In one sentence say why you like trump.
In one sentence say why you like trump
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no one likes trump
The only man who could save the world.
Not Obama
As a true Christian, I stand by the state of Israel!
He is a honest white man with balls
you all are autistic
When a president who was objectively told by past presidents that he could not become a president becomes a president sets a standard for new presidents; when the will of the people express their will above the will of the elite the people can peak; when all that is left is slander and lies, the people can vote for truth.
He's repairing our ties with Israel that The Black Muslim damaged, and will lead us into BASED wars with Iran and North Korea!
He's Duke Nukem at 70.
He doesn't give a fuck.
Good enough.
Hillary isn't President
No, but for real, he excels at 2 things. Manipulating listeners in various contexts to his advantage and making money.
These 2 qualities aren't enough for him to be a capable leader of the world's most militarily powerful country.
He was the best choice
I like Donald Trump because he was sent by God.
the people i despise, despise him
>In one sentence say why you like trump.
the deepstate is terrified of him.
Liberal tears make my dick hard.
was it her turn?
He said what needed to be said when nobody else had the balls to say it.
history will never be able to fully encompass the tale of trump, the greatest human to ever walk this earth.
I think he is shilling for the conservacucks too much. He promised to be different the others, but he is exactly how (((they))) want him to be. He does trigger leftists and SJW's so we got that at least, it's hilarious.
butthurt foreigners
I can't get over how some people have decided to spend eight years of their lives screaming, pissed off angry about Trump, they're willing to harm themselves -- just stunningly weird.
He upsets millenials
A dose of normality after eight scandal filled years of nigger and toxic culture.
i dont.
See, I wouldn't give a shit if Trump decided to totally isolate himself and the USA. After all, America first, right?
The problem is, his stupidity regarding geopolitical affairs is putting EVERYONE at risk.
He's an honest man, love or hate him he's speaking what he feels to be true. He could be wrong about everything but at least he's not parroting what people tell him to say.
Actually cares about the country he's supposed to, does his best to accomplish what he said he would.
For sure. He loves America and I'm sure he'd do anything to see America succeed.
As I stated, however, his overwhelming ignorance regarding affairs outside the US is fucking it up for everyone.
If he wants to isolate America and close its borders, go for it. I couldn't care less. But please, put somebody else in charge for international affairs.
He is mature Flash Gordon and he's for every one of us, stands for every one of us, he'll save with a mighty hand every man, every woman, every child with a mighty flash!
>He's an honest man
>its everything ok with assad eh
>oh lets bomb syria now
Go Flash Go!
(I'm cringing on the inside)
The real answer is:
At least it wasn't Killary
He is fucking awesome though.
He's not a politician, he's a Businessman.
He calls the fake media what they are, fake.
One year in and one party down one to Go.
Gas both parties
He's destroying the American empire
He's the reality TV star version of a businessman anyway.
He will fuck burgers debt so hard that there will be a massive triggering brewing.
he's not hillary
Oh, that would be so awesome.
water is wet
With all that was stacked against him, and all of his flaws- yet he stands victorious. I unironically agree. There is no other explanation.
Trump is a businessman.
Trump and the US is run by jews. (senate, media, politicians)
Jews care about money.
Your point? I might aswell have shown a chart with "World banana conference" showing that monkeys had a much higher attendance than other non-human species.
not a clinton or a bush
>when your country is so weak it is grievously affected by what people across the ocean do in their own land.
What does this feel like
oh fugggg XDXD
He trolls the libs.
I don't like Trump.
I think he should be impeached for perverting and corrupting the centuries old American democracy. Life is not a reality show and a president and his family members shouldn't be enriching themselves via corrupt deals all over the world while in office.
And fuck his shitty corrupt families and all three wives. What a joke.
He doesn't give a shit about anywhere but America and thus isn't starting wars, blowing shit up all the time or acting like the US is an example for any other country to follow.
Not my country.
It's always "ME ME ME" with you americans.
I'm talking about the safety of every single fucking human being that lives between North Korea and the USA. I'm talking about the future of our planet, with his pulling out of the Paris agreement.
