Be honest, Sup Forums. You want your waifu to be a slutty gyaru, if she's not one already

Be honest, Sup Forums. You want your waifu to be a slutty gyaru, if she's not one already.

no, shes pure and thats just the way i love her


>that patch

Gyarus are all virgins desperate for shota cock.

Wrong, I want my waifu to be a pure, smug gyaru.

Gyarus are all nonvirgins that crave pure virgin shota cock*

I want to be a slutty gyaru

slutty gyarus need BBC to be healthy
why would you do this to yourself user?

That only the american ones

If I'm going to be a slut then might as well go all the way, don't you think

I want a pure gyaru gf. Who the fuck wants a slutty hoe?
pic related is what im lookin for

who this?

Did someone say pure gyaru

>You want your waifu to be slutty
No, sorry, I'm not into cuckoldry, my dear

The slut who only loves you.

that series is A+

I want a slutty gyaru to beat my waifu up. Is that weird?

No, not at all. Social darwinism between waifus is permitted in a patriarchal system.

>wanting your waifu hurt
seek help or suicide

>You will never have this

> You want your waifu to be a slutty gyaru

So that I can purify her, once she is pure I'll dump her and go for the next slutty gyaru and repeat the process.

>once she is pure I'll dump her
>discarding something when it is at its best and most valuable

Is this the age of gyaru anime and nukige?

I want her to be a gyaru that dresses slutty but is secretly pure and faithful for maximum gap moe.

Patrician taste

>gap moe
is there a better kind of moe

My waifu is a pure gyaru with the lewdest body.

Only if you don't make the gyaru your new waifu afterwards

>that left foot

That doujin was disappointing

literally 3d in 2d form

Shota > Interracial.

Sorry buddy. She wants a SC.

I want to see a SC have a JC only to have the SC be stolen by a Gyaru for her to watch him submit to bull pussy.

The best slutty is the one that only acts slutty to you.
Every other person in her life she just acts like her normal self. But for you, when you're alone together and the mood is right, she shows a side of her that craves both your love and your body.

>bull pussy

That fucking exists? What?

People refer to the person cucking as the 'bull'. In this case it's a woman and not a man.


This was the hottest fucking doujin in months. I came truckloads to this.
Hopefully Miyabi gives us more of her.

No, but I do want to be fucked by a slutty gyaru

I would fuck Kay

I wanna show Galko my dick.

Literally capitalism

What kind of slutty are we talking
Hotdog down a hallway kind of slutty
Or acting promiscuous on a date but shy in the bedroom kind of slutty

No I want a lovecraftian onee-chan gf


I prefer lovecraftian imoutos myself, but to each his own.


Where can I go on a Friday night to pick up a gyaru and have risky sex?

>Okako's reaction

What is it about garterbelts Sup Forums?

Plain paizuri won't give you an STD

Who knows how many cocks have erupted between her skilled breasts?

th-that's me!

I want an onee lovecraftian horror to tentacle vagina /ss/ me.


Americans should really just be rangebanned

She's leaving them right open. Someone could come up and start fucking her titpussy in no time at all.

How do we design the perfect gyaru?

>you will never get a gyaru that is only slutty for you

death is the only happiness i will ever know


Agemi confirmed for BLACKED

That's exactly what she wants

Seedy back-alley in Shibuya

What is wrong with you people? Being into gyaru fashion doesn't make you a bad person and there's different types of gyaru fashion as well. It's not all the same thing.


>dresses slutty when going out
>wears summer dress while lounging at home
>clings to only you and uses a 357 revolver on anyone else
>carries extra ammo in her cleavage

I don't have a waifu but if i had one it would be someone with self respect like Casca before derping. Slutty waifus are for infra beta cuckolds.


Story time? Yes please.

Everyone here is stupid and cruel. Don't think too much about it

Man fucks gyrau into dere-dere mode




I want her to worship my cock.

That Japanese doesn't even translate right to that English.


Only if you have a shitty waifu. Like Rem.

>I had it and lost it.

just because uo denim draws something doesnt mean its a gyaru

We NEED more sexy megane gyaru characters dammit.

Cinderella Gal 5 when?


Reverse-image searching the page returns five results of the source title you doofus.

The only time reverse-image searching doesn't work is with cropped panels/pages.

Why is America so great?

Reverse image search.
When iqdb fails read the whole page. Now read it again.

Huge boobs

>Or is it Latino?


What in the name of fuck actually is a "gyaru"?
What defines one?

Dyed blonde hair
Skimpy clothing with tacky colors and designs (i.e. Leopard print)
Gold jewelry & accessories
Well endowed figure with tanned skin
Gaudy make-up

Few off the top of my head

And why do you hype it up as "THE HOTTEST SHIT EVER"?

my waifu only wants despair

You have to ask that question to my penis.

it's just the japs trying and failing to pronounce "gal." it's a fashion that copies trashy american sluts on mtv.

She could probably pull it off.

Forget about it then

This was an amazing doujin. Sexy as hell, and a charming story too.

His penis is actually a fine conversationalist. Give it a chance.

I want mai waifu to be slutty for me and she does gyaru fashion. Does that count?