how can I painlessly kill myself Sup Forums, ive wanted nothing more than to be hit by a nuke for the past year and its just taking too long.
How can I painlessly kill myself Sup Forums...
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please dont. I love you.
Also, my friend shot himself in the head. He didnt even die right away. His girlfriend had to hold his skull together while waiting for 911 to come. Then he was alive for like a week after in a coma. His parents had to come and look at him like that. Then his condition declined and he died.
You can have a simple meaningless existence and enjoy being alive. You dont even need the big job and wife and kids and all that shit. Move somewhere else, do something different. Go outside your house.
Livestream your death takes the pain away™
here ya go, this should help you.
click it.
go someplace that gets butt ass cold and get drunk then fall asleep in the cold
Lexi Belle
this. hang in there OP. enjoy happenings and election salt. watch some anime, enjoy vidya, partake in NEET joys.
Handcuff yourself to the bottom of a pool.
Suicide is the coward's way out. Life is a gift. But if you insist, run your car engine in a closed garage and take a nap.
OP, just imagine all of the happenings you'll miss if you're gone.
Don't end your one opportunity at life, enjoy the absolute hell out of it, even when it doesn't want you to.
heroin OP, drugs is the best way out, you can have fun in the process. I'm gonna OD later this year and it will be great, already had a friend who
accidentally OD'd and he was in heaven and stopped breathing, if he wasn't slapped out of it, well he'd literally be in heaven. it's nice to leave a
pretty corpse too.
You ain't gonna kill your self pussy and the only reason you made this thread is because you want posters to convince you not to do something you were never going to do.
At least read the memo first.
Also don't kill yourself. Get some anti-depressants and change your scenery. You'll be fine. Alternatively, commit suicide by walking away from your life and starting a new one somewhere else. Why stay stuck where you are?
Some guy on /biz/ said the best way is to shoot yourself in the head while you are chest deep in a lake.
Grow a garden
Any wus can kill themselves, it takes a real mana or woman 2 face life and climb above the nonsense
or pic related
>Do drugs
>Leave a pretty corpse
I'm pretty sure these two things are mutually exclusive.
some helpful numbers
helpful instructions
more detailed diagram, if that one isn't clear enough
1. lift weights
2. Eat good stuff
3.stretch your spine (yoga)
4. Comfy sleeps
5. No porn
6. No TV
7. 3-6 months Sup Forums free
And you're alive!
that's if you do drugs all the time, anyway you're gonna want to be experienced
and have your tolerance completely dropped before attempting OD, unless you
If you're broke open a credit card and buy a trip to Peru and do an ayuhasca retreat first. Nothing to lose if you end up still depressed and if you still want to croak it'll be easier finding a way to do it there.
I attempted suicide twice in my mid 20s. At 30 life has actually gotten good in ways I couldn't have imagined 4 years ago (gf, great job, no depression, etc). I recommend sticking it out and see what happens.
don't fucking do it you pussy. are you really just going to take the easy way out? why not just live life out? you never know what could happen. go outside, meet people, or just stay inside and browse the fucking web all day if it makes you happy. life is short anyways, you might as well make the most of your situation. if you are feeling extremely depressed go see a doctor and get some drugs, at least they will make you feel good. don't let people tell you drugs are degenerate, it's not as degenerate as offing yourself. seriously, there are people out there that will talk to you. i'm sure people in your life love you and will miss you. and don't listen to the faggots in here encouraging you to do it. they are just sociopaths who probably masturbate to pics of other dudes dicks. go see a doctor and then get a gym membership. you will start feeling better within 2 weeks.
I can vouch for steps 1 and 2. Started working out and have never felt better. Step 7 is the goal. I just can't stay away from this shit hole.
>lol just do stuff :^)
no one understands depression here, it seems
N2O or heroin like the other user said, also go do some wild shit, might as well before you off yourself
You'll miss a lot of fun stuff bud :/
The only thing keeping me alive is the fear that whatever comes next could somehow be worse than it is here
Get in the way of the Clintons.