I don't give a shit if Trump wants more people from Norway instead of "shithole countries". I don't give a shit what you presume me to be thinking.
I care about the future of our planet. Lock yourselves up, build walls along every border to the US, separate yourselves from NATO/UN, I couldn't care less.
But no man, not even Trump, gets to be the one to start a nuclear holocaust and get away with it.
Two words...........He's right
Changing the paradigm for both of the parties. He's single handedly reforming the Republican party.
I like how he defends himself and how he smugly talks shit to butt hurt liberals.
> He's single handedly reforming the Republican party.
You misspelled destroyed.
Trump turned Alabama blue.
>isn't starting wars
He's so blatantly setting up war with Iran and NK
Torn up the nuclear deal with Iran
Ratcheted tensions with NK extremely high
He's brought things to where we're basically one 'event' away from 'justification' for war.
Good thing America doesn't conduct false fla-
fastest way to WW3
I will throw my hat in: he flat out doesn't give a shit about liberal feel-good agendas and stepping on egg shells to avoid criticism... nearly every politician for ~20 years says everything in such a mealy mouthed non-committal manner that has basically become disgusting to listen to... so he just says whatever the fuck he wants and gives other countries (verbal) shit when he feels like it ... people get up in arms that it's unpresidential and not becoming of the office, but that really doesn't count for anything ... IMO he's exposing the true face of america, I like it as an american and other countries should like it too ... it ushers in a new era where we have a chance at just being honest with each other in the realm of global politics.
There I used ellipses instead of periods so it's one sentence you faggots
Anything that pisses off illegal immigrants is great in my book
he pisses everyone I know off.
>build walls along every border to the US, separate yourselves from NATO/UN
this gave me a semi-chub
Stop being a fucking drama queen, why are you so worried about nukes anyways?
What you are really worried about is having to take financial responsibility for your own nations defense. I’m tired of my taxes going to protect countries that hate us.
I would rather go to war than have to deal with liberal social justice bullshit. Obama made race relations 10 times worse.
Pandering to niggers and trannies or btfo'ing the manlet gook in Korea? Easy choice.
>He is taking on the greatest enemy this country has ever seen.
The most amazing part is the amount he has risked to attain such greatness. The man is a visionary possibly from the future.
>why are you so worried about nukes anyways?
American education, everyone. Point and stare at our newest exhibit.
>What you are really worried about is having to take financial responsibility for your own nations defense
We can defend ourselves against Russia.
Trump is out-spoken and honest. These are good qualities, but NOT when engaging in already tense relations with NK, Iran and Pakistan.
By going to war with NK you directly risk the lives of the millions of people who live between the US and NK.
But those people don't matter, right?
Fuck your face greg
he's not Hillary
No one gives a shit about Iran, they're just a bogeyman American politicitions roll out to use as a vague Saddam like threat to rile up the masses, but don't need to do anything about because they're never going to actually be dumb enough to attack anywhere and end up curb stomped like Iraq and Afghanistan.
As for NK, his hardline goading and threats of war have forced China to take a hard line on the fuckers and spurred peace talks and cooperation out of nowhere with South Korea. Rather than an immanent nuclear apocalypse, Trump somehow made a unified Korea a genuine possibility in our lifetimes.
All through the power of not giving the slightest shit about anything.
I mean the guys a count, but he's the best US president the rest of the world has had for decades.
Our drones and sattelite precision weapons will make sure there will be minimal collateral damage.
Cunt, Fucking autocorrect.
Liberal tears.
I like Drumpf because he’s proving remarkably easy to get rid of.
He's the best president in my lifetime; I was born when LBJ was prez.
I like Drumpf because his presidency assures us that we won’t see another Republican President in our lifetime.
>’re scum.
Big Macs
He's bringing some excellence back to western civilisation instead of trying to bring western civilisation down.
He makes the africans really angry.
i like his balls
High quality memes and banter
Leftits can't meme or banter
Make America Great Again!
he makes israel great again and pol getting jewed while being blindfolded brings a smirk to my face
His criminality provides nightly drama and intrigue you just can’t find in most movies anymore.
Because they don't
jew puppet
He's a cool guy and doesn't afraid of nothing.
thank you.