Boku no hero thread

Can the league save this arc

I like this arc just fine, but I think some Anons might have to beaten over the head with a concept before they get it

They're are truly the best part of this manga

It's just overhauls group is lame compared to shiggy's

So if invisible girl's Quirk is permanent and she can't switch it off, isn't that kinda difficult to live with? Can she see herself, or does she rely on touching her body in order to clothe herself?

Also, has it been confirmed that you can see her if she's sprayed with something like goo, or graffiti, or paint or cum?

I wonder if her whole family is invisible

>does she rely on touching her body in order to clothe herself?
Not even the blind need to do this

Having sex with Tooru in the dark would be fun. All your senses turned up to 11. For both of you really.

even if i was just a pawn like mustard, i would love to join shiggy

I dunno, I've never tried to dress myself while blindfolded, but I'll try it tomorrow morning.

Sex must be so weird if you both can't see each other. It's like being blind. I wonder if they can see themselves though. If not, getting naked and having sex whilst both being invisible really puts a strain on your senses I think.

You think the person nejire was talking about was the rockguy we saw at the end of the stain arc , people were speculating that he had some relationship with Kiri , maybe they're brothers

I'm new to the series. Is it true there are two OVA's? Are they any good? Can I watch them if I've just caught up with the anime? And where can I find them?

Yes there are two OVAs, no they're not any good, and if you've only caught up with the anime you should just watch the first one.

Could Aizawa stop Tooru's Quirk? I think he needs eye contact, so I wonder if it would even work on an invisible person. Could he activate it just by looking at where her face would be?
I mean, I like the tease but I just wanna know what she looks like!

they're not that good you can ignore them

i believe her quirk is a mutation , so he can't erase it

You are wrong. It's obviously an active power.

What's the mutation? Glass skin/organs? The fact that we can't see food floating around in her stomach says it's light bending around here.

This is how is how think the kirishima flashback :
>Kiri's brother is the Rock monster
>Rock monster dropped out of ua and became a delinquent , Kiri fallow suit
>Crimson riot than show's up and inspires Kiri to become a hero
>Flashback ends and Kiri and fatgum then win there fight

skin that reflects light and it can't be an activation power cause then she would be able to switch it on and off

*skin that bends light

There's a difference.

Sounds like you have incredibly bad taste. The league of villains are retards, Overhaul is a real villain

but overhaul is the only interesting one , all his men are shit

By next year this will be canon

>alot of toga's dialog can be interpreted as foreshadowing

>her motives can be twisted for evil

> she decided to turn off her feelings for deku

>she's only fought toga(the crazy girl that i can see attacking her allies)

>they been emphasizing her like she was gonna have a big role in this arc but so far it looks like she not even getting a fight

>the information for the raid was leaked

>she the only possible suspect because it has to be someone from the camp arc and it can't be eraserhead or deku, kiri saved bakugo, and tsuyu was almost killed by shiggy
ochako the traitor there's no denying it

Please tell me Deku gets a costume change later on. The bunny ears trying to resemble All Might just look terrible. He looked alright when Baku burned half his mask off and we get to see Deku's face but dear god please let Deku have a better hero costume in the future.

Ochaco knew about the Bakugou rescue, though. And "Only fought Toga" seems like it means nothing.

Plus she was the reason Iida was able to get the heroes at USJ.

Why is it called "My Hero Academia"? If it's like a reference to Deku's time learning how to be a Hero, sure, but then call it "My Hero Academics" or "My Hero Academic Career", or "My Struggle to Become a Superhero" or even "My Little Deku can't be This Heroic". Is Academia even a word, or does it just sound cool to the Japanese? Same as that Witch Academia thing, it just sounds ridiculous.
Don't get me wrong, I love the series, but the title's just kinda weird.

the environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education, and scholarship.
"he spent his working life in academia"

but togata is mirio

>Plus she was the reason Iida was able to get the heroes at USJ.
everybody helped out during usj , her part was distracting blackmist and if she refuse it would look suspicious
>Ochaco knew about the Bakugou rescue
ether she didn't want to tell shiggy cause she had mix feelings about deku going there or she did tell shiggy and thats why deku's group ended up in the nomu facility that AFO was guarding

>"My Struggle to Become a Superhero"
Well with the international success of the series in Western countries I doubt that would work because My Struggle would translate to Mein Kampf in German and that might cause some shit

Her part against Blackmist was grabbing onto him and floating him so Iida could escape. All she would have to do is miss, or not get there in time, and bam, Iida gets teleported and All Might never shows up.

someone have a non ant version of this image?

bad translation , she was talking about a student that dropped out

>The traitor keeps fucking up their plans and helping the heroes but its totally okay the big bad villains don't care

Yeah mate, I did Google it before posting. Still doesn't make sense. I study Literature at University and if I were to write an autobiography I definitely wouldn't call it "My Literature Academia". I think it's just a case of a manga getting extremely (and rightfully so) popular and now they can't change the name. Just like how Bleach doesn't make any fucking sense at all as a title other than that the MC said he'd never bleach his hair.

