Gainax has been dead for a long time though so you know

Gainax has been dead for a long time though so you know.

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Well this sucks. Both of them are quality studios, which is rare nowadays.

I blame Anno

WERE quality studios, it's not like either one is doing something.

How the mighty have fallen.

Dragon Dentist was good

(((Anno))) won again.

But, user, Khara is working on Eva 3.0+1.0 right now.

Gainax is pretty dead, but Khara drops some projects here and there.


so this means we're not getting 3.0+1.0?

Fucking jew. Leave them alone. ;_;

They were already defunct after Pleiades. So it's not as if this matters.

>owes money and doesn't pay it back
>NUH UH the other dude is at fault guys I swear
Hang your lives.

It's so sad.
Seeing Gainax go down like this is just ironic.

Heard their tomatos are good at least.

This is truly a gainax ending.


Gainax last show was in 2015?!

Holy fuck that's the nail in the coffin, Rest in peace.

How do they exist without making shows?

Based Anno won the lawsuit? Awesome.

They feed off of the nostalgia from fans, but even that power source is now waning.

So does that mean they'll liquidate their remaining IPs and we might get P&SwG 2 by Trigger?

3.0+1.0 is Khara, not Gainax.

Growing tomatoes? I thought that they formally shut down after Pleiades and just had a few guys doing paperwork over there.

They already said in an interview that they are fine with someone else doing PS&G 2.

Inbetweening and tomatoes.

>PS&G 2.
>Trigger announcing new shows on the 2/7.

Hell no. It was agonizing tripe.

>they are fine with someone else doing PS&G 2.
>inb4 they're just IP trolls and the moment it gets made, they sue

This is really sad and depressing if you've ever watched Aoi Honoo/Blue Blazes or know the history of Gainax

Gainax had it coming for not paying their loans.


Did you really not know who was behind the Rebuilds?

>Trigger announcing new shows on the 2/7.

>Top 10 Anime Betrayals

This isn't the 90s anymore. The Gainax full of youthful passion that made Otaku no Video disappeared a long time ago. Clinging to the past is not healthy.

Do they have any debt/loan to Trigger too?

what did you expect

This is why you pay your debts.


Trigger is going to get TTGL and PSG...

>Where's my fucking money, Yamaga?
>We only have tomatoes!

What would they even do with TTGL though

Didn't they already say that they are fine with Trigger doing something with PSG?

Was this part of his plan?

Yeah I knew Gainax had gotten into tax and money legal problems before but I never expected the only people left to be backstabbing assholes who don't pay the money they borrow from their good friends at Khara. I hope Gainax finally dies for good after this.

Hopefully nothing.

When Aoki Uru is ashes, Gainax has his permission to die.

Something is coming and it has been coming since last year.

It's a move to acquire GAINAX and it' properties by Khara

The case will be settled by Khara acquiring shares of GAINAX

Tribuster soon fellow anons

For TTGL? Doubt it.

It's okay, pretty much everyone worth a damn at Gainax either left to go to Khara (Anno) or Trigger at this point

So the moral of the story is don't borrow money you know you won't be able to pay back right?

C3-bu was a great anime

Wow no shit, captain obvious

Imaishi's TTGL successor let's fucking go.

Everything they made after PS&G save Medaka Box S2 was a good show. The already shuttered on actually making anime years ago, so unless something else happens they aren't going to be up and running any time soon.

They will survive and recover right?

Doubt it.

They'll Gainax bounce right back up.

I sure hope this is sarcasm because you do know that they didn't pay because they had no fucking money right? That they took loans to try and fix themselves but because everyone left they could not do anything

It's not, Gainax deserves to die.

Why? Because your dear Anno said so? Because he wants all the rights so he can more effectively jew your money out of you? I have no love for them but getting fucked over because Anno is a greedy fuck is not a thing that should somehow be considered good

Because they borrowed money they knew they couldn't pay back if shit went wrong. They took a gamble and they lost. Closing the studio is the only thing they can do to make up for it.

Who cares?
It's not as if the Gainax anime studio is working on any interesting project right now that hinges upon them having money.

Even if you're that much of a fan, nothing they make sounds or looks like Gainax anymore.

At least this will kill the Gunbuster 3 they intended to make. It would have been an abomination.

This. Hopefully Trigger can make it now.

>Anno is a greedy fuck is not a thing that should somehow be considered good
>borrow money from Anno
>Anno asks for it back
>don't pay up after being asked for it multiple times
>get sued
But Anno is totally just a jew.

GAINAX should make a Patreon or Kickstarter to bail themselves out.

*laugh in success*

>save Medaka Box S2
Fuck off, that was a great anime!

I will wait for them to make a good full length show first. Maybe if they do PS&G2 it can turn out well, as they would be able to just rehash something that already exists and make things easy for themselves.

>I will wait for them to make a good full length show first
Kill la Kill exists sweetie.

I said good show.

I know dear.

>Gainax gets Gainax ending
Something something pottery. Here's to hoping khara will be able to finally make some decent anime after being freed from Gainax and Anno's shadow. Dragon Dentist at least had some pretty Gainax-y setpieces and mechanical design but it wasn't nearly enough

You clearly couldn't read, or else you wouldn't believe that something as thoroughly mediocre as KlK is a good show.

Maybe they can save the rebuild series with 3.0+1.0. Maybe.

So, how many of you losers are actual unironic studiowarriors?

Anno isn't going to leave Khara.

If you don't think Sunrise is the best studio in the industry then you're don't know shit.

You clearly couldn't think, or else you wouldn't believe that something as thoroughly exceptional as KlK is a mediocre show

Disney can beat up Sunrise with a little toe while blind-folded, sucking on a dick and taking a selfie.


Who /kyoani/ here?

Ugly fuck.

>I have no love for them but getting fucked over because Anno is a greedy fuck
Uh, they borrowed the money from him in the first place? How is it weird to ask for it back when it's, according this article, like over 2 years overdue?

Sunrise is the natural ointment for kyoanus diaper rash

He is the main reason they didn't go under the 90's.

>Well shit. Is this how it finally ends?
No, this is how they'll bounce back.
>can't pay debts
>suddenly some inhouse upstart convinces Anno and the other bigwigs to let Gainax use their last tomato money to make a show
>incredibly low budget, cost-cutting is visible everywhere
>yet somehow it's endearing and moves mountains of merch
>run out of money by episode 9, the last four end up becoming the pinnacle of Gainax endings
>merch still flies off shelves, somehow
>promise a movie to fix animation errors and give a proper ending
>get a trilogy deal
>all debts are finally paid off
>highest grossing/acclaimed anime films of the decade
>merch still keeps printing money
>Young upstarts at Gainax finally prove themselves to their seniors at Khara and Trigger
>Gainax is in its heaven, All's right with the world

They are irrelevant tier at this point since they no longer give a shit about animation and only care about acquiring more franchises.

Anno hasn't been part of Gainax for a decade.

If bankruptcy can't kill of Gonzo, I doubt this will.

>diaper rash
Some Sunrise girls are very diaperable.

Somebody would have to be willing to buy up Gainax, though.
And since Gainax practically sold all their IPs and merchandise rights, there's nothing of value left at Gainax.

Frozen > you're favorite anime.

It's more likely that Sunrise would buy TTGL since Sunrise is owned by Bandai Namco and Bandai Namco also makes SRW games which have featured TTGL before. This would open up more opportunities than whatever Trigger could do.

>people are still under the misconception than studios "own" the IPs

Again, someone was willing to rescue Gonzo. Gonzo barely had any IPs that had franchise potentials and yet there's still people willing to give it money, pachinko money and all.