How did a random Australian children's book get an anime?
It wasn't even short either, it went on for 5 seasons and had 65 episodes.
Deltora Quest
Other urls found in this thread:
>Characters travel the world on many adventures similarly to Pokemon and Inuyasha.
>They face puzzle like mind games similarly to Death Note, Spiral and Hunter X Hunter.
>It was too fitting to have also australian singer "Del"ta Goodrem's "In This Life" to be an opening, which also happen to sound very similar to your usual jpop anime theme.
Basically a whole lot of anime tropes and too good an opportunity to waste.
Also don't forget, Dain is a great example of what you'd expect from a bishonen kind of character, even in the books. More anime tropes for you.
Oh, yet more anime tropes, there's even a tournament arc.
>the only way to watch this is through youtube
whats worst is you can't even find the last 13 episodes
It even had a latino dub
Jasmine alone convinced me to watch it. Dem brown pits and thighs.
The monsters are cool and at least something always happen in each episode(which can't be say about anime these days,sadly). Also a good fantasy without isekai.
Do kids still read this series?
I don't even think kids read anything anymore, they just play on ipads now.
good subs when?
Hulu picked it up
Ouch, right in my childhood.
I don't recall Jasmine being dressed like an anime slut.
I had no idea DQ was so popular in Japan.
They only have the dub though last time I checked.
Never ever.
I'm pretty sure I read all of those books as a kid, but I cannot remember a single thing about them.
I remember attempting to read them as a kid but they were shit
The authors children loved anime so she turned down hollywood offers and waited for an anime company (dentsu was it?) to offer up a deal she liked
Living the dream.
To be fair it's basically the best format for the story.
Thanks for reminding me Deltora Quest existed.
Don Quixote is pretty popular in China unsurprisingly, Lu Xun has written similar tales
>we will never have fantasy series without videogame RPG elements inserted hamfistedly in ever again
The Berserk anime is getting a third season.
How did this sexy beast turn out? I used to love these books
They changed his design in the anime but he turned out okay besides the dated CGI.
Good luck finding a decent screenshot though.
I remeber thinking this series was poor even when I read the whole thing as a child.
>Deltora Quest thread
I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, but I still love you guys.
>DQ thread on Sup Forums
I must be dreaming
The second OP still gets stuck in my head.
Was it popular in Japan?
Saw bits and pieces of this show on the hub awhile back. I kind of liked it, it was sort of average but in a good way. It was the kind of show I could see myself as a kid watching it every weekday after school. Reminded me just how comfy fantasy anime used to be. The dub wasn't that bad either.
SOMEONE has to have a link to the full series somewhere.
>tfw didn't finish reading the dragon books or whatever they were
At least the flute books were cool
Maybe BBT has it?
It's on Crunchyroll...
I hope you watched the magic tree house anime too.