CNN is Shilling hard, this feels like 1984 fuck,
Holy Fucking Shit Fuck CNN #releasethememo
Other urls found in this thread:
>MFW it doesn’t matter what happens, because as mueller wraps up his investigation trump and co. Will be so fucked it’s not even funny
Play with vlad, and you’re gonna get had, what a chump this trump
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Was born in 84, can confirm the feels.
You just posted that exact thing elsewhere on this board
>He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
This was posted in another thread. Crying into your pillow tonight shill?
>He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
He's viewed the memo, have any of us, or any of you shills? No? Then where the fuck are you coming up with this shit?
Imagine if you will, a network's entire year of "news" and narratives being debunked with one four page memo.
Hes a zealous trumpdaddy worshipper.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
>all these retards spamming this meme thinking they're clever for thinking of it
I've seen it all over twitter.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
PizzaGate is next and we will Holocaust you kikes
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!!
Psychopaths don't understand irony, humor or justice. They just use normies emotions to control them.
It's like a boyfriend who harasses his girlfriend on the premise that he thinks shes cheating on him, when in reality, he's been cheating on her, and is accusing her because he wants her on the defensive instead of him. Dems colluded with Russia, and using the media they are trying to get the public to react as if Trump is petty for accusing them of doing what they believe he did.
The worst part about CNN's propaganda is that it works. It's crystal clear to everyone on Sup Forums, but millions of normal people genuinely don't see the bias.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Did you ever think that thwe jews accidentally "memed" the holocaust into an inevitability? Like, it didn't happen, but they fucked with memetic magic, and now it will.
>1 post by this ID
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Yes this exactly. The Holocaust hasn't happened YET, but it will. The Jews have literally been memeing it into existence for the past 80 years.
Rogue sub fires missile at Hawaii.
Sub killed, Alaska quakes.
Traitors hang.
I'm ready for the intense jeering at people still so gullible and low iq they don't question the total bias in that headline.
What could you possibly imagine is even in the memo?
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Honestly, the lefts non-stop anti-Russia propaganda is really interesting to watch. It will be fun to see the blowback they receive over the next few years.
Shareblue is working overtime, these poor folk are on suicide watch. Hi guys!
They don't have a few years.
So many bots
>obstruction charge
Now everyone is a internet lawyer. lol. Libtards.
>If i say it enough the legal system will recognize it and dumph is finished! Huzzah!
Thanks for the support.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
They really are in total panic
They're memeing hard against russia now so when russia really does make a move and the right tries to call it, everyone will be deaf with "cry wolf" syndrome and the left can laugh as bolsheviks take actual american clay.
And yet, the only ones who are actually terrified of the memo's contents being made public are people like Pelosi.
After the first few, it is not even bots; just Sup Forums trolls shitposting again and again
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Thanks bud, all Trump needs is more accelerationism.
These few days of memo anticipation are like a year in terms of media hysteria and acceleration, much obliged.
Chug chug chugging bullshit out extremely fast.
exact same thing copy pasted by 4-5 id
Aren't there old newspaper clippings about supposedly 6mil Jews exiled out of Russia before the Bolsheviks took over? I know someone has a pic here
This is CNN:
Born in 91, can confirm.
Its true, the memo is a giant distraction. People are chomping at the bit for something that as of right now is pure rumor.
How can you even be that enthusiastic for something you cant even prove exists?
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
>he hopes will undermine
WHy are they all still pretending the dossier has legs?
It will never end. The Cold War is a 100yr old cash cow.
Reminder to vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020 (not that Drumpf will still be in office by then LOL).
If you just switched the gender, it would be more relateable because using a real life example it's more authentic
Nice shop. this was in the fire and fury liberal Bible.
Does anyone find it weird that everything is being discussed around the implications of the memo, yet no one seems to be able to just turn around and say
>release the memo. If its substantiated and true, then use its information appropriately
Are we all being played by media hysteria here?
Holy fucking shit dude
If it doesn't come out tomorrow, yeah.
but seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes!
