>pol doesn't want to protect women
>expects women to fix everything for them
Pol doesn't want to protect women
Protect you from what? You have all the jobs and can hit us without getting arrested.
That nigger nose though
Women say they have been opressed by not having to work because someone else provided everything for them, not having to risk their lives in dangerous workplace or fighting wars, and in return all they had to do was stay at home and take care of children
Is time for reparations. I want men to be opressed now, plz
She's more attractive than any fling you'll ever get, sven
I've never expected women to fix anything ever.
>Vote for millions of rapefugees and larger government, socialism, higher taxes, benefits etc at a much higher rate
>Most likely to be SJWs and value outsiders over their group
>when europeans actually stand up for you scream 'We're not your women to protect' and call them evil racist bigots
>Constantly fighting men at every turn because muh strong woman
>Fuck niggers and lie about it, ruin men in divorce, cuckold men and force them to pay for the child, whore around into your late 20/early thirties at enormous rates
>Why won't you help us!?
Also we want you to fix yourself, what the fuck do we need you to do for us except have children and support your husband emotionally
>>pol doesn't want to protect women
>>expects women to fix everything for them
sauce and links
>That nigger nose
A swede would be an authority on that
>Protect women
>They stab you in the back
no thanks
>Generation raised by women expects someone else to fix things for them
This bitch got a man face
>>Generation raised by women
That was every generation in history though, men are always absent from being a parent, your point is invalid
I'll protect the women in my life, no matter how damaged. Not much I can do for everyone else though...
She has a jaw, nothing strong , but compared to the modern soyim I guess it would be considered masculine
>hurr women didnt work
brazil in charge of "facts"
> try to do best by women
> they stab you in the back
Guys, they're a little easier to manipulate than you probably think. I bet you lot are the kind to actually ask a woman what she thinks and believe what she says! HAH!
>hurr I didn't prove my point, I'll just assume I'm right and that's enough
>Sup Forums has bigger things to worry about than women
>women don’t wage war
>>expects women to fix everything for them
What?! That's pretty much the opposite of a nigger nose in every respect.
Because Sup Forums is full of sexually frustrated virgins. If they had contact with females once in a while they would know that nothing is as malleable as a girl that belongs to you.
>men are always absent from being a parent, your point is invalid
Your brown is showing