What the fuck did he mean by this?
Comey tweets
He means it won’t be long until Trump is arrested and in prison
> casual Comey smiling his way through retirement
> I live in the forest now guys!
He means that this is bigger than the FBI. He means that the jews are fucked.
He means the FBI is corrupt.
hell hath no fury like a little bitch thats scorned...ha ha
joe mccarthy did nothing wrong.
literally no one outside of Sup Forums is talking about this memo faggot. look at cnn, look at cbs, look at nbc. literally no one cares.
stop the presses...a crazy sole republican fanfic about an insane conspiracy theory taking place inside the fbi omg its the end of the world
I like his pic related tweet.
Oh so Comey is confirming that he's a filthy America hating faggot then? McCarthy did absolutely nothing wrong and the fact that he is trashed in such ways means he ultimately lost his battle.
Comey is on Trump's side moron.
No he doesn’t. He’s referring specifically to the Trump administration and its enablers like Devin Nunes. Wouldn’t be supposed to find out he’s been taking Russian money too.
Unironically this, I asked my normies friends if they’ve heard anything about and they assumed it had something to do with evidence of trump-russia collision so I said fuck it not worth explaining when it’ll probably be a nothingburger anyway
Is he saying going after communism is wrong? Fuck this dude.
Drumpf is finished bucko
he means the commies in the government have removed joe mccarthy from history
McCarthy was a hero. This guy needs to burn.
>Joe McCarthy
This is amazing since the left (communists) attacked him for being a crazed conspiracy nut seeing russian spies everywhere.
Now they love him?
But..McCarthy was right
McCarthy was an American hero. Fuck this subversive rat.
t. shareblue soy nigger
I was listening to NPR on the way home from work an hour ago and they were talking about it. They even brought in some ex CIA guy to discuss it
shareblue shill
they posted the same shit in another thread.
he means that just like joe mcCARTHY who was accused everyone of being a russian commie, so will Hillary and her ilk be considered in the future for their unfounded accusations of Russia "collusion"
Comey is now a self admitted Communist.
McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Him and his deep state kike bankers will fucking hang. He's completely desperate.
See that checkmark?
Lmao the Onion showing up with the bantz again!
reddit told me joe mccarthy was right about everything tho
I will never understand how snakes like him and the rest of the Democratic/controlled op Republicans and say shit like this and believe it. I don't understand how they think anyone outside of the gullible, idiotic Democratic voter base will believe it either.
They have texts from Strozk PROVING that senior officials are acting on their biases and they still think we'll believe anything they say.
Day of the fucking rope can't come soon enough.
Wasn't McCarthy hunting Russian connections that he couldn't find? What possible parallel could there be to contemperary times?
he means hes going to prison for sweeping hsbc's money laundering under the rug.
I dunno what's more depressing. that the onion doesnt even have to try anymore.
or that we're so deep in this now as a country that I had to read it twice to understand the joke.
He's a faggot. I'd like to step on his throat.
Comey is a dirty fucking rat, he may have flipped, but hes a dirty rat.
He should of told Roy Cohn to fuck off.
>implying mcarthy did anything wrong
Comey is a fucking sperg like Qanon, posting cryptic shit like nostrodamus.
I hope Trump doesn't pardob him. Obama is keeping his mouth shut wisely
Joe McCarthy was right tho.
The fuck?
Yet everyone I know has heard of it faggot!
>literally no one outside Sup Forums is taking about it.
>is responding to a comment responding to the former FBI director talking about it.
Is Comey secretly /ourguy/?!
I know right? Maybe he really was fbi user
1) Trump has a bunch of stuff with his name on it
2) Is this not going to interfere with any kind of court proceedings etc? Presenting this kind of bias?
Comey literally just admitted he is working for commies (far leftists) to bring down the USA. Holy fuck is this a real tweet? Do you ppl realize what he just admitted?
His tweets always reek of sanctimonious desperation.
Comey is trying to salvage what he can of his reputation now that it's in the shitter.
After the memo is released the world will know of his corrupt organization.
This whole time!
Comey is such a fucking faggot holy shit. Can someone arrest him for being a melodramatic dork that writes like a middleschooler going through their anime phase?
Keep dreaming faggot.
>couldn't find
He accused over 100 government employees of communist ties and was right about every single accusation. He was murdered for his exposure and his name dragged through the mud of history by communists in the news media and academia.