So, what is the deal with shiggy's hands?

she was fallowing a plan , simply touch and throw blackmist upward , if she threw blackmist toward ilda or walk at a snails pace then would defenently suspect her

one is from his dad the others are decarative i suppose

it would only be once and at a moment she didn't have a choice

She was supposed to be a scared child, user. She could have did what Mina did but she actively helped in letting Iida get to the heroes.

There nothing to suspect then anyway.

Mustard did nothing wrong.

She had a choice. No one was expecting her to do anything there.

Cool, weird, original and creepy design. I doubt there's more to it. If you ask me, there's to many hands there. He also comes across as an autist reminiscent of L from Death Note except he scratches himself to bleeding point when frustrated/horny.

He does get a suit upgrade, yes. The hood is there I think but he doesnt wear it anymore.

it would still look odd for her to completely do nothing when blackmist was fully distracted , and maybe she felt like someone else could do her part and she would be risking her cover by doing nothing

Can't wait

There was more risk in letting Iida get to the heroes. They could have all died/been captured at the end.

She literally jumped up from her spot to do this. Her and Mina were watching over Thirteen. There was no need for her to jump in. None of the other students expected her to do anything.

Does Mt.lady have the best ass in anime and manga , who can even compete

That's not Mei.


Are you talking BnH or in general? Because Mishiro, the executive officer has a better ass.

rapists have an unfair advantage

So does serial killer.

>win there fight
What would happen if they've lost?

she was so bad ass before becoming spagueti, im also not happy whit her avoiding deku phase

Hori could flash back to this to make ether a heat of the moment sorta thing or that she felt that escaping wasn't as big of a risk , that ilda wouldn't make it in time



Post more toga

Touch under your chin. It's the same concept. Body awareness is a basic human sense

sorry but thats fucking stupid. She can be a traitor and fuck up that badly with no consequence? What is the point, then?





What's this chicken scratch?


What is that page implying? Did Kirishima's bro become a delinquent and had to be defeated by Mirio? And Mirio rekt the guy so bad he was barely able to stand after that?



Traitor reveals usually have moments like this , all signs are pointing to it being a student in this current mission and ochako seems more believable then the other options

rock monster is sadrock's dad

he's in the middle of nowhere and naked because he can talk to animals

notice how rockdad is the only father besides Deku that we haven't seen in the series. His flashback only showed his mama praising him for passing the exam.


About to sleep so I made a quick shitty edit.

I just now noticed that the other two have black dots, but still wanted to share.

It's just a fancy way to say "My Hero School", there's no need to think too hard about it. Academia is also a broader term and could still fit the series if for some reason it got a timeskip and focused on Deku going to college or something.

>all signs are pointing to it being a student
I would argue signs point to it not being a student.


I want to cum inside Amajiki!!

Tooru or Jirou seem more believable, since they were both uninvolved with Iida's escape and unconscious when it came time to rescue Bakugou.

Can he give himself a human womb?

What is this?
A league for ants?

Would you date her?

maybe if he eats pussy

>bakugou mom
exelent taste

From the local drawfags user be nice to them.

>Implying it isn't Tokoyami


>The league of villains are retards

that's what makes them so interesting.

overhaul being a competent villian means he wants leave undetected and this arc can be filled with the heroes fighting fodder.

What can he do if he eats my cum?

Maybe if she could stop pooping in public

Sero please don't bully my waifu.


If he eats human then yeah, though I wonder if it can be a male or female or does it have to be a female in order to get a womb/vagina as I presume it is not necessary to eat certain gendered animals to get their reproductive organs.


>Deku copying AM

How have not gotten a scene or even fanart of toga stalking deku from a distance


todoroki is copying aizawa but he is looks at all migth

She is not that type of stalker.

Toga and ochako are parallels to each other so if one betrays the heroes than the other will betray the villains