Wake me up Asuna

Is this the future of escapism?

no its the path to the salvation of mankind

Of all the anime girl's they had to chose Asuna?

>Wake me up Asuna
Only if it's the Abridge Asuna.

desu I'd probably be more motivated to get out of bed in the morning if someone was telling me to. Even if it was just some generic waifubait character. This is probably just a clever scheme in order to motivate NEETs to get out of bed before 2pm.

>have to pay for English
>5 Eur to get bikini outfit

What a shameless cashgrab

I used it for a while. It works and seems made well, but I don't know who Asuna is or what series she's from.

At least is way more affordable than the AI girl that stalks you through your phone when you go to work.

Um... what the fuck is this?

>I don't know who Asuna is or what series she's from