Oh my

Oh my

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No wonder shes so fat, you could plop a turd in front of her and she'd slurp it up

Imagine what else could fit in there, dude

you don't need rubber with a loli :^)


Oh my...

Why are these dragons so fat?

Some one draw that

what a lucky crab


Oh my

This scene got me good.



Some big steppys.


>tfw you're about to get eaten by a dragon loli


Kidnap and raise the dragon loli



Do you pronounce loli as looli or ravoli as raviolli?

Can someone reverse this gif

d-did she just swallow whole an entire crab?

Oh my~

What do snails taste like?

O, my

Is she one of these in disguise?


This food seems to annoy her for some reason.

Why am I so disturbed by her sudden huge drop in running speed?

as in Lolita.

Come back, lunch.

Were those nipples added in blu-ray or is that shopped?

I'll save this one for later. Maybe in a few years~


Kanna just the ball.

I want to see her in gym bloomers.

looks shopped


Feeling herself slowly started to slide back and forth, Saikawa groaned before looking around. Was she moving on her own? Feeling the ground beneath her slipping, the brunette soon scowled before eeping as she was sent backward's.
Looking around frantically now, the shrunken girl looked forward before her voice left her. Staring directly in front of her, was Kanna’s throat. She was at the back of her mouth… ‘W-W-Wait… K-Kanna…’ She wouldn’t really, e-eat her… would she…?
Paling as she continued to slide down, for the first time since she had been shrunken, Saikawa let out a scream of fright as she fell downward. Clawing at her tongue, the brunette tried to stay put, but… it was too slimy. “K-K-KANNA?!”
Screaming as she fell all the way back, the shrunken girl felt her grip slipping before her fingers finally came loose. Crying out as she was sent backward, the younger girl screamed as she began to fall down…
‘K-Kanna… w-wait…’ Crying in her throat, Saikawa whimpered as she watched her head beginning to sink past the small opening that made up her throat. This wasn’t accidental… she could feel her friend’s throat all around her, trying to swallow her… she was trying to eat her…
Shuddering, the shrunken human felt conflicted for more than one reason. But… that didn’t stop her as her hands opened on their own. ‘F-For you…’ She’d do anything for Kanna… even be her food… Gulping, the pale-haired Dragon blinked slowly as she felt Saikawa fall down her throat.
Touching the outside of her neck, the indifferent girl hummed. ‘Smooth texture with a salty coating…’ It was strange to eat a human. But, perhaps that was just her Saikawa’s flavor. She did like it though… Lying back on her bed, Kanna shifted around before looking down at her stomach now, curiosity getting the better of her. Did she like it to?


>this kills the crab


Once upon a time we used to say
>panty shots
But every studio falls from grace.

>2.59 MB
You deserve to die

Whoose ball?

Her shadow looks like a sperm.


I pronounce it as Law-li, like in lollipop


Looks better without the close up of the crab.

I want to be a Shota who gets 3way'd by these two

Nice chest cancer you've got there.

the purest.


thanks senpai

You better show some respect if you want to live, else these dragon goddess tits will smother you.




is ANYONE translating it? the further i got was when iruru started lived with them

Reminder Dragon Maid is cheap in the Steam sale if you haven't bought it yet

>buying crunchyshit which doesn't benefit the original creator much at all instead of just importing blu-ray

A chapter got translated and released a few days ago.

>buying anime
>buying anime on steam
How much of a retard do you need to be to do that.

fucking upload this time.

>He never had escargots


I bought Padak on sale just to see what movies on Steam was like. Their video player is pure cancer. Once again, you punish yourself for paying for anime.

anyone has the image of grown kanna?


You need to learn how to set bit rates, user.

there was another which looked like emilia

i've had nightmares like that. trying to get away but each step progressively taking me a shorter distance no matter how much i try to speed up or increase my stride

Why does she have a curvy lower body

I have shit for bandwidth, if I make them too large I can't upload them. These are just $ ffmpeg -b:v 1M which is ok for the results I want. Unless you know a trick to squeezing a little more out of them.


> the results I want
Read global rule six.


>Was kicked out of her realm for pulling pranks
>doesn't pull a single prank for the entirety of the series

Kinda lame desu

I cast you out.

She pulled pranks to get her parents to notice her. With Kobayashi, she has a "mother" who pays attention. There was no need for her to pull pranks.

Makes sense. She wouldn't repeat the same mistake.


just found the one i was looking for

That doesn't seem like the right way to apply sunscreen.

That's Shouta's 'sunscreen'

any link?

Are the BDs done coming out yet? I don't want to bother downloading if it's in parts.

only 4 volumes out of 7

Wrong then.
It's lolita, not looliiita or lowleeta
As in lol and tah lol-i-tah

>thinking cool gets a cut of the blu ray sales

just fly to comiket and buy his independently published porn


that's because she's disguised as a semen dragon.

They were in Full Metal Panic

You pronounce it wrong


I don't get this meme

>Owning anime on a PC video game platform.

Is this Crunchyroll's fault?
Even if it isn't it is