I second this, I was in absolute suicidal hell a year ago and I could've never imagined how well things can turn out. It's not worth it
what can I start spamming on social media to put me atop their list? in the very least I can do something to help the truth come out
The key is to have things to do besides Sup Forums. If you're not doing productive things to further yourself, you're going to revert to easy dopamine picks like porn, vidya, and Sup Forums. I come here every day, but never more than a few minutes during down time.
I feel bad for the Anglos. The Jews have created a society of absolute immoralism and consumerism. Life here is chill and fun, coffee with friends under the winter sun and good food with the family.
gunshot through mouth aimed at back of head on roughly 45 degree angle, kill the brainstem, die. Higher calibre = quicker, less painful death.
Here I am in the Islamic State of England where there are no guns and I've been struggling with this one for a while, I tried to hang myself a couple of times but it's not as easy as advertised, the will to survive is strong in one's last moments. My only choice is exit bag (if you can get the helium and seal your bag you're on to a winner) but even this is not that easy and there are risks. If you're discovered or don't die you're a vegetable burden. Thus us bongs must jump from something high. I'm about to jump off the Tyne bridge in Newcastle. I would live stream but I don't even have a phone and even this method is hard. I've been the wrong side of the railing before and the people I care about flashed before my eyes and I could feel a real tug on my heart, literally felt like they were pulling me back physically. It's tough user.
If you're gonna do it then do it, for those who will have to clean you up, take some id and any relevant information. I've left a very simple note for my brother which contains last wishes (pauper's funeral). I haven't written anything with reasons etc. because frankly who cares? You're dead. No-one cares what you think, unless you created some great work no-one gives a fuck what you think or thought. If you can offer any utility then do so. I've also left passwords for my online accounts such as email should he wish to get some closure or the police need access etc.
Don't be a little bitch. I'm not encouraging suicide, but if you're gonna do it then do it, don't bitch to anyone who will listen and ruin their day.
I tried anons. Working towards law degree whilst working bar job. Lost my previous job because an indian manager said I was a racist. The "ill-health retirement" took more than 12 months. tbc AM
Sup Forums is the worst boards. Sup Forums is so dead. If anything we should tell op to livestream it. Fuck
>how can I painlessly kill myself Sup Forums
eat bacon cheese-burgers and milkshakes every day.
It's not worth it. I've been told by suicidal people before that their life is not worth living because there was no meaning to it. After talking to them I discovered that they needed something in life to feel fulfilled, unlike a lot of humans who already has a sense of fulfillment. I suggest finding something you like to do, don't have anything you like to do? No problem, start with simple stuff. Try things you haven't or normally wouldn't do like cooking a nice meal, going out for jogs, playing tennis, creating something from a videogame you enjoyed. Once you find that thing, work with it. You'll have a purpose, "Because I like doing this". Need someone to talk to? I suggest just deleting your post here on Sup Forums, only negative things will come out of it, and then google nearby clubs. Sounds goofy but you may meet someone you really like and get along with. If you're nervous around new people, maybe try something with lots of people so you don't feel pressured to talk as much. Life is nothing but opportunities, you just have to find which aspect of life you enjoy the most and strive for it.
I believe in you bud.
1: Travel to a state with the death penalty
2: Murder as many niggers as you can
3: Surrender peacefully to law enforcement
4: Plead guilty immediately
5: Waive right to appeal
6: Demand immediate execution
7: Laws ensure state kills you painlessly
8: Profit
>create more gun laws
I refuse
I mean, there are plenty of people who have already answered his question on how to do it. I don't think it's too far out to believe that there's something that user would be willing to live for. My depression only got worse until I found things to keep my mind pre-occupied.
Use a knife then, faggot
Hedging your life on the memo is a surefire way to want to kys. You guys know its going to be literally nothing again, right?
>I believe in you bud.
same here. #logang #litlife #beamaverick
At this point I don't spamming social media will get you there. But dedicating your life to finding out who killed any number of their victims might. Seth Rich maybe.