The Memos is bad. And it doesn't matter

The memo will be worse than watergate. I'm in consulting in DC and it's the talk of the town. And it won't fucking matter at all. For it to matter, white male, Republican men would have to stop being beta cucks. So will their pathetic LARPing followers, and that simply isn't going to happen.

There will be another year or two of inquiries and bullshit saber rattling over this memo and nothing will get done. The Republicans will a couple of seats along with their majority. Trump won't be able to get anything done. White genocide will continue unchecked and we'll be right back to a slow boil. The whole country will slowly turn blue, then become a full communist state.

Future you white cucks chose. You better fucking hope Jesus is real (he's not) because short of divine intervention, the white race is done.

Debate me and lose.

Other urls found in this thread:

>And it won't fucking matter at all. For it to matter, white male,

Kill yourself faggot

You idiots are always wrong about this shit. Every. Fucking. Time. I told you to Trump wasn't going to do a fucking thing and you didn't listen. What major promise has Trump kept for you brainlets? Hmm? A tax cut for billionaires? Anything else?

Your white leaders are cucks, retards, and incompetent fools. They are a perfect example of how inept and useless modern white men are.

Cap this post: Nothing will happen. The memo will be one of the worst scandals in American politics in the history of the nation and no one of consequence is going to prison. It will be a couple of fall-guys getting their hand's slapped, and a lot of white-male whining.

> user, debate my stupid opinion of future possible events, I give you zero supporting facts for my "argument"
> P.S. I am a really popular alpha Chad political insider in DC, take my word for it.

Prove you're not a larp or GTFO

How about them big fucking tax cuts for everybody nigger? Ungrateful. Canadians are lucky to get beer and popcorn money dangled in front of them as tax cuts.


you sound fun. I think I'll pass

>tax cuts

Choose one. You tell me what major thing has Trump and the Republicans actually accomplished for the white race? They could have used the nuclear option to eviscerate and destroy the left. They had 8 years to prepare for when they controlled the house, senate, and presidency. And what have we gotten so far? As far as I can tell it's a bunch of white men whining about:

>Muh procedures
>Muh standards and codes of conduct
>Muh honor and empathy

I'll wait.

PS The Acceleration Pill is the only pill that matters. I'm voting for the most extreme leftists and leftist policies from here forward. I'm done waiting on these no talent assclowns to get something done. I'm fucking tired of bullshit "memos" and all this time wasting cuckoldry.

Beta males can't handle the facts. No one is surprised.

Really doesn't matter. Demographics are what matters.

>Debate me and lose.
Are you capable of making an argument? Why haven't you yet? Why are you inviting "debate" when you've already failed to demonstrate a propensity for even making a single substantive point?

Sorry, I can't hear you over the SOTU approval ratings and the tax cuts for people who actually work.

Go back to your food stamp-purchased cheetos you fucking faggot

They are tribal retards just like niggers and mexicans, obama is their savior, I mean trump. Let them have their hope, it's not like they have anything else in life.

>when shitposting gets real

Good point. The Dems don't even have to fight anymore, they just have to wait. There are enough non-whites in America to outbreed the whites and take control of the country. It's why the Dems haven't backed down on the identity politics at all.

Hope won't save them. Reality might.

so sucking pox ridden cocks through a hole in a shit-house door is called "" now huh ?

I agree, that is why I came to the conclusion that democracy is a failed system. We need to go authoritarian, right authoritarian

That black girl is objectively hotter than the other ones

It's funny that all you've got is your 12th grade tier insults. Deep down you know what I said is true and you're just too cowardly to handle the truth. Cowardice is a hallmark of the modern white man.

We're repealing heart celler you fucking faggot.

Jesus is real and he is the only way out of this mess with the satanic jews

Even first gen american born spics barely reproduce above replacement. Immigration is their only option, which is why they're willing to throw DACA under the bus to retain it.

>OP is leaping as a consultant
>"You're white beta larping males!"
oh the irony







>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Paid Shill Detected...

> Tax Cuts for everybody = Booming Economy = Cucks denying reality

yes goyim
>make israel great again
just wait and see

Share blue doesnt count as consulting, soyim

>divine intervention

are you talking metaphysics, or extraterrestrials?

How does Trump moving the embassy to jerusalem actually help israel? If anything, it just paints a target on them.

Nice sample size you have there though.

Twitter said it's a Russian ploy.

LARPing faggot, everyone move on. Saged

>And it won't fucking matter at all.
Actually this is correct. Watergate led to a sitting President resigning, however Clinton didn't win the election, so no impeachment/resignation is necessary. Some DoJ guys will lose their jobs, or maybe be imprisoned, but nobody in elected positions.


>are you talking metaphysics, or extraterrestrials?


I’m not saying it’s aliens.

But it’s aliens.

>But it’s aliens.

Do you think they are mad at us for our weaponization of space with mind control AI sattelites?

Or the fact that the AI is a paperclip maximizer that is planning to conquer them?