Seikaisuru kado

Show's back on the rails, I'm glad.
I'm just a tad worried about those Naruto vs Sasuke tier battle choregraphies in the preview

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>Show's back on the rails

What are you smoking OP?

The show isn't back on rails if they're Naruto running towards each other shouting each other's names. If you told me they'd be doing that after I watched episode 5 I would have laughed

It looked like zaShunina's hand was morphed into some sort of sword too. Or am I wrong?

>The show isn't back on rails if they're Naruto running towards each other shouting each other's names
There has to be a reasonable explanation for this. Shindo said this episode he didn't intend to fight zaShunina, surely this is a diversion of some kind.
Oh well, no point in arguing it now, I just sound delusional.

>It looked like zaShunina's hand was morphed into some sort of sword too. Or am I wrong?
Where have you been?

>The show isn't back on rails if they're Naruto running towards each other shouting each other's names.
I actually can't imagine Shindo trying to hurt him in this case. Maybe do the fregonics thing on him and then hug or something.
What if Shindo gets himself sealed with zaShunina


>What if Shindo gets himself sealed with zaShunina
Then it's abstract homo end.

This isn't what I wanted

That's what the novel is for.



>novel is released, has different ending
>wow, our petition worked!

>abstract homo end
>zashunina has his happy end forever after and tsukai gets cucked
Yes, please.

He does intend to fight him, just not kill him. He'll use the results of the fight between humans (maybe including tsukai) and zaShunina to level both parties in the negotiation. The current problem is that humanity has nothing really to offer outside of their own existence, which is something they can't give without both party losing.

So yes, there will be a fight and probably some hidden trap as well.


This is fucking embarrassing


the truth is beyond 40D conversion?

in b4 we get GONZO'd

>happy birthday, Shindo-san

Franz didn't deserve any of that

>yfw the 3d in the show is designed to represent people touched by the anisotropic
>yfw the jarring 2d/3d characters was part of the plan all along

More tumblr salt.

>zaShunina kills Hanamori
No, please no

>Tokyo Ghoul
It's their unlucky season


Can we all agree that Mini Kado is best girl?

>another Victuuri
Man, the YoI fandom has really influenced some people in a not-so-good way

That's probably just an entitled kid. Don't give them more attention that they deserve.

I think what happened to Tokyo Ghoul was much worser though. The author didn't deserve any treatment that he got after the sex chapter (people sending him photos/videos of them destroying theit tg merch). The western fanbase is a mistake.

>People care about the romance in this show.

The show better end with zaShunina realizing true love was right there beside him all along

Man why are they not selling Kado models? That would be cool to display.

Owari no Seraph soon

She even disposed of the Shindo clone for him.
Kado confirmed even more yandere than zaShunina

Western fanbase is always a mistake.

this can't be serious

There's Kado Rubix Cubes.

2.5 Kaworus' worth of Kaworu suffering. Of course he's not getting a happy end.

If someone told you that Shindo would turn into a harem protagonist ten weeks ago would you have believed them?


>second Kaworu image has the EXACT same hair as zaShunina

By the way, I haven't seen anyone mention this in the last three threads. Is it just me, or was the facial animation in this past episode inexplicably really good? They were passable throughout but I feel like it actually kinda looked like decent 2D expressions in some places this time.

Who's the third?

I tend to refer to all objects with no defined gender as "she." It's kind of a habit.

Several people on the Japanese side have noticed this too.

Nova from Space Patrol Luluco.

zaShunina's facial expressions are the highlight of this show.

Didn't the authors said they made the ending first?
Wouldn't that make the first half the "wrong" one?

KADO pouches too if you want a softer version to hold your Shindo clones

As far as I know, the author hasn't confirmed it was done for this particular story; it's just his habit with novels.

Nova can't be an actual Kaworu clone though. He's straight.
And it's implied he will meet Luluco again sometime in the future.

He's much more like Nova than Kaworu. Anime Kaworu's character was never about learning how to emote, and manga Kaworu was even more human in a way because he lacked that aura of wisdom and acceptance for what to come that anime Kaworus have

How the fuck this show will end with as a magic shounen battle?! Blunder of the Universe.

He's more like Alcor

He's really losing it and it's depressing

He already did in Kiznaiver. The only good thing in Kiznaiver along with the music.

I want something more legit though, because the design is so cool. Maybe someday.

Someone wasn't paying attention in class
>"A weapon to defeat zaShunina?"
>"No. A tool to negotiate with an anisotropic being."

Origami paper would be the best.

zaShunina's expressions in particular are stellar and his gradual humanisation is honestly one of the best cases of visual character development in years. The way they depicted human emotions blending into an alien is really something.

