How many dicks did she suck for those apples?

How many dicks did she suck for those apples?

Other urls found in this thread:!_Sayaka_&_Kyouko_Version


0 + 60 niggers

She could have just stolen them with her powers?

Kyoko A CUTE is pure

Ah, I see you got triggered because you were called out in the Fail Floppers thread. So you made a Madoka shitpost thread. You're so autistic and stupid.

Did anyone say dick?

Only 1 - mine.

I thought the series was quite clear in implying she stole them, possibly at spear-point.

Kyouko is the most prolific armed robber in Mitikahara City.

I'll have you know that Kyouko has only ever taken Sayaka's dick in her life.

You are not a male Apple-chan. You are futa though.

Someone send this child stalker to jail.

She was a thief.


I still don't understand why he didn't just pull a Martin Luther and start his own church.

Also, I'm pretty sure the Anglicans are cool on SSM.

>I still don't understand why he didn't just pull a Martin Luther and start his own church.
Because no one listened to his sermons. He tried preaching even after he was excommunicated, and only started having a following after Kyoko's wish was granted.


Considering he was in the same church building, I thought it showed he was still trying to hitch his wagon to the Anglicans. Of course people stopped showing up, because in effect he was advertising one thing and selling another. Religion is a buisness just like any other, and faith is just another product.

About tree fiddy

All the dicks


None, unless Sayaka grew a dick or something.

there's enough doujins with that subject matter.

The church was their house.

wow wtf i hate kyoko now


Think doujin is already plural.

My heart

None, Kyouko doesn't know about that stuff.


With a nice, purpose-built sanctuary like that? Nuh-uh. I've seen enough independent pastors running services our of their homes to know that's not a residential building.

How many dicks does your mother suck to support you being stupid an unemployed because you sit at home shitposting all day?

Actually their living quarters was technically attached or a part of the Church (literally or just on the grounds, I'm not sure), but not the Church itself.



Missionary with 18+ Kyoko with the lights off and holding hands, but only after marriage?

A dick thief?

Quality bump desu

>Madoka fandom


I enjoy knowing I'll never be as pathetic as you.


henlo Sup Forumsnon
henlo you STINKY Sup Forumsnon
keep shitposting, ugly

Now you replied.

Who decided that it was a good idea to ship red and blue?

Isn't it doujinshi?

Hours later and you're still triggered. Thus why you refuse to let go of your shitposting thread.


She's into ladies.

Has there been a Madoka thread that isn't 90% Shitposting in the last few years?

Hours later and you're still triggered.


The Japanese language doesn't have plural form baka

Sadly no.

If you're not mad, then why are you posting twice and spamming crack to try and harass people? Calm and rational people don't try to spite others.

Tomboys to be exact.!_Sayaka_&_Kyouko_Version
>You prefer boyish girls to cutesy ones
Sayaka's totally both of those though.


I misread that as Madoka femdom and got excited.

This is probably the closest to crack shipping Fumiko got. And it's really not all that shippy per say.
But Rebellion sure brought the pair as a flavor of the month-esque fad. Before it faded away back to obscurity.

If you look at dic.pixiv and the tag popularity history it never even got popular. There are just some extremely vocal posters.

Zero because she got them out of the garbage

It wasn't ever popular but it sure got attention for that brief period. That's what I meant.