farming and/or hunting for food. Drill a well for water. You don't NEED to go anywhere. Cars are a luxury, plain and simple.
But Trump is the biggest fish...
>You don't NEED to go anywhere goy
>Just pay me shekels to ride my bus so you can slave away all day every day for me
>I hate the way this company uses slave labor to make their product
>But I'll give that company my money anyway
Yes, only an idiot would point out your hypocracy
What does this even mean?
No clue
The false equivalency is that the bottom two pannels are
>hey, this thing is imperfect
>I have one/am a part of it but I still recognize it's imperfect
Whereas the top panel is
>hey, this company I gave money to pursues business practices I don't agree with morally
>still bought an iPhone to give them money, when there would've been plenty of alternatives
A real equivalency to the bottom two would be
>iPhones kind of suck, they dont have a headphone plug
>posted from an iphone
But even that's retarded because you could've just gotten one with it.
Overall 0/10 terrible fucking comic
we should put an import tax on anything made with slave labor so it is the same price as products made by non-slaves
also, the country of origin and the age range of the workers should be publicly available
that nigger wouldn't need a seat belt on the cotton fields
>Necessary for life
Considering you're American, I assume you're talking about pic related ?
>we should put an import tax on anything made with slave labor so it is the same price as products made by non-slaves
So basically tariff everything from China?
>disagree with apple's practices
>provide apple your money giving them an economic signal that what they are doing works
>their argument basically boils down to they have no choice but to give apple money because there's absolutely no competition as seen by a man with a car in a time i assume seatbelts weren't a thing yet meaning no market for it
>despite the fact that apple does have competition and not all of them use underpaid chinese workers
It didn't age well.
>country that uses cars to kill people in markets
gg, muhammad.
No joke, a buddy of mine did exactly this in our science class in high school when we realized the daft bitch teacher was just giving everybody an 87 on everything.
>You're not really reading these, we all know you just glance at the page and give everyone an 87
He got an 87.
t. Never been in a model T
The things are slow by today's standards, but they get going at a reasonable pace in high gear. Couple that with the absolute shit suspension and solid fucking wheels and out get bounced around like crazy.
obama told kenya to be more socially progressive because bad things happen to countries that allow anti-gay discrimination
Nice, I always had the teachers who scrutinized every bit of our essays, it sucked
ive done this exact thing and gotten an A before.
Afrca already has AIDS, now imagine rampaging gays as well.
Which is funny since it was germans that invented the seatbelt
more of these
dr suess sounds like a bit of a cuck.
Fuck that nigger and his gay ass cat with a hat.
I just can't wrap my mind around how some people believe that wanting the government, that you provide portions of your earnings to, to prioritize you is somehow the opposite of what they should be doing. This must drive the ancaps completely insane because we're even past the point that people think they should provide taxes to the government to do stuff for us.
he kind of is, a lot of his political cartoons are shit modern leftists spew
he was an anti-racist and pro-semite
After he war he realized the Axis were the good guys after all, Horton Hears a Who was about the Japanese
also the cat in the cat in the hat was a negro which is why they kept telling him to leave and he broke everything in he house and he got his two kids to run around and steal what was left
whatever happened to owned? and pwned for that matter?
That didn't age well lol
Daily reminder that your beloved Dr. Seuss is actually a jew named Theodore Geisel who shat out WW2 propaganda like diarrhea and added "Dr." to his name to sound more credible.
Stan Lee is a jew too. He made pro-war Captain America propaganda to sway public opinion.
Your favorite comic book artists are kikes who got a lot of good white men killed to save their own jewish skins.
Too triggering to negroes whose great great great great grandfathers were slaves, and also to Jews who to this day own slaves
ruined by normies like every other classic maymay
It should have along with a protective body, but it had neither and early crash rates and death rates were horrendous per mile traveled. Of course everything else was dangerous too, even rail travel and flywheels in factories.
Kek, yet he didn't know that the jews financed the war?
You see it makes sense because the only way to post garbage opinions on the internet is using a $1200 glorified cellphone.
How did the good guys lose?
I remember when this happened and no one really noticed why random video of Bernie Sanders running was being released to the masses.
The answer his campaign was trying to show that Bernie was more fit than skidmarks Hillary.
>A champion of the rights of American Jews, Seuss himself experienced anti-Semitism when, in his college days, he was refused entry into certain circles because of a misperception that he was Jewish: “I had black hair and a long nose, and it took a year and a half before the word got out that I wasn’t [Jewish].”
>In fact, Seuss was a practicing Lutheran who often spoke out in support of equal opportunity for Jews. As just one notable example, though he supported the establishment by the University of California of a local campus in his beloved La Jolla, where he maintained his mountaintop home, he sternly warned civic and church audiences that they could never develop a great university until they ceased discriminating against Jews, specifically with respect to home ownership.
he wasn't a Jew but he was literally best goy
that's a good one
>love trumps hate
>punches you for not conforming
The delusion
But they didn't
The good side took a yuge W
Is there such a thing as postjudice?