So the manlet destiny is now trying to deplatform people with false flags (link to video )
Alt left destiny
Great a Destiny thread. Awesome. Love these.
>He says as he bumps the thread
Hey you can let it die I'm just sharing the video because he keeps trying to take it down.
what does "deplatform" mean? sounds like faggotry. I'd appreciate if you sage in response as I don't mean to encourage you.
if you're a shithead no one who gathers a following based on politics and your opinion is sub highschool tier reasoning then get fucked you deserve to be taken off the internet until you read a few books on the basics of whatever topic you FEEL so strongly about.
It's exactly what it sounds like. Don't play extra retarded
Why are BBC threads deleted but not twitch advertising?
So destiny? He's been btfo so many times
doesn't sound like anything. as I type it out, it becomes clear it is not a word. "deplatform". yep. this isn't a word. platform. multiform. formulated. these are words. I can consult a dictionary to see what these words mean. your insular slang is not understood by people outside your celebrity worship culture.
for instance. I don't know what a platform is beyond a place to speak your mind. and that cannot be taken away.
It absolutely can if you are false flagging people and taking their account down you dick riding retard
yeah, you're bias holding idiot who thinks people like dick masterson "won" a debate or someone of that tier of dumb.
purposefully arguing this working class plebes and then having other working class dumb fuck people agree with said plebes isnt "owning" destiny. its being a rused clown person with no education past highschool
oh, accounts? that's what you care about! your account! of course!
why didn't I see the clear value of having an account? it's so obvious now...
You have severe autism.
Yes acconts, YouTube, Twitter, places to speak their mind Jesus you're fucking stupid
dailymotion is open
>that's not cool enough
and that's what this is all about. attention.
You absolute Mongoloid of course it's about exposer? No one goes to that site so if you say your thoughts there no one will hear them
are you gonna cry?
Hey you're the one getting butt hurt that destiny is getting called out, run back to your soy king faggot
Do you honestly think I know who that is? Something tells me you're just deeply ashamed at how emotionally invested you are in this.
lets mass report destiny's twitch and get HIM de platformed
use OPs video to mass report desTINY
Who is the gay faggot who makes these Destiny thread? Nobody cares bro
Isn't that the pedophile dwarf that wants to have sex with his own daughter?
hes like one of Sup Forumss worst enemies something needs to be done about him
pretty much
Can I get a quick-quick runny downy?
some midget who believes in deplatforming is upset he got deplatformed
Twitter actually closed his account for posting someone's dox