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Shills are out in full fucking force trying to enact damage control.
I mean this is going to expose their whole side for the utter trash they are, what do they have to lose at this point
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Maybe not the same pic you mentioned but this shows they've been pushing the Holocaust narrative since the mid 1800s.
Remain calm, OP. CNN's hysteria can only be a good sign.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
No shit, it's like they're bringing the pre-election A-team out of retirement
Fuck boys, we must be getting close to something big. Shills out in FULL FORCE tonight.
Day of the rope approaches..........
I don't think they colluded with Russia as much as willfully used Russian disinformation and propaganda to justify spying.
>Release memo detailing shitlib Jews in the FBI creating a treasonous probe based on a DNC paid for dossier
I'm sorry he obstructed your coup attempt by exposing it. It sends a chill down my spine lmao.
Please stop making these memo posts, they do not make sense and are boring and very mind-numbing. I am so sorry but I must get some rest now.
Oh boy, waiting on nothing. You guys can't seriously be staying awake to read this stuff can you? It's nothing. Go to bed or something. I'm tired, going to sleep now.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Who cares about this mumbo jumbo. Nothing will happen, you can make sure of that. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.
Looks like nothing. I am going to sleep now.
just wait til next month when you and all of your sub-$24k/ year friends get 100% tax cuts.
bet you'll really love him then ;)
I am so sorry but this was a total nothing. I am going to sleep now. Let's all hit the hay.
I can assure you it's a whole big bunch of nothingitis. It's getting late now, probably a good idea to get some rest for now. I'm just gonna go to sleep now and call it a night.
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
He's genius enough to actually sign the memo release, giving Mueller an autograph of his obstruction charge. LOL! I love this guy!
Yeah, this is literally nothing - a big, old fashioned nothingburger. I think we should all go to bed.
>>President Trump’s speech on Tuesday drew about two million fewer television viewers than President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address, but nearly 26 million more than
the Grammys.
2 Million snowflakes I like those odds.
Reminder not to give shills (you)s they get incentives for replies.
Shillbots on overdrive!
Last time there was this level of synchronized shilling by the media it was them saying Hillary was in perfect health then she had a seizure on national TV.
Actually when you count the online streams it was more
>Rogue sub fires missile at Hawaii.
>Sub killed, Alaska quakes.
>Traitors hang.
You forgot the “meteorite” that week.
>I don't think they colluded with Russia as much as willfully used Russian disinformation and propaganda to justify spying.
Like Bush/Cheney did after 9-11
Ha ha. He is smart enough to sign the thing. Giving that guy evidence of bad doing. Ha. I am infatuated with him
No one abused executive power to spy on the trump campaign. It's a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear the Russia investigation.
Both Hilary and Obama had illegal secret email servers, Hilary emailed Obama from Russia, so it's impossible to deny that he knew about her server, was doing the same thing, and tried to cover it up while trying to ursurp the president and the Republic
They are shilling = they are terrified. Kek will rain chaos when memo revealed
How many times have you posted this already? Vary it up for fucks sake. Or are you all posting the same sentences at shariablue?
Good to know
I think we need to bring calm before the storm back?
Hey that's me!
The memo doesn't even matter any more. Now that a claim has been made that the memo has been tampered with at some point, if there's anything in it that hurts dems everyone's just going to claim that the memo has been altered even if it is in fact the original. The damage has already been done, the doubt has already been put into the people's minds.
If this story is real, then it's really fucking bad -civil war, dissolution of the Union bad. It's so fucking apparent that the Obama DOJ and FBI conspired with the Clinton's to ensure that she would not be prosecuted for highly illegal crimes with respect to her secret email server where she trafficked FUCKING top secret SCI intelligence memos and every FUCKING foreign nation had access to this server, AND then the same people conspired to remove a sitting president from office via fraudulent materials created by the DNC with the help the FBI and I need to go on. If it were a Republican president, I would be saying the same thing.