I don't get the appeal

I don't get the appeal

What is this guy's name again?


Good. It's a pleb filter.


people who like that show belong in prison


you're a sick human being

And you're a sick animal.

Monogatari is literally the most entry-level series though.

monogatari is nowhere near as entry level as naruto or sao

Is Monogatari the only series whose fanbase is half waifufags and half hipsters?

It's the next step, after those though.

There is a panty shot in the first goddamn seconds.

Most of my normalfag anime friends dropped it after that.

Bake is kinda entry level, but then Nise hits you with all of its "provocative themes" and that tends to keep a lot of normalfags from going further.

That's fine, not everyone has to like everything. Most people don't like Monogatari because they don't like the non-stop talking. In fact I don't know how it became so popular unless most of the popularity came from people who only "watch" it for waifus.

toradora, madoka, attack on titan, code geass, cowboy bebop, haruhi, death note, high school of the dead are all more popular than monogatari in the west.



There is no appeal, it's power fantasy garbage.

Not at all, it's probably just the most popular series whose fanbase is half waifufags and half hipsters. Or atleast it was, it's fallen out of popularity in recent years compared to other things and Sup Forums shits on it talking to themselves like a broken record at this point.

Most shonen anime is way more popular than Monogatari.

bait harder

It's just harem trash disguising itself as something deep

>that feel when Monogatari is my favorite animu and I am not a hipster or haremfag

I like the banter and all the engaging conversations in it, as well as the oddity aspect of it. It also helps that literally every character is very likable.

a sexy guy with nice abs doing crazy shit in the occult with demon girls who are fucked up and murder him brutally but also they are cute so he forgives them. also a vampire god lives in his shadow that he buys donuts.
whats not to get?

>-monogatari is a pleb filter
Anybody who thinks this is a self-congratulating faggot. Reddit and Youtube have a huge boner for this franchise. The only real pleb filters in the Crunchyroll age are series you can't stream online.

>show is about fun dialogue
>Wow stop being so pretentiously deep UHG

Top tier harem, ragi is pretty based

Nah, it's on the same tier of all of those shows you've just listed. I dunno why Monogatarifags think they're watching something super special and obscure.



Okay kyoanifag

>at 12 seconds
delicious thighs

>trying to start studio wars
I literally have nothing against Shaft. I just think Monogatarifags think too highly of themselves, and their franchise.

Another pleb.

Fuck off.

Don't start this.

Indeed it's garbage.

Based catsoupfag putting the retards in their place


So, who's ready for Hachikuji to come back, Nisio to realize crab is fucking boring now and undo her character development for a day, and Dere-Shot?

>Replying to yourself

I care about my waifu, and I guess Hachi coming back is nice.


Imagine being araragi


I like cap soup too but this guy is a faggot

>loli trio
>brocon imoutos, one of them is a tomboy
>lewd snake
10/10 harem


I came for the waifu bait, but stayed for the OST, dialogue, stylized backgrounds and character designs, presentation of the occult, and, best of all, Araragi.

>you're one and I'm many

It's an amazing deconstruction of the harem genre.

that was honestly the best scene in the entire series

>muh pretentious slideshow
come on son step up

to what?

I don't know why you think you're watching anything special.

>guys monogatari isnt popular with normalfags at all my friends dropped it after the fan service
>600 fucking thousand members on MAL with one of the highest average ratings on that website
Yeah, normalfags totally hate the series.

I don't either but I wanna fuck his ass.

Literally the least imaginative argument on why Monogatari is bad. I see people keep parroting this without actually saying why it's pretentious.

All my normalfag friends didnt mind that all and they love this show for some reason. You would think all loli fanservice would be too much but i guess it isnt

Normalfags never watched past Bake.

I wish. He is /fit/ as fuck

Half of the "jokes" are play on words that you have to be a native jap to understand so people like to feel sophisticated by liking this shit. Unnecessary slides with kanji and meme cinematography sprinkled in and you got yourself the most pretentious fan base in anime.

Fucking kimochi warui.

traps are 2.5d

What's the pretense?

Fuck no. 3D traps 3D, they're worse attention seeking whores than regular vagina 3DPD girls.
I'm all for 2D traps, but calling 3D traps 2.5D is fucking insulting.

Is this supposed to be a Cat soup reference/homage?


Nobody feels sophisticated liking Monogatari. You want pretentious fan base try looking into the fanbase of one of those 2deep4u "smart" anime everyone and their mother pretends to like. Monogatari is just a show we enjoy that just so happens to be very Japanese and visually trippy. Seriously, where does this impression keep coming from?

ararararagi "loli butt is best" koyomin

I'm italian and I feel flattered but somewhat offended

>I don't get the appeal

if you don't get hard at the thought of being held in those strong arms or getting pegged by that manlet's dick then you are gay.

After Kaiki left for good and not appear again forever even in the novel, the appeal lost to me.

>Monogatari is literally the most entry-level series though.

have you ever shown monogatari to a normie? doesn't work bro. this isn't close to entry level. if you get monogatari I think you can have a rookie Otaku card, as far as strange nip japanese shit goes it definately requires some genre savvy and trope knowledge to get. Nothing high level, but I think monogatari represents a solid gateway to true anime otaku fandom. If you can't get it I don't think you can call yourself an otaku (that doesn't mean you have to like it, just that it's so specific in it's humor and aim that you can't be a casual and get this shit)

Love ya xd

>if you get monogatari I think you can have a rookie Otaku card, as far as strange nip japanese shit goes it definately requires some genre savvy and trope knowledge to get.
Why is this? I've only seen very entry level shows.

Ragiki Koyomin

Pretty much this I wasn't totally sold on this series until nise
The only thing that made me get through bake was hanekawa

>posts a boy

Why did she say Italian? Maybe she mixed it up with Frenchies?

That's not a boy, this is a boy. With child bearing hips.
Wasn't that the joke all along?

Why do I only see people who hate this show call it pretentious? None of the fans think it's 3deep5me.

Arararararararararararararararararagi koyomi-kun of course!!!

rrgi is better

Did the drawfag from yesterday deliver?

Yeah, this was theirs.

>ywn be as /fit/ as rrgi
At least I'm not a manlet.

That's pretty fucking awesome.

It's depressing how little porn their is of Araragi crossdressing.

It's literally just fan service.

Holy shit quints and dubs.

>these characters sure do talk a lot

music and cute girls

>most entry-level series though
Indeed. Only closet weebs (people who are normalfags but insist they're teetering on the fringe) think this series is high anime. They get all giddy with the lolibait scenes as if they're experiencing something taboo and forbidden.

He's one of the few harem pro tags with an actual personality and is active rather than reactive.


MC is literally a creepy cheating pedo.

it's ok, not everything needs to cater to you

lucky star is entry level