>fregonics neutralizer turned off zaShunina's fancy laser sword
>resorts to strangling instead, probably while breaking down at the same time
My kokoro is brokoro

in b4 we get CLING CLING CLING

This means that Shindo's mother died in this episode, right?

>Brittany Martel Canada

I don't think anyone except Shindo clones actually died this episode. Absorbed by Kado, yeah, but nothing indicates that zaShunina has started the transformation process, given that he's only absorbed a small chunk of Japan and not the planet.

I bet my wams Shindo dies next episode, Tsukai is pregnant and zaShunina is sealed for the rest of eternity
That or Shindo fucks off to the anisotropic with zaShunina because he has to take responsibility for giving poor aylien feelings

He's experiencing heartbreak, stress, despair etc. all at once and without even knowing what they are, further weighted by his billion year long existence. It's like a non-stop super mindbreak you can't escape.

>there will never be decent lewds of Tsukai god mom mode

Life would've been so much easier if I hadn't faced the truth.

What's wrong with this?

I feel like I missed the part why this is bad? Is it because there isn't a high rate of success? Why can't ZaShunina just replicate the world and then leave to keep trying to make humanity enter the anisotropic?

Did you even watch the episode preview, user?

Vampire landwhales are next.

>my kokoro is brokoro

Low chances of success.

but i wanna go

I was under the impression the clones were never alive to begin with (except the one following zaShunina). Like fleshy statues.

Last episode's preview implied they were making a super laser weapon to defeat zaShunina.
Haven't you learned we can't trust the episode previews at this point?

As amusing as that would be, would the author dare? Are there even non-fujo OnS fans?

>vampire landwhales
You mean the Owari no Seraph fanbase?

The novel writer mentioned zaShunina's character (and maybe perspective) nearly mindbroke him, so I expect mindfucks.

That's why he's just a .5. Anyway, it's a lighthearted joke.

That's why I thought zaShunina was an interesting mix of qualities from manga Kaworu and Q Kaworu. Q Kaworu's placidity and patience (d)evolving into frustration with emotions he doesn't understand, just like manga Kaworu underwent. I'm not saying zaShunina is heavily like any of those characters, just joking that you can look at him as pulling from an array of Kaworu-like qualities.

>Shindo is a manipulative harem mc everyone lusts after
>Tsukai is a naturalist teenage magical girl out of nowhere
>zaShunina is a stock yanhomo

Honestly I can't find it in myself to like any of the main characters anymore.

>except the one following zaShunina
And he got thrown in the Kado wood-chipper

That's the intelligent view on it, user

There's nothing to like about these characters at all anymore except for maybe some pity for zaShunina, but he's acting inconsistent af. It sucks

>zaShunina is a stock yanhomo
I wasn't aware there were enough examples of this for it to be a stock character archetype.
Not that I'd consider zaShunina a standard yanhomo, either. That would imply he's had emotions from the start, rather than his newly-acquired emotions mindbreaking him.

>would the author dare?
Well, he already has Mahiru and Guren. I've seen several people hate her because Mahiru is the reason why Guren would never ever fuck Shinya. No doubt that Yu and Shinoa would cause a bigger shitstorm if it happens though.

Isn't he also the author of the Legend of Legendary Heroes

That went to interesting places as I recall from threads on Sup Forums

Because someone else actually acted to make those harms occur, duh. If a high rise building burns and kills dozens of tenants, do I have no room to say anything if I didn't personally go to inspect the intentionally inferior cladding that caused the fire to be as destructive as it was?

If you're the building's overseer, yes.
Humanity are her tenants.


I've lost count of how many times I've seen the villain having an unhealthy and ambiguously homoerotic obsession with the (male) mc (who almost never reciprocates of course).

>Not that I'd consider zaShunina a standard yanhomo
He sure acts like it now.

>Are there even non-fujo OnS fans?
Yes, we call them smugfags.

Humanity was a mistake.

It's romantic, user.
Or have you never had someone who loves you gently caress your throat?

Bullshit. I suppose, in an extreme cosmic sense, she is ultimately the originator of everything because she set the initial conditions (though there is a question of how deterministic the world is with the introduction of the anisotropic), but she's hardly responsible for the things that occur after that because a) the events that followed were highly unforseeable, even for anisotropic beings and b) she didn't act to directly or even indirectly cause the harm. If a rock you kicked ended up in a lawn and someone's lawnmower picks it up while operating and throws it across the street, killing a little kid in their own lawn, are you culpable? If that proximity doesn't make you culpable, I can't imagine how Tsukai is.

Literally as pure and innocent as freshly-fallen snow
Even back then he was planning to pull humanity into the anisotropic

I don't even know what OnS is about but that made me laugh. Why smug?

Smugfags would be back full force if a hetero end happened. And they would be so, so smug.

Almost wish it happed just to see the shitstorm.