Official Happening Relaxation Thread

This website can get a man down. Post nice things about your country that you love and want to protect. Enjoy the company of your fellow anons for a while before we all go back to the anger and the hatred.

Pic related. God's own country, right on my doorstep. I'd die for my son to be able to walk these hills in peace.

Other urls found in this thread:

BUMP. Come and relax lads.

This thread needs a frikandel speciaal

Get comfy brehs. Calm before the storm

Dig in and get comfy


You just need a big paper cone of Frietjes and mayo with that and you are good.

We should all live like this

Our space industry gives me a huge freedom bone.

good idea, user. I, for one, needed this today.

since this is an image board i'm going to post comfy images of things I like.

starting now.

castlefag or gaydale?


Shame the majority of it is locked away in black projects though.

Bahai Temple Willamette Illinois (Chicagoish)




Machu Pichu




Lel, im gonna apply for cabin crew at the worst company in europe. Being a slave is great!




>no thread theme
You had one job OP.


ahh look at it

yeah its being BTFO by a lone african immigrant...


ultra comfy

Sun is neat desu


Thank you user, that post just makes me feel good for some reason. Great content

i visited home a week ago, it looked like this.








>remember what they stole from us



I like my country's movies, especially the comfy ones


i miss him.

i just want him back.


ge bedoelt curryworst spécial?




Comfy thread




Happening Status: Tension Dissolving



Can I still buy a gun with this kind of firing mechanism? Or are they all ultra-rare relics that cost a fortune?
Does this mechanism have a downside also? Probably should ask /k/, whatever

good thread boys, thank you.

They're not too costly as far as firearms go



You need some grass in your backyard desu.

That's a strange looking bird flying by.

This photo has always looked super fake to me. Idk if im the only one.








Remember murica?

Its still there. And it's comfy.





I loved running through the